Thursday, September 10, 2020


"...BISD filed nothing. The old adage comes to mind that you can lead a horse to water, tell him to take a drink, give him extra time to drink, but you still cannot make him drink." June 2, 2005.

(Federal Judge Andrew Hanen on then-Brownsville Independent School District contract lawyer Baltazar Salazar's repeated failure to respond to insurance company's motions for summary judgment even after the court bent "over backwards" to make him do it over the mold problem at Aiken and Besteiro elementary schools.) From a Rrun-Rrun post on April, 2013

By Juan Montoya

In their rush to fire the existing legal counsel, a majority of the Brownsville Independent School District April 2, 2013 chose Houston's Baltazar Salazar to be the district's lawyer.

Now he commands a $300,000 annual salary second only to BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez, generously refers cases to outside counsel at the expense of the district, and is facing  possible termination at today's 5:30 board meeting. And, oh yes, there's a little dispute about whether he's a convicted felon.

Then-BISD trustees Otis Powers, Enrique Escobedo, Jose Chirinos, and Minerva Peña could have easily googled his name on the Besteiro and Aiken mold problem and found the legal citations that would have repulsed them and prevented  them from entering into a contract with his firm.

All the rest are gone, but Peña, an "old friend" of Salazar's is now board chair and has defended him tooth an nail from criticism. She is now running for reelection this Nov. 3.

Another trustee who defends him is federally indicted Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, who is facing trial October on bribery and conspiracy charges. Salazar is listed as a witness in that trial. One of her attorneys, Noe Garza, was one of the references listed by Salazar when he sought employment at the BISD in 2011.

Three current board members – Laura Perez-Reyes, Phil Cowen and Eddie Garcia –  placed the item on today's agenda.

What was the performance that impressed the board back then and earned him the admiration that got him the gig at BISD from those who hired him?

The BISD had sued Royal Supplies Lines Inc.Co. in  (No. CIV.A. B-03-109) federal district Court in Brownsville to pay for the damages after several hundred students and teachers claimed they had been injured by the presence of mold.

To put it bluntly, Salazar's performance in defending the district in the mold case – in the opinion of the court – was dismal, "feeble," and totally incompetent. His performance resulted in the district paying thousands of dollars in personal injury damages to the plaintiffs. It should have been a red flag, but it went unheeded.

In fact, Salazar – despite repeated efforts from the court to give him
more time and directing the manner of responding – failed to file any response to two of the motions for summary judgment from Royal Supplies Line and the one he did file was not "competent," according to the court order. He – or rather BISD taxpayers – lost all three judgments.

Hanen said just as much in his order. (Click on graphic to enlarge.)

Hanen stated this exchange in his summary of the decision:

Before this Court are three motions for summary judgment filed by the plaintiff, Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company ("Royal" or "Plaintiff"). Each will be discussed in greater detail below but, suffice it to say, each seeks a judgment that Royal is not liable to the defendant, Brownsville Independent School District ("BISD"), for damages suffered by BISD due to the presence of mold at two of its schools: Bruce Aiken Elementary School ("Aiken") and Raul Besteiro Middle School ("Besteiro"). 

"Despite warnings by the Court and a direct order setting a deadline, BISD has not filed a response to two of the three motions. Also, despite warnings from the Court, including an admonition to supplement its sole response, and the issuance of a firm deadline, the one response filed was not supplemented to provide the Court with any competent summary judgment evidence that raises an issue of material fact. That being the case, the Court hereby GRANTS all three of Royal's summary judgment motions.

"The old adage comes to mind that you can lead a horse to water, tell him to take a drink, give him extra time to drink, but you still cannot make him drink. This Court cannot make a non-movant file a complete response (or any response for that matter) to a summary judgment motion, but it can grant the motions."

Hanen – and opposing counsel – knew Salazar was incompetent and a pushover who rolled over for the insurance companies in the case but a board majority still hired him. Will BISD's current board majority finally put an end to this charade at tonight's meeting?


Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale has calmed down, Juan. ja ja ja ja. Ese Guey no tiene cesos y si tiene son pocos!

Cindy Elizondo es bella. La Claudia del Paya parece tamalera!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Colonizing Mars could be dangerous and ridiculously expensive. Elon Musk wants to do it anyway

Sure just sell Boca Chica Beach for a ridiculous price and the local elected officials can't and won't do anything. WHY? Because they have already sold it to him. Pinches pendejos...

TAX PAYER said...

Pena your seat on the line you better be fair and vote for what is correct.

we are watching YOU !!


Anonymous said...

Set your alarms for 5:00 today to watch another "circus" at the BISD board room. Today's cold front should make you want to take some blankets to cover up with. One blanket is for the majority and the other for the minority. One blanket is for the felons and criminals and one for the "good ones." But at the end, I bet that they will all be covered by the same blanket and allow this unprofessional so-called lawyer to continue squeezing them out of $300,000. I remember him fighting to get paid more than what Dr. Zendejas was being paid at that time and that was approved. How? Why? Ask Minerva!
See you at the board meeting!

Anonymous said...

This Republican Party Is Not Worth Saving
No one should ever get a second chance to destroy the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Keep voting the same people in (D)keep expecting different results

Anonymous said...

Celina Manriquez is on your tail Ms. BISD Candidate. Make things right! No woman should have to find out about an affair through social media. Do the right thing!

TAX PAYER said...





Anonymous said...

Trump says he lied about the coronavirus because he didn’t want people to panic. But we know that this president has shown no interest in avoiding panic when he thinks it would benefit him politically. He has in fact encouraged people to panic about imaginary dangers like immigrant “caravans” or attempts to “abolish the suburbs.”

Perhaps Mr. Trump believes that he can ignore problems and make them go away because he has always had a Michael Cohen or a Bill Barr to fix things for him. Now, with his negligence and incompetence on full display, maybe it’s time for the American people to panic, or at least vote for change.

Anonymous said...

Just for this reason alone Minerva Peña should not be re-elected!!

Anonymous said...

@12:28pm no woman should have to endure receiving unsolicited small dick pics Mr. Bisd candidate. Do the right thing and drop out.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020!
Four more years of whining and hating!

Anonymous said...

So if you look at Balthazar Salazar he is a felon and you can find the information in open records. In Texas a felon cannot be a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

This is what our choices are coming down to? A guy that has more than four aliases is somebody who has something to hide. I love how he tells his minions that everyone is a crook, everyone lacks integrity on the school board, everyone except him shouldn’t be trusted, everyone is corrupt except him, etc. He really knows how to poke people’s eyes. He has yet to answer questions on his show regarding his sister’s hatred for him. She knows his dark past and is scared she will warn us again about his dirty past. Well I believe you Melissa Castro and don’t blame you and your kids from staying far away from him. AOBE you should be ashamed. Endorsing a guy like this should prompt members to switch organizations. To not even vet the candidates shows how corrupt your selection was. You all were going on his show for months before the forum kissing his ass and following his lead. You couldn’t endorse the other two places because you said your members voted “no endorsement”. Really? Out of all your members, not one voted for Viro or Philip, or Jessica? You are saying all 500 members voted “ no endorsement” ? This shows how corrupt your selection was and birds of a feather flock together. Our district deserves better when one of our unions endorsed someone who is on probation like Erasmo Castro. Is our city that backwards and corrupt? We will see. I don’t know how BISD can allow someone with this type of rap sheet to be a candidate where our kids will be in harms way. He can’t even be a substitute because BISD has denied his application five times for lacking moral turpitude but will possibly let him sit on the highest seat at the glass palace!! SMH

Anonymous said...

Brownsville deserves so much better.
With that said do not vote for
Frankie olivo
Erasmo castro
Carlos elizondo

They are all talk and have absolutely no plan or credentials.

bisd parent said...

vote for OLD JOE
