Friday, September 4, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Reports have reached us that the Association of Brownsville Educators (AOBE) has endorsed state district court administrator Frankie Olivo for Position 2 in the upcoming November 3 Brownsville Independent School District board election.

Olivo reportedly received 76 percent of the vote from the organization that is comprised of employees from janitors to teachers, from gardeners to coaches.

Olivo is former BISD board member Erasmo Castro's nephew and blogger Jerry McHale's nephew by marriage. Castro resigned over a DWI and McHale is a retired teacher. Olivo is also the court administrator for the 404th District Court now presided by Judge Ellia Cornejo-Lopez.

The AOBE's women are a forgiving bunch, it appears.

Just two short years ago in April 2018 when he was already a mature 31 years old, he was charged   with stalking and sexual harassment. The victim was a married woman and a mom.

At the time, Olivo controlled the administration of a district court, a position of the highest sobriety and responsibility. Officers arrested him in court and hauled him off for booking following the issuance of the indictment by a grand jury.

He was given pre-trial diversion where the state agrees to remove the defendant from the ordinary channels of prosecution so that he may complete certain conditions. Once the defendant meets the conditions, either the prosecutor or the court will dismiss the charges, which they did.

This is what the two charges specify. They state that Olivo from March 20 to March 26, 2018: "initiated communication (with victim) that had the intent to harass, annoy, alarm, or embarrass (her) and in the course of the communication make and obscene comment to wit: a photograph of a male subject's penis, and (his) conduct did cause (the victim) to feel harassed, alarmed, abused, tormented, embarrassed, or offended.

The second charges states also that: Olivo from March 20 to March 26, 2018 made an obscene comment to wit: "a message notification from the defendant that when opened showed a male subject stroking, holding, and jerking his penis around with his left hand while recording acts with an electronic device with his right hand (which caused victim to feel) harassed, alarmed, abused, tormented, embarrassed, or offended."

Now think about this. He is running for a position that involves placing him on a board of a school district that controls a $500 million-plus budget, the livelihood of 6,000-plus employees, and the welfare and education of more than 40,000 students. A board member is also a role model for students.

He is now 33 and was 31 years old when these events occurred. And in his defense he says that: "As selfish as this may sound, I'm glad I went through it. It affected a lot of people but it taught me a lot. I was taught to forget the mistake but always remember the lesson."

It's only been two years ago. It cannot be dismissed as a childish prank or the excesses of youth. Ya era mañoso.

We don't think the victim (a married woman with children who as a legal clerk has to work with the courts) is as willing to forgive and forget as the courts or Olivo himself. And if he is elected (stranger things have happened) he could decide on the employment of BISD applicants who would have to swear (like the AOBE members did) that they had never been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, which includes lewdness.

The employment policy of the BISD states that: "No one convicted of a felony or any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude will be considered for employment in the district...Moral turpitude is "an act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private or social duties outside the accepted standards of decency and that shock the conscience of an ordinary person (i.e., public lewdness).

Who would want Olivo on the BISD board? His boss Cornejo-Lopez is currently embroiled in a federal lawsuit with the BISD over alleged violation of her daughter's civil rights. And she has never hidden her desire to land the board counsel gig on her old board. Would his presence on the board make it easier to negotiate things?

What does AOBE stand for? Association Of Browntown Exhibitionists?


Anonymous said...

Disgusting endorsement, Juan. Ese guey no tiene juicio! Y tu bro El Jerry y su vieja soportan a este pendejo que le gusta enviar fotos de su verga? Por favor.

Anonymous said...

Sure, run another family connected scumbag to milk the public coffers. It is the Brownsville way.

Anonymous said...

I was surpise for a moment only and ask WHY are there no felons listed on the list of candidates for BISD school district. Well keep digging and you might find some.

Anonymous said...

Illegal foreign funds have been flowing into Republican coffers, by design, since Citizens United was handed down. The 2014 campaign was the party’s proof of concept that dark money would stay dark (notwithstanding sleuthing by Jane Mayer et al.), but that opened the door for foreign operators like Russia (but not exclusively) to rout money through GOP funders like the NRA (but not exclusively) and compromise the entire party (hence Ryan’s “we’re all family here” admonition to McCarthy, and then his retirement at the prime of political life, along with McConnell’s depopulating of the FEC, etc.).

It is statutorily illegal to accept foreign contributions in domestic political campaigns. This is kompromat the Russians hold not just over Trump but the entire GOP. We’re staring at the unwinding of a 160-year-old American political party, and its last-ditch effort to gain total power through illegal means to stave off its termination.

Anonymous said...

El Viro was all over Brownsville with la Claudia after she left El Paya Jerry. Cuernos, o que? Pos si.

Anonymous said...

McHale quoting Claudia Olivo his ex wife, is a joke After all the verbal abuse she suffered on social media by McHale we know she is suffering from abuser gaslighting. She is too stupid to realize how McHale will hang her in a second.

Anonymous said...

Es cierto que la picha de este Frankie no lleno la pantalla de su celular? ja ja ja ja ja Vato presumido!

Anonymous said...

Is this Frankie vato on probation or what?

Anonymous said...

They say the woman who got El Frankie's dick photo se enojo porque la pichita estaba muy chica, como tres pulgadas!

Anonymous said...

Just like Erasmo Castro said on his show about Eddie, "He hurt my feelings!" So now the President of AOBE did you get your "Feelings Hurt?" by a poor you! Aren't you the President of AOBE stand up for yourself and your shameless organization. You are ENDORSING CRIMINALS!!! Are STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! or are you IMBECILE! IMBECILE! or and IDIOT! IDIOT! Did I hurt your feelings with the same repetitive words your FRIEND your camarada, Erasmo Castro keeps repeating. SHUT UP!

