Monday, September 21, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Just a few months after the City of Brownsville Commission voted to support the application of the Mitte Cultural District to the Texas commission for the Arts, some members and the public are having second thoughts about the vote.

And the major question asked is: "Did the proponents of the cultural district who asked the city to approve expanding its boundaries that will more than double or triple the original size to include some of the city's best downtown residential and commercial real estate falsely state that the expansion was required by the Texas Commission for the Arts?

And will the the city-funded facilities inside the boundaries – and the income streams and state grants –  come under the Mitte District's board's control instead of the city's own cultural and art entities?

In hindsight, some city advocates say that give the Mitte Foundation's checkered past in real estate speculation (and litigation) foreshadow the same happening in Brownsville as the cultural district attempts to increase its footprint in the city's arts and cultural events. 

The Mitte Cultural District applied for designation from the Texas Commission of the Arts in 2016 and were turned down. They then initiated changes in operations and met face-to-face with TCA deputy director Bob McMillan – since retired – who allegedly told them they were on "the right track" with the planned expansion.

After they were turned down, they said the MCD partnered with the Mitte Foundation to develop a list for a future application for designation based on written and in-person feedback from the Texas Commission on the Arts. They told the commission that it was determined that the main areas of reevaluation were expanded district boundaries, economic self-sufficiency, and increased focus on Art & Music programming.

Later, the Mitte Foundation acquired several parcels of land they say are committed to the construction of facilities which will provide a regular revenue stream for the MCD, offer more venues and entities for collaboration on programming, and a greater draw for locals and tourists with a more robust cultural programming.

In their presentation to the city commissioners on August 18, 2020, the directors told them that the TCA had specifically recommended that the boundaries be expanded to make their application for cultural district designation more competitive. The recommendation to approve was made by Ramiro Gonzalez, director of Government and Community Affairs.

But a letter sent to City Manager Noel Bernal and circulated to the commission the day before the item came to a vote,  the MCD's claims that they needed to expand the boundaries to receive TCA approval – and grants – as a cultural district has been challenged.

The writers point out that Dr. Gary Gibbs, Executive Director of the Texas Commission on the Arts, was aware of the information put out in the Brownsville Herald by the MCD advocates and to the citizens of Brownsville, on Monday, August 17, as the reason for the huge expansion of the Mitte Cultural District was incorrect.   

Gibbs said he had a copy of that article and said that if anyone had just asked, TCA would have told them that the information was incorrect. Gibbs wet on to say that said that applying for a cultural district without a vibrant Arts and Culture infrastructure would be like “putting the horse before the cart.”

He also said that the expansion that was just done would make the size of the district too large and would likely cause application denial because the TCA focuses its efforts ijn funding district which are "walkable." 

Brownsville already had appointed a Arts and Culture Task Force which has been seeking the "cultural district" designation by the TCA and are focusing their efforts on also applying for and receiving one or  more authentic cultural district designations for Brownsville sometime in the future.  According to the TCA, arts and culture tourist dollars are the largest amounts of tourist revenue for a community.

Meanwhile, the involvement of the Mitte Foundation with the Brownsville MCD has also raised concerns. 

In Austin, two plaintiff partnerships – 1st and Trinity Super Majority and 3rd and Congress Super Majority – say attorney Gregory Milligan, individually and as receiver for the partnerships, along with the Roy F. & JoAnn Cole Mitte Foundation engaged in a  complex civil conspiracy to essentially swindle assets from the two real estate partnerships  in Travis County.

A major part of the lawsuit filed July 13 alleges that although the Mitte Foundation holds only a 15.84 percent minority limited partnership interest in Trinity and therefore has no authority to control the affairs of the partnership, the Mitte Foundation is a “repeat offender having breached these obligations with abandon, in collusion with the other named defendants and with their knowledge, approval, and active assistance,” the suit states. 

The partnerships allege that lawyer Milligan was allowed to engineer a fire sale of the properties his compensation could … result in a nearly $4 million pay day, which notably is greater than the fair market value of Mitte’s entire interest in both Partnerships.” 
The super majority is asking that the court declare the receiverships null and void.

