Wednesday, August 5, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: With the proliferation of potholes in the streets of Brownsville local residents know they have to veer off to one side and risk the possibility of causing an accident with oncoming cars or just close your eyes and feel the impact on the sides of the hole as your tires take a beating. So does your muffler, your windshield, shocks, etc., But if you ride a bike in Brownsville, you would get this contingent of city workers laying down asphalt for your riding comfort.

Notice, too, that they are using a novel new method, sprinkling limestone (expensive) on the warm asphalt to give bike riders a better grip. Also, look at the number of workers and city vehicles involved in this little operation. Besides the dour-faced overseer on the cell phone in the forefront, there are the workers who are actually laying the asphalt, the driver of the oil and asphalt truck and roller, and a number of supervisors making sure the job is done right. Today, when you dodge the traffic trying to avoid the cavernous potholes on your way home, think BIKE!)


Anonymous said...

If the county judge and the mayor can't say it we the citizens are saying stay away from Brownsville as coronavirus cases rise: "Our people are dying".

Anonymous said...

NO SHAME NO SHAME now that we have a million doctors here that are billionaires we will mostly likely see them on the bike trails NOT AT HOSPITALS.

Anonymous said...

Now that the fbi has shown their colors the sky is the limit, open season for everything illegal, no justice no law no accoutability GRACIAS JUSTICE SYSTEM.

Anonymous said...

Just shows the city's priorities in regards to street maintenance. Bike trails and bike lines downtown take priority over streets. Remember, don't elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation " BS on their personal homes.

Anonymous said...

In other words shorty the mayor and the dum-witted city commissioners are telling us they can do anything they want like ignore all the infrastructure problems and everything else... we got what we voted for "NOTHING"!

Anonymous said...

Pendejos and idiotas face higher extinction risk than predators: study

Anonymous said...

There are 18 drive inn in texas and one is in-between mercedes and weslaco and its always packed.

The friendly stores of wal-mart will not set up a drive inn here in the valley bola de pendejos "I JUST CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT".

Anonymous said...

People are using honest obituaries to blame governors and politicians for coronavirus deaths and invite them to their loved ones' funerals

Let them know how their decisions affect all of US..

Anonymous said...

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden doesn’t want to tear down the wall, but he does want to cease all construction of fencing along the border.

Biden took direct aim at President Donald J.Trump’s signature promise to wall off the U.S. from Mexico in a wide ranging interview with journalists representing the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

Biden said he wouldn’t dismantle the existing fence along the border, but will stop future construction and pursue a high-tech ‘virtual wall’ to ensure border security.

“There will not be another foot of wall construction in my administration,” Biden said. “I’m going to make sure that we have border protection, but it’s going to be based on making sure that we use high-tech capacity to deal with it. And at the ports of entry — that’s where all the bad stuff is happening.”

Anonymous said...

Brownsville...aThird World City.

Anonymous said...

Bike trails are good.
Just wish we had more.

Anonymous said...

Una baika sin aciento going down the railroad trax!!!

Anonymous said...

You're wrong, Juan:

What is the attraction of crushed limestone for a bike trail?

Money! It simply costs less then asphalt.

It's not good up north because of the harsh winters, but we do not have that problem here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is preparing the streets so they can look like lunar craters which will be the background when SpaceX rockets land on our streets. And Elon Musk can say his rockets have landed on the moon.🌙

Anonymous said...

Lucio, Lucio Lucio, Eddie Lucio Jr, thats our salvation from this coronavirus pandemic, Right folks????? or may Eddie El Turd????. Both of these got the answer to this problem when Governor Abbott came to town this week. lol.

Anonymous said...

Third world cities don't have bike trails they have roads full of pot holes and they flood and no traffic light so traffic is backed off for blocks. This does seem like a third world city now that you mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

Dum witted city commissioners still spending city funds on bike trails THAT NOBODY USES. Lets vote all of them in again. We deserve that much and more.

Anonymous said...

@8:28 A better name is "King Eddie Cuomo"!

Anonymous said...

City mowing crews are stretch thin as it is, adding more useless bike trails will only create more work, something that they can't handle unless, of course, the city hires more personnel to keep up with the demand. Also, no more useless bike lanes downtown, city crews keep repainting the lanes that hardly anyone uses unless, of course, when the City hosts Cylovias that only incurr overtime.

Anonymous said...

Gown reminds me so much of her father Gus who used to bang his fist on the table and give out orders and everyone had to do what he said. He would set meetings for 3 PM and show up at 4 and would get upset if anyone dared leave He'd come in, dictate his desires and walk out. Gowen should consider setting up a personal business of selling bike now that she has ensured the bike have better turf to travel on than our 2020 Cadillacs who break down after falling into Potholes. Clear all politicians currently serving in any position and let us start anew.

Anonymous said...

City combats coronavirus spread with quarantine checkpoints

If they serve you shit on a plate will you eat it? Even if its served by a so call doctor?

Anonymous said...

and the side walks?

Anonymous said...

Oh sidewalks are for residents on boca chica blvd by the mansions ONLY.

Anonymous said...

@6:42 Callate pinche Hitler! Check points en tu culo! We don't need more bike trails, we need pinche less taco eaters!!! The pinche marano health director Art Rodriguez should set up a weight watcher free clinic!!! To teach people how to eat healthy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

August 7, 2020 at 11:50 AM

Ask the good doctor she might want to put mink or silk on all toilet seats.

Anonymous said...

August 7, 2020 at 11:41 AM

