Saturday, September 12, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Some county employees are wondering whether Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez – up for reelection in 2023 taking office January 2024 – is already making political alliances with the Rodriguez family of voter harvesting renown.

That's Sylvia Rodriguez, a county employee, carousing with Da Boss at a TGIF bacchanal at popular Lucky Barrel. Garza-Perez. who battle backed after a severe case of COVID-19 is wisely wearing a face covering as is Rodriguez. Political pundits say that Rodriguez, whose family has had the courthouse coffee shop franchise since they helped elect Tony Garza a county judge, is feeling those political stirrings in the Rodriguez genes and has announced that she will seek the office currently occupied by JP 2-3 Maria Esther Sorola.

That could cause some complications in the current political landscape since Garza-Perez is also running at the same time and many saw her and Sorola as political allies. Rodriguez is also a former employee and longtime associate of JP 2-1 Linda Salazar, who it is rumored, encouraged her to run against Sorola because she supported her foe Cindy Hinojosa in the Democratic party primary.)  


Former RGV LEO said...

Oye Montoya, this is news? We, the ones with common sense and educated know that Brownsville politics (mainly democRATS) have alliances until one screws the other and or screw fellow party members for that piece of the pie, mainly money! Just like we know that the rodriguez family has had the franchise on that snack bar! Huh, as for the relationship with "La Naca," Salazar? "La Naca" has one of the Rodriguez clan working for her, nepotism! But then again, we all know that nepotism is the norm accepted by the democRATS in the county!
So, lets post some real stories that ask for the Feds to come down on the corruption and nepotism that leads to corruption in this blog!

Anonymous said...

You are wrong there was no run off. Salazar won outright.

Anonymous said...

In recent days, there have been comments posted on this and other blogs about the relationship of Dennis Garza and Ernesto Manriquez. A question has been asked, “If Denise Garza is elected to the BISD Board of Trustees, and will she try to get Manriquez hired as Director of Special Services”? It has also been commented that “ Manriquez was a crony of Art Rendon who came to work in BISD Special Services when Rendon was made Director of Special Services. It was a period in time when certain board members made special concessions to their friends”. It also seems that many previous comments made about Dennis Garza’s qualifications as a candidate for the Board of Trustee has been based on her experience as a BISD SHARS clerk.

Here is an interesting fact about the SHARS program. The program reimburses the school district for services provided to students with disabilities and is view as a program that will assist the school district to continue providing materials and equipment for the purpose of providing the student with disabilities with the appropriate services.

Prior to the Administration of Rendon in BISD Special Services, all revenue funds received by the school district from the SHARS program were placed in the BISD Special Services account for the purpose of which the program was intended for. However, during the Administration of Rendon and with the executive order of the Main Office Administration, this practice was discontinued and the SHARS revenue funds were placed in the District’s General Revenue account. This practice is allowed by the state agency but having the SHARS revenue funds placed in the Special Services account assured that the funds were used for the purpose of providing the appropriate services to the students with disabilities. It has been stated that upon the removal of the Rendon administration and with a new administration in Special Services and with the approval of a new Main Office Administration, the previous practice was again continued.

Anonymous said...

What has Biden done in the last 47 years as a politician? I hope I spelled everything correctly, before the fake teacher idiota corrects my spelling, instead of answering the question! Btw, smelling women's hair and groping children doesn't count as an achievement!

Anonymous said...

Who cares? There is a pandemic killing many of us. That a cousin has job because of a cousin is meaningless right now. Shit on you, dude!

Anonymous said...


Bobby is willing to support any or all Teacher's Union but doesn't have the guts to mention the fact that the AOBE and the National Education Association are leading the way on this issue with the BISD Administration.

Anonymous said...

Just another proof of corrupt "want to be politicians." Brownsville deserves better..

Anonymous said...

Oh please the Idiot Lesbian.. Whatever.. The Rodriquez family has long been the lowest. I would like to see that.. They are si low class.

Anonymous said...

FEDS to come down here!!! THEY JUST LEFT AFTER S. A. FIASCO.

Anonymous said...

'F'ing Cockroach': Dallas Sports Talk Host Demands Skip Bayless Suspension
They're all european cockroaches

Anonymous said...

Let's hope she doesn't go infect her staff again.

Anonymous said...

“Right now, the Sheriff’s office does not have an internal affairs division, they do not have a public integrity division. If something happens and they don’t tell you, nobody will ever know,” Eric Garza said.

Anonymous said...

Nombre...don't expect anything less... she is an example of compadrismo.she gives the Rodriguez's ppl jobs and the Yzaguirres too... not to mention her compadres y comadres too... some of those just twiddle their thumbs for a paycheck... que bonito.. using the county tax money to good use... Ha

Anonymous said...

Or is it spy v spy? watch your backs

Anonymous said...

Poor bronsbil ppl
Highlight of their week
Friday happy hour
Drinkin cheap house liquor
And acting like its high school
Filling local.and chain joints like barrel and chilis
Alongside the ppl they work with all week
Come to top golf or one of our 2 Arenas in Hidalgo county

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone wants a piece of those marriage fees that are now considered GOLD. With the beatification of downtown we should allow some Marriage Chapels. The public should have a choice, marriage by a JP wearing a black robe almost grim reaper looking or small chapel marriage conducted by priest/pastor of your choice.

Anonymous said...

same ol, same ol, juan this has been going on at the courthouse for decades not news. Voter harvesting is alive and well in Cameron County, its a tradition for decades.

Anonymous said...

White Georgia sheriff's deputy seen beating Black man in viral video fired

If it happens here they'll get a pay raise and a letter of commendation plus a meeting with the useless elected officials. WOW WHAT A HERO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Garza talk vision for sheriff’s office
I just heard he plans to armed all sheriff's personnel with BOXING GLOVES ain't that original!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denise Garza is in the Sheriff Omar Lucio click. Along with Ruben Cortez, Linda Salazar , Gus Reyna and Javier Reyna click. It's the same group joining in an attempt to control and benefit.

Anonymous said...

U know some people just look better with a mask on!

Anonymous said...

@10:17 so you all can’t get your shit together. First, she is part of Sylvia’s click. She is Minerva’s click now Lucio’s click. Why is Denise Garza such a big topic?!?! What's so damn interesting that you all keep bringing her up. What’s next? She is related to Eric Garza or Sylvia Garza Perez. It’s Brownsville everyone is associates or related. Get over it and move on to the other races.

Anonymous said...

September 14, 2020 at 11:53 AM

It works both ways if you're ugly use the mask, if the law is looking for your ass wear a mask, if you're hiding from creditors wear a mask, hiding from your lover use a mask and most of all if you're hiding from the grim reaper bye bye idiota...

Anonymous said...

The alcoholic lesbian who's been in prison for domestic violence. 😂 Please people, she's an ignorant who doesn't know how to speak English nor Spanish. She doesn't even have a HS diploma... Lol