In 2008, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte Foundation was worth around $26-million as late as 2006 had suddenly announced it would stop providing hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of scholarships, leaving six universities to scramble to support the dozens of students who were to receive foundation aid.

The article reported that it was unclear why the foundation ran out of money. The foundation’s lawyer says a downturn in the stock market sank its finances, but news reports indicated that the former president, Scott Mitte, son of the founders, spent foundation money lavishly on things like travel and a custom tuxedo. Scott Mitte was also arrested that year after he was caught with a large amount of cocaine.

All the college officials – including University of Texas and Texas State University – quoted in the Chronicle article say they will not leave students in the lurch and will support them with emergency funds. Some of the universities had known about the foundation’s financial woes, but to others the collapse came as a surprise.
If there were no red flags going up then, there were some when it was learned that a new LLC had been registered July 27, 2020 with the Texas Secretary of State named Hernandez and Mitte LLC and listed the principals as attorney Luis and Rita Hernandez, from Brownsville, and Mike Hernandez, from Grand Prairie.

Luis Hernandez is the former legal counsel for the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation who was let go by the board. Dr. Rita Hernandez is his wife, a former Assistant Area Superintendent for the Brownsville Independent School District and Education Director for Mike Hernandez's Cameron County Education Initiative, the founder of OP 10-33.

When asked about his involvement in the LLC, Mike Hernandez said he had told his cousin and wife Rita that he was not interested in being involved in the cultural district and had asked that his name be removed from the SOS registration, which he said they did.

What the Hernandez-Mitte LLC is for, is anyone's guess.


Anonymous said...

El racista Paya Jerry McHale wrote this on his lying blog, Juan:

OH SAY CAN YOU SEE BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT...Hey, José, is that a sniper on top of that building.

Anonymous said...

Ask La Frankie: Who is Jovita Idár?

Anonymous said...

SeemS like every tax funded agency is out to grab as much as they can at the expense of the poorest city in the nation. The elected officials are the ones that appointed thes so call give me give me agencies...

Anonymous said...

Juan, time to slam that racist McHale. El Paya Jerry is getting older and more and more racist, bro! Es un vato todo calvo, viejito y con los cesos quemados!

Anonymous said...

The Mitte Cultural District is now a ward of the City of Brownsville. The Mitte Foundation has abandoned Brownsville and our city's museums, the zoo, the Costumes Museum, the Fine Arts Center the Children's Museum. Scott Mitte must be a poor manager of his parent's money.

Anonymous said...

Bail-out seem to be more common around this place than in congress. We've got the money so bail out everybody and spend it on useless projects that benefit NO-ONE...

Anonymous said...

Idar was a journalist. Frankie sent her a dick pic, too? Como diablos!

Anonymous said...

Mitte who? Spent the money like she would, do not like a gringa on a spending spree on rodeo drive...

Anonymous said...

You are WAAYYYY off Juan.

Anonymous said...

Bobby says Jerry McHale's rants against Gays are just postings to hide the fact that he may be Gay. Lo crees, Juan? Ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

The novel coronavirus is about to claim its two-hundred-thousandth American life. (It may already have done so; statistics lag.) Less than eight months have passed since the start of the pandemic. There hasn’t been time to make a movie about it, and there’s been no need to raise awareness; the toll of the virus is tracked daily, even hourly, across the country and across the world. But that doesn’t make the extraordinary loss of life any easier to fathom. In less than a year, covid-19 has killed four times as many Americans as died from the opioid crisis during its deadliest year. It has killed more Americans than those who perished in every armed conflict combined since the Second World War. Globally, it has killed nearly a million people.

Anonymous said...

Hidalgo County court records reflect that Mission police arrested Ferrier on March 12, 2019, on charges of unlawful carrying of a weapon and tampering with a governmental record.

A misdemeanor complaint filed against Ferrier alleges she was using a fake Texas driver’s license. The Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office asked that the charge be dismissed

Typical white privileged justice in the RGV. Happens all the time bring all of them to justice NOW...