Anonymous said...

Three-ring circus, there's always a chance that the dancing bear will win!

Anonymous said...

Jerry, you sure are trying too hard with your nephew. I guess it hit too close to home when they started attacking one of your baby mamas. It's easy for you to attach people who don't pay you. Nobody takes you serious!! You are just a pothead drunk. Why you so obsessed with Denise Renee Garza? AOBE did this to themselves. Erasmo said it himself months ago that they would get endorsed by AOBE. So it was no SUPRISE. And what happened to Marisa? Is she cutting ties with the criminals, or did they cut ties with her? Jerry continue ranting! We just read your post to see what lies you write about. You are just like Erasmo! You all lie and mislead the community.

Anonymous said...

His Perverted Tio No not erasmo , the other pervert Mchale has him listed as Frankie “El Águila” Olivo it’s more like Frankie “Wanna see my wiener” Olivo!!!! You know Frankie You know!

Anonymous said...

Lets ask the victim if she is glad she went thru this

What a dumb statement on the offenders part

He shud be made to register as a sex offender!

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry has reached new levels of ridiculousness and scraping the bottom of the barrel. He calls Denise Garza and Bobby Wightman hypocritical when his own son, the product of two educators, never bothered with higher education. In his mind, numbnut Frankie who mistreats and harasses women is a better choice than a mechanical engineer or a woman with signigicant experience working at a school district. The snake Cali has him by the balls and is squeezing them hard.

Anonymous said...

El hijo de El Paya Jerry se parece mas a Viro que a el! Como?

Unknown said...

And who says Brownsville is Not Corrupt? or Cameron County or BISD for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Shame on AOBE. Don't they know the facts on these criminals? If any of these criminals are voted in, the School Board and the school District will look like a buck of idiots.

Anonymous said...

The endorsment from AOBE came straight from the members not the leaders. They sent ballots to all their members to choose which candidate AOBE should endorse. After the votes came in they endorsed the candidate with the most votes.

People elected Trump for the highest office of the land even with all his history. The only thing that is different with Frankie Olivo is that he does not have Billions in the bank to pay to keep people from talking.

An endorsement from AOBE does not force you to vote a certain way. I believe Mr. Olivo paid for his crimes already and he regrets his mistake. If you feel you can not vote for him then vote for the person.

Everyone has a choice.

Anonymous said...

El Jerry posted a photo of Eddie Lucio, III and a headline that said Lucio found Trump's stuff on troops disgusting. Fucking Lying McHale never talked with Lucio! His Blog is the worst piece of shit in Brownsville, worse than Booby's. Act and write like a grown man, you fucking Irish loser!

d said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If Conrado Cantu ran for office, he would get re-elected. Yes, that where Brownsville is right now.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County parks and beach access will remain closed through the Labor Day weekend, though they will begin reopening the day after.

“I hope that there is no spike, and if that’s the case we can continue reopening of beaches.”

Trevino said he asked South Padre Island leaders to close the city beach accesses over the long weekend as a safety measure, though the answer was no.

Its kinda late to do anything to the gringos at Hillbilly Island, but you can sent the sheriff or other law enforcement agencies and close the bridge and allow only residents in. BUT NOOOOOOO he won't do it ball-less and your are putting everybody else in danger but you don't give a dam.


Anonymous said...

On Friday, in a fiery speech and a subsequent news conference, Mr. Biden expressed outrage over a report by The Atlantic that Mr. Trump had referred to American soldiers killed in combat during World War I as “losers” and “suckers” and had repeatedly shown disdain for military service at other points in his presidency.

Anonymous said...

“Who were the good guys in this war?” He also said that he didn’t understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies.

Trump’s understanding of concepts such as patriotism, service, and sacrifice has interested me since he expressed contempt for the war record of the late Senator John McCain, who spent more than five years as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese. “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 while running for the Republican nomination for president. “I like people who weren’t captured.”

The Atlantic Mag.

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2020!
Let the whining and hating continue for 4 more years!

Anonymous said...

@4:12 you must be a very stupid educator to believe that those ballots were truly counted. Their own question wheel would freeze at convenient times. AOBE wouldn’t be in this situation if they would have just stayed off the erasmo clown show.

Anonymous said...

Quien le está picando al Jerry?
Viro? O el Charlie Atkinson porque quiere que Jerry escriba mal de Frankie y está haciendo sus berrinches. Y el Charlie sabe que la esposa no lo va permitir.

Anonymous said...

Juan please let your three readers know that I will debate Castro as long as I can have his sister Melissa with me when we go over his arrests in Mexico and up north. He can lie to his guests on his show over and over but the fact is he won’t explain why half his family hates him. Why half his family won’t acknowledge him as being a member of the Csstro Dragutinovis family. And Erasmo I don’t need to be on drugs to expose an idiot like you who has embarrassed our school district long enough. If all you can say is that I’m on coke and just lie then I know I got you scared because your day of reckoning will come. Your days of being a bully are over. U are just getting some of your own medicine boy. You don’t like it right? Ur past will all come out Mark my words. The way you just lie and lie on your show believing the things you say just shows how sick and helpless you are. Tell you what, I will volunteer for a drug test if you volunteer for a HIV test and we will see who comes out positive. Anytime you want you sick puppy.i can’t believe a AOBE went against sits members and endorsed this idiot who is on probation. That’s should have disqualified him. Only in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of biden supporters gathered in brownsville the itchy fingered department showed up with all of its killing hardware and ready for "ACTION". To their dishearten, demoralizing and deflated egos no action was taken. The commandos all went back to their local watering resaca.

pinches pendejos...
