Wednesday, September 30, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Days after these mailers appeared in Brownsville Independent School District residents' mailboxes, social media was buzzing with outrage over the picks. Now the writer above is taking his complaint to the Texas State Teachers Political Action Committee to complain of the selections. Will this outrage carry over to the early voting and election day polling?)  


BobbyWC said...

Based on what I know I fully expect the NEA to denounce AOBE. Their time is done. No fewer than three national newspapers have contacted the NEA asking for an explanation.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Law abiding individuals like Sylvia Atkinson, Drue Brown, Prisci Roca Tipton, Minerva Peña and Little Eddie who stole money from students and staff!!! Those are the good guys!!!

Anonymous said...

BISD what a joke too bad for the children innocent by-standers. A haven for crooks and criminals...

Anonymous said...

@7:28 shut up Erasmo! Carlos Elizondo and Joe Rodriguez did the same. (but it's ok cause they are on your side) which we all know they will drop you and throw you under the bus quickly. Don't be surprised when Carlos releases a recorded conversation with you. Eddie Garcia hasn't been on the board long and is having to pick up where you left off ! Regardless of who would have replaced you, you will complain and bitch about it like the little bitch you are. Sorry dude but Brownsville only likes your gossip cause that's what Mexicans feed off. They don't really support you pendejo!! You are STUPID!!! Imbecile!!! Idiota!!! Abs to all teachers who continues to bitch and support the slate if criminals shame on you, and hopefully, the district gives you what you deserve a pink slip cause you continue to push for something that will require fewer teachers. AOBE does not have your best interest. Ms. Borrego is the latest sped teacher with no behavior management. Mind you and has a degree but can't write or make a complete sentence for the life if her. Michaela was Joe Rodriguez ”Lady” at one time. A position was created for her during his time as a board member. He still watches over her.

Anonymous said...

That's Eddie's father in law.

Anonymous said...

Is Little Eddie, the Turd or the ex-policeman? The ex-policeman has not had
enough time to steal anything, but he went against our ex-superintendent under rumors spread by the other 3 musketeers? He never worked with her and yet had his mind messed up by the musketeers. Little Eddie has done little to help out the school district following his father's footsteps.

Anonymous said...

You seem to have forgotten about Erasimo showing up at schools Un invited to take pictures with little boys.

Anonymous said...

Third world country dictatorship, viva la corruption, blessing to all.

Anonymous said...

Remember in November! when you cast your vote, that is if your voting for felons! Your voting not just for any felon but felons that your entrusting your child's funding, well being, and educational needs with! As for Teachers or rather this so called teachers union is nothing less than a mockery, a misdirection of ethics and leadership, and at point blank setting a standard of stupidity for endorsing criminals and thieves!!! Now I understand why there is more than one union in BISD!!! I need not wonder why no more, Remember in November!!!

Anonymous said...

No shame in their game they love the attention some good but mostly bad. What signals are we sending our kids that it’s ok to commit crimes and pay your way out if by pretending you’ll do better when all you have are hidden intentions. You’re out for revenge you have something to prove that what all transpired never really happened. My next go round I’ll get back at those who did me wrong. Let it go leave our education system out of your personal vendettas get out of the way leave this area please you all stigmatizing our community.

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena covers for Baltazar and Salinas. Please vote this person out. She's been there for so long only helping her people like Rose Longoria, C.Castro and many others that got Administrator or AA Positions because Minerva begged the Superintendent to do it. The morale is so low. These individuals are all about themselves and Rose keeps nominating herself to every award.

Anonymous said...

If you care for bisd help get all those out of office. Including superintendent and some area administrators who are making a mess in the high schools.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, again, you are just like the talk show guy who is constantly making remarks which are not true. You are saying that all Board Members have stolen money from the children. Of the people your have named, only one is facing criminal charges. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Now, what proof do you have that all the other Board Members mentioned above have stolen money from the children. Show us the proof and how much money has been stolen. The 3 individual that have had problems with the law have appeared in the Brownsville Herald at one time or another with the charges made against them. So, kindly show us where the present Board Members have stolen money that belongs to our children. Waiting for your response,

G. Leal said...

In order to spend money that belongs to the children of BISD, you must have a Purchase Order signed by an Administrator and approved by the Purchasing department. Of the Board Members that you falsely claim that have stolen money belonging to the children, only one has been charged and has yet appeared in court. Remember, in this Country, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. So, kindly show us where this money was stolen from We need proof. The 3 candidates that have had problems with the law have appeared in the Brownsville Herald at one time or another. So, the proof is there.

Anonymous said...

Well if the past criminals get voted in, all I can say is-It takes one to know one!

Anonymous said...

First of all, we are not talking about the Country, It's talking about Brownsville Independent School District, and its primary interest is the CHILDREN or STUDENTS. If you and your so called compadres that sit on the board are there to IMPRESS and do nothing about the corruption, your are no better than the convicted wrongdoer. We the citizens are "well" aware of all the corrupt judges, lawmen, lawyers, doctors, school officials, trustees and such as Sylvia Atkinson. Remember Armando Villalobos, Abel Limas, Marc Rosenthal, Jim Solis, Conrado Canu and the list goes on and on. In this Cameron County District you are guilty and will remain guilty until EXPUNGEMENT is given by favorable ruling by corrupt judges. EXPUNGEMENT rules Cameron County judicial system. Viva CORRUPTION

Anonymous said...

Eddie Was a better security guard at movies 10,a legend in your own

Anonymous said...

I hear next election some candidates will run on a ticket of "I will continue the corruption in brownsville and cameron county and BISD and the port".

Anonymous said...

Why was the former school board members brother buying cheap houses that were repoed and sold on the side. Insider tax repoed info?

Anonymous said...

