Friday, August 28, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Cameron County Pct. 4 constables caught up with Viro Cardenas Friday and served him with the summons to a hearing in family court to face an arrearage enforcement action by the Texas Attorney General seeking to have him pay up on a $53,000 child support debt. The hearing is scheduled to be heard on October 23, 11 days before the Nov. 3 election for trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District. Cardenas is running for trustee in Place 3 and faces incumbent Phil Cowen and challengers Argelia Miller and Jessica G. Gonzalez for the four-year term.

When the constables ran his name in the Texas Department of Public Safety data files, it turned out that he had a warrant for Failure To Appear (FTA) on a charge he had used fictitious license plates years ago. Despite the FTA, which usually means no bond can be issued, County Court-at-Law #1 Judge Arturo McDonald released him on personal recognizance overriding the objections of the Cameron County District Attorney's Office and citing the danger of COVID-19 infection at Rucker-Carrizales facility in Olmito.)   


Anonymous said...

drue, don't be next!!! You already disappointed me SO MUCH!

Anonymous said...

Juan, check on El Jerry's backing of racist Trump. He writes about him every day, bro. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry wrote this today - Trump hails himself as if he were the reincarnation of George Washington on the cusp of creating a newer and greater America.

Anonymous said...

Ready to serve.

Anonymous said...

How the fuck did this piece of shit bond out so quickly did his buddy erasmo have Frankie ask cornejo to pull some strings ? Unbelievable this guy is bum that does not contribute anything to society

Anonymous said...

"After 6 p.m., approximately 14 police vehicles surrounded the scene of the shooting."
These wyett burps are just itching to get on the national news and there is one has has notches on his pistola.


Anonymous said...

Did Miguel Salinas bail out Viro? BISD Lawyer needs to be replaced come Nov. 5th. Miguel Salinas the BISD Lawyer for pay to help cover for BISD Administrators that get in trouble. Those that know will pay extra under the table to get bailed out if they are in trouble in BISD. The Human Resources Department is a cesspool. The District has a lot of Viros that get in trouble but if they pay Miguel Salinas they get what they want. Montoya please do your digging on Miguel Salinas the BISD con man lawyer. Is Salinas related to the Lucio clan?

Anonymous said...

replace those pieces of shit not, why wait till November?

Anonymous said...

Viro is or was a close friend of McHale's wife. Who knows what that means?

Anonymous said...

Why does McHale post your posts Juan? His blog is your posts, about Trump and once in a while about his pathetic life. You ok with that, Juan? It’s like a kid in school copying from the smart kid in class.

Anonymous said...

Erasmus Castro you are not handsome. Get over yourself! You are a criminal. Regardless if it was "just a DWI" as you claim. Still a criminal. What about you "situation in Mexico?" You like little boys. Frankie Olivo like to stalk and harass people. He's time us up at work. Addobbati will hand him the pink slip. Elizondo come on...wake up. You are done. You have 2 cases pending. Let's see if your with Cindy submits absence requests for the days that she will be in court with you. Viro Cardenas time to just throw in the towel. Attorney General office and the Judge will make a sample out of you. " You are a Deadbeat Dad".
Marisa Leal..dear you don't belong. You had a chance. But you ruined it when you joined this state. You are burned. Estes quemada!! Your husband is coaching you. And we know he has ties with AOBE.
We know that S. Atkinson did wrong. She will get her day in court. And when she's found guilty.. well guess what?? She will be a criminal like you all and you guys can all go have a drink together. And conspire together!

Anonymous said...

QAnon adherents baselessly claim that the world is controlled by a cabal of satanic, pedophiliac Democrats and wealthy Hollywood socialites who run a global sex trafficking ring and feed on the blood of abused children. They claim that President Donald Trump is engaged in a secret battle against the satanists and their so-called deep state supporters in government. QAnon rhetoric is steeped in anti-Semitism and threats of violence, and the FBI has warned it poses a domestic terrorism threat.

Anonymous said...

You all have no idea how BISD is run from the glass palace. There should be an audit from A-Z with the vendors for one? Especially that insurance deal that gets kicked around a bit and always goes to the same firm. I’m talking about the healthcare side and the prescription side. I hear there’s a county commissioner that’s a consultant on the healthcare side. See voters there’s always someone on the tit. And that’s just one account yet one of the biggest. So big that the firm split the healthcare side and the prescription side to get paid on both ends. You have no idea emplyees/voters. Every time you fill your prescription the firm get a cut. People have been getting super rich on our dime controlling pulling strings lying from their liars chair. AUDIT TRAIL.

We need true leadership not hidden ventures at our expense!

Anonymous said...

McHale kissing your ass Juan with post of you being blogger of the year. El vato is desperate. Next thing you know he’ll be kissing Bobby’s ass! Screw McHale.

Anonymous said...

My question is why is this jackass running. What does he do other than freeload??

Anonymous said...