Anonymous said...

Why can’t browntown get anything right?

Anonymous said...

When I saw the news of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, my heart sank, not only in sadness at the loss of a pioneer for women’s rights, but also because I knew that we now face a vicious partisan fight over the appointment of her replacement on the Supreme Court, making this divisive election year even more divisive and angry.

Filling a vacancy on the Supreme Court has become a brutal and ugly farce, no matter which party occupies the White House and controls the Senate. Why is it always such a battle? The role of the judiciary was always intended to be one of interpretation of the Constitution and laws, while the elected representatives of the people are the ones who are supposed to make the laws.

Instead, the major issues of the day are decided by nine unelected individuals on the Supreme Court. It’s been nearly 50 years since there has been a consequential amendment to the Constitution. The legislators are happy to cede power to the court, so they don’t have to make controversial decisions that might endanger their reelection. So now we have do-nothing elected representatives who stay in office for decades, while everyone fights over who should be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

Another run-away agency run by gringos. Scratch my back agency, do away with it, NOT NEEDED, caters to gringos ONLY close it down...

Anonymous said...

this is a historical piece on a family who had money...lost money...but still trying to do good. family looks to have had some bad seeds...too bad...since the rest of us had NO "bad seeds" in our family trees.

I have some bad seeds in my family, just didn't have any money so nobody cares

Anonymous said...

This is why we can't have nice things....

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that Roy de los Santos is a board member on the Mitte Foundation. Seems like a big conflict since he basically owns Sombrero Fest.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: Somebody just caught a view of el half coco mutt wanna be white and they are saying he looks exactly like Nancy Pelosi with a beard!!! hahahahaha lol
smh and kma hahaha ha

Anonymous said...

Juan, time to slam that racist half Coco mutt . El half coco mutt is getting older and more and more racist, bro! Es un vato todo calvo, viejito y con los cesos quemados!

Anonymous said...

El racista Paya Jerry McHale wrote this on his lying blog, Juan:

OH SAY CAN YOU SEE BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT...Hey, José, is that coco hillbilly jotito parrot on top of that building.

Anonymous said...

Ramiro is a land speculator they say...has anyone looked into his holdings in this thing?

Anonymous said...

Funny to use the word “cultural” in relation to Brownsville Texas. In less you are referring to Narco Culture or corruption Culture.

Anonymous said...

They meant gringo culture funny funny funny - 3 funnies

Anonymous said...

Brownsville likes to live in the past. The question is not so much how "bad" is this foundations' history ---but how good could it be-or is it now....

We didn't want UT --now our kids have to drive up the valley

every day we run out opportunity....

If we fight change...then we will never grow as a community.

I don't see foundations banging down the door to provide opportunity.

Anonymous said...

ONLY Brownsville would get upset with a group that puts "the horse before the cart"

That's where it belongs! That's why we don't progress because here is group trying to put the "horse before the cart" and you are mad?

Pay attention Brownsville...your nonprofits are suffering and this group wants to run away HELP.

Silly rabbits....

Anonymous said...

LOL. Brownsville only happy when the horse is BEHIND the cart.

Anonymous said...

The Mitte Foundation is a criminal enterprise operating as a "Foundation" that is doing good. Look at the past history of ALL Chairman of the Board of the Mitte Foundation with big legal troubles: Roy Mitte, Scott Mitte, and Dilum Chandrasoma. Dilum Chandrasoma was arrested for violently assaulting his wife and teenage son.

Anonymous said...

The mitte foundation is for the rich and famous. Just drive down Ringold st from 7th to 18th street. Look at all the taxpayers homes, falling apart and this stupid organization is building top of the line exhibits for the grinogs at taxpayers expense and those that live just down the block. A racist organization do doubt.
Pinches city commissioners they all need to go.

And if you go across 18th street you will see most of the homes there have been foreclosed by the city and the county for unable to pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

Puras pinches RATAS y blancas....
