Tuesday, September 22, 2020



Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale still promoting racist Trump.

Today, he posted this: A Republican spokesperson put it best: "Four more years of Trump and we could hit one million. You know that Trump loves those big numbers and there is nothing more important to him than being number one."

Anonymous said...

Round them up for the Thanksgiving dinner for the poor. They mess up the water and the gazebo. Dirty filthy rascals. Cute when they're little but after that.

Anonymous said...

No photo of Hillbilly Coco Parrot? Donde se fue ese guey? Anda haya con su novio el viejito Biden! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Where's the pond? I don't see no pond!

Anonymous said...

There are no decent Republicans left, none who do not overtly lie, who are not involved in corrupt activities nor self-enrichment at the taxpayer’s expense. None who will support the right to vote rather than support the suppression of votes, voters.

Vote Blue.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are no longer asking for permission to live free work for a living. There are more Republicans in the State of Texas than Democrats.
Better to get on that Trump Train and let it roll.
2000 cars in the Trump Train a few weeks ago in Laredo, Texas.
Red wave gonna wash your Blues away.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of 300 thousand dollars for ducks in which no body visited this smelly park? There are thousands of pot holes 🕳 in Brownsville but ducks are more important. Sick sick Brownsville

Anonymous said...

There are no decent Democrats left, none who do not overtly lie, who are not involved in corrupt activities nor self-enrichment at the taxpayer’s expense. None who will support the right to vote rather than support the suppression of votes, voters.

Vote RED!

Anonymous said...

Trump is a criminal and they always get theirs in the end. Wait on it, bubba.

Anonymous said...

Sent those black ducks back to NYC with their plastic bags and that crazy lady and include all the cocos pinche gueyes

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable the hate that Erasmo spews every time he talks. Erasmo and his Republican prick friends from Rio Politics are a joke. It’s obvious Erasmo pushed them to have this show so he can get more publicity. Is Erasmo now leaning towards Jessica Gonzalez and has forgotten about Viro. He soon found out Viro is has the intelligence of a 5 year old. I appreciated that Erasmo would give us the latest news but now all he does is attack his opponent, Daniela Lopez-Valdez. He epitomizes hate and division. He doesn’t give a “rat’s ass” about his nephew because he is one that calls him out for being in McHale’s blog. People like, Adela Garza, Alejandra Aldrete, Filemón Vela, Eddie Lucio are just a few that buy ads in McHale’s blog. Now Erasmo is calling it a “porn blog.” He is furious McHale is supporting Daniela and not him. He thought since McHale is supporting Frankie, he’ll support me too. McHale has called him a gadfly. How could you not support Daniela? How many of his viewers actually vote? Best decision in this election is to vote for Daniela Lopez-Valdez.

Anonymous said...

Just get rid of Pena but don't fall for Louie and Marisa, a team of two for the prize of one. That leaves Coach Joe? Carlos vs Eddie? Eddie heads, Carlos tails! Daniela v Erasmo. Go Daniela! Get rid of Philip with Jessica Gonzales. Jaime or Denise? Another heads or tails. Biden-Harris all the way and lets get rid of Putin's father - Trump

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2020 at 12:22 PM

He's behind you MARICON!