On the September 1, 2020 BISD school board agenda there is an item to consider, review, and/or terminate the BISD board attorney. Could things be in motion prior to the board election? Does the sitting board assume that Daniella Lopez Valdez will defeat Erasmo Castro? Is attorney Miguel "Mike" Saldana making a comeback? Miguel Saldana is Daniella Lopez Valdez's uncle. Daniella's mother and Miguel Saldana's wife are sisters. Saldana had been the board legal counsel as a solo attorney and as part of Walsh Anderson, now known as Walsh Gallegos. Could Saldana be lining up for Baltazar Salazar's contract work for the board? When Daniella goes to observe the board meetings, most of the current board members go out of their way to introduce her to everyone present while ignoring the other board candidates at the meeting. Even the superintendent and high ranking administrators make it a point to say hello to Daniela and disregard the other board candidates at the meetings. Did Daniella get the famous "dedazo" as they say in Mexican politics has the chosen one to defeat Erasmo Castro and take a seat on the board like her father Joey Lopez?

Anonymous said...

Is there a gringo cat fight on this blog?

Anonymous said...

Just throwing it out there... Do you think Marisa's family by marriage. The Gallegos. Yes Dr. Gallegos, Ruben Gallegos and Dr. Norma Linda Gallegos approve of there cousin's wife running with this corrupt slate? Castro,Olivo, Elizondo, Cardenas.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 County Commissioner?

Former RGV LEO said...

No wonder there is always corruption in the BISD! When will you people learn! Don't vote that democRAT shit! Or at least, vote for the person YOU know that will represent the taxpayer & student!
President Trump in November!

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Sylvia Atkinson has a slate of chosen candidates? Could Denise Garza, who was known as Denise Mujica when she was married to a well respected CBP officer be one of Sylvia's candidates? The connection between Sylvia and Denise is there. Denise was a special services clerk while working at BISD and is very close friends with another former special services clerk who now is a campus clerk who works with monies for fundraisers with school clubs and organizations. This campus clerk formerly from special services seems to be related to Prisci Roca Tipton. Could this person be Prisci' sister or cousin? As it has been alleged many times by others, Prisci follows Sylvia's orders and does her bidding. Could have Prisci recruited Denise to run on Sylvia's orders with promises of financial support for her campaign just like Prisci received? If Denise is elected, will she be Sylvia's girl on the board and follow her orders? If Sylvia ends up behind bars, will she become the drug cartel or mafia head who calls the shots at BISD from behind prison walls and manipulates Denise? Denise had Sylvia as a Facebook friend, but recently unfriended her. Could Denise be trying to distance herself from Sylvia? Where is Denise getting the funds to pay for her campaign signs? She still works as a special education department clerk in San Benito CISD.

Anonymous said...

@731, will Miguel Salinas, the HR Layer leave too? Some say that he is not a lawyer but just an HR Specialist. Everyone knows that this guy cuts deals with under the table. Baltazar Salazar is also related to Salinas. Also someone should look at all the PPE vendors. Insurance Dept is a gold mine. The previous Admin, Miceala Escobar was said to be related to the Eder Hernandez Dr. All of a sudden, Eder got all the screenings deals. No other Clinic had a chance. So it does not surprise tax payers there is still a link there and now with City Commissioners. Now, where is Escobar in BISD? It's all politics. Laura Perez Reyes with that squeaky voice sure wants to get her cut once she leaves. Minnie got Rose Longoria in.

Anonymous said...

@7:24 there you go she was married to a CBP Officer. Those guys leave their ex's financially well off.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Marisa's sign up at A&V Lopez is very disrespectful on her part. especially when she made it well known she is part of Erasmo's Slate. Marisa whether you had permission or not that is distasteful on your part. Do Not vote for Marisa! We all know she will only be the face but AOBE, Erasmo, and Louie Leal are the true member that will be voted in.

Anonymous said...

Pendejo everyone knows when married to a CBP or Border Patrol officer their spouses end up with a good chunk of money. She is possibly leaving better than most people who are teachers. Clerk or not that dude left her well off. She probably doesn't have to work.

Anonymous said...

This message is for the pack of uneducated moron blood thirsty Hyenas that have united to run for BISD Board...there's is saying in Spanish that fits you guys like a glove! It goes like this..."Dime con quien te juntas y dire quien eres"!!!!! Speaking of fitting like a "glove"...ask yourself this question, which figure discribes/fits you best = A. The Thumb...I'm in it for the free ride and sits on their ass all day - B. The Index Finger...point finger that blames everyone but themselves - C. The Middle Figure...will fuck all of you at the end - E. The Ring Figure...has you rapped around their finger - F. The Little Finger....the smallest weakling, the follower, the ass wipe? Or better yet what do the readers think which one fits each of you best?

Anonymous said...

So pseudo Dr. Eder Hernandez got the contract for all the BISD screenings without a bidding process? What the hell?

Anonymous said...

Regardless of all the qualifications Micaela says she has, getting relatives the health screening deals, like Eder Hernandez was like commiting fraud. Then employees lost all the wellness incentives. All bs. Now the new admin in insurance is there with all the deals. Micaela was promoted to Records Dept Superintendent. Everyone does whatever in BISD. Someone should investigate all the consultants too.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2020 at 12:09 PM

Its a close call I say the "hole" hand carries more mula...

Anonymous said...

Este vato tiene la cara de pito.
