Saturday, September 5, 2020


By Juan Montoya

If there is a fixed star in this age of COVID-19 uncertainty, it is that the state statistics will always be different than the ones generated and passed on the residents of Cameron County.

Another is that local elected officials – from the City of Brownsville and Cameron County – will continue sending mixed messages that minimize the crisis and give residents a false sense of security.

For example, today's 68 reported deaths is the highest number of fatalities in the county – with 58 of them in Brownsville – than any other day the last five months. The State of Texas reports that Cameron County ranks fifth in death of all 254 counties with 806. (Click on graphics to enlarge.)

Yet, Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño's statement yesterday states that his office has counted 701 deaths. At the same time, his health department lists only 633 in its report to the Brownsville Herald. Who to believe?

So what does Treviño do yesterday?

He amends his emergency order and announces the opening of the county beaches. The order to open the beaches will take effect on Tuesday, one day after Labor Day Monday. But you can be sure that the merchants, bars, and entertainment businesses in South Pare Island will be wide open this weekend welcoming people from throughout the Rio Grande Valley and the rest of Texas.

Wouldn't it have been more prudent, he should have asked his medical sidekick Dr. Jaime Castillo, to wait for another two weeks to see if there is a Labor Day surge before opening up the beaches? As it is, the pre-Labor Day crowds are already at SPI.

That city's mayor and city commission have been paying lip service to COVID-19 safety restrictions while welcoming one and all to the bars and beaches.

Are we creating a panic? We merely report the numbers generated by the city, county and state. In their own estimation, the number of reported cases is skyrocketing despite the protests of those who say the entire COVID-19 crisis in much-ado about nothing.

Let's see if we have this straight. We have a record one-day number of COVID-19 deaths (68), are ranked fifth in the entire State of Texas in fatalities, and are peaking in the total number of confirmed cases per 1,000 residents. So we are going to throw the beaches open.

Yeah, that's the ticket. 


Anonymous said...

Todo es puro pedo! There's no more deaths than in 2019! This virus is a hoax! Fake COVID-19 deaths list! Hospitals are playing dumb and making money! King Trevino is salivating and waiting for government money coming soon his way. When the vaccines comes, all you pendejos who believes this is real, enjoy your vaccine idiotas!

Anonymous said...

What does it matter now. SPI didn't close their beaches and people are flocking there some times 3 rows deep lined up to be on the beach. So why keep the county beaches closed? People don't care anyway so let all beaches opened and let them decide where they want to go. Besides was anybody complaining that SPI had their beaches opened NO! So let the County Judge do what he needs to do and open the rest of the beaches. If your worried of catching Covid-19 then don't go out there. Simple!

Anonymous said...

The beach is a choice, Montoya. Go if you want to go; don't go if you don't want to go. Why agonize, bro? You're the Chicken Little of Brownsville, guey!

Y El Paya, papa?

Anonymous said...

Fudge eddie trevino is absolutely, undeniably clueless.

Anonymous said...

When our Texas governor was congratulated and applauded buddy-buddy by Trump for opening up Texas businesses to 'get the economy moving' I knew that Texas and especially Cameron county would soon be a hotbed of COVID-19 infection. And there are more cases of infection every day throughout the state and county-even though under-reporting is the norm. And now, school has opened up and we can see that the end of the first six-weeks is rapidly approaching. Are our public schools going to obey willy-nilly like sheep with face-to-face instruction during the second six-weeks like Governor Abbott suggests because he wants to stay in Trump's good graces? Will school districts be denied federal money if they do not comply with providing face-to-face instruction? How many people in the high-risk category such as grandparents, parents, teachers, and school staff are going to suffer and die from being infected with the COVID-19 virus?

Biden said it right the other day that if he is elected president 'Step One' would be to control the COVID-19 Pandemic. Then he said quite simply that there could be no 'Step Two' of opening up the economy, without 'Step One.' Very simple, but our current president thinks that the COVID-19 virus will just 'go away' on its own. Doctors know for sure that patients will eventually stop bleeding on their own (eventually) if their injury is left untreated! Our current leader's line of thinking is that the reason we have so many occurrences of COVID-19 is because we are testing too much! Reduce the testing, and the COVID-19 cases will decrease. Kind of like the Ostrich burying his head in the ground because if he doesn't see the Lions, the Lions aren't really there!

I wear a mask everywhere, and every time I put the stupid thing on I think to myself that if we had a real leader, we would be past this pandemic because a real leader would have created a 'Brain Trust' just like Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt did. During his first 100 days to combat the Great Depression, FDR enlisted the smartest people that were available and they all sat down together and created an economic plan starting with closing down the banks to reorganize them. It worked. The main idea here is that FDR wasn't threatened by being around smart people. But Trump thinks he knows more than the experts in the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Birx and doesn't need their advice and so he suggests stupid and dangerous things like ingesting bleach, or using medicine like Hydroxychloroquine even though the FDA has shown that serious side effects can occur from it.

'It is was it is' Trump stated helplessly in response to a journalist's question recently about how the unchecked COVID-19 pandemic was continuing to ravage our country. People are needlessly dying and 'it is what it is' precisely because Trump is incompetent and unfit for the responsibility and life-and-death decision making that accompany the office of presidency.

Anonymous said...

Frankie Olivo: "Only losers and suckers will vote for me."

Anonymous said...

IDEA teacher receives Yale University award

and bisd a assistant Teller award that BISD had to pay a membership (secret)fee in order to get the award.

and not to mention paid by the taxpayers

Anonymous said...

I passed by roselawn cemetery yesterday and it was crowded it started me thinking this looks like the SPI beach.

You people can thank ALL the elected officials on the way to the cemetery...

Anonymous said...

Frankie Olivo is a Republican who also believes Covid-19 is a hoax. PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

Thank god and mother nature for the rain
Cause tge politicians are clueless!

Anonymous said...

Why is loco Jerry so obsessed with Denise Renee Garza? He has nothing on her. All are the few negative comments on her, and the made-up stories from his head. Claudia, you need to stop trying so hard to be the next Cindy Elizondo of the district. You will never be anywhere close to being like Cindy. She is pretty you, on the other hand, not. Cindy has class. You on the other hand says a lot about you just being associated to Jerry.

Anonymous said...

Instead of making conclusions from one day any reasonable individual would look at averages, 7 days , montly, etc. But you don't care Bout the truth all you want is to create fear and hysteria. For what purpose i have not figured out yet.are you a scared pessimistic person, are you against trevino, are you against trump, all of the above, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

