Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Old time Brownsville residents still remember our own local version of a kindly old country doctor like Marcus Welby and  who could have been the model for a Norman Rockwell Americana painting.

Our local version of the compassionate physician was a healer that you could count on to be there when he was needed just as sure as the sun rises in the morning.

And he was there at his office every day and, invariably in a good mood. He was one of a one-of-a-kind physician, known in the community as a genuinely caring and giving person.

Our own Marcus Welby was Doctor Lee Dale Jones, a man who began his practice in Brownsville way back in 1954. He was not born into wealth, but rich with an abundance of compassion. He started his education at El Jardin and graduated from Brownsville High School where he lettered in football and basketball.

Let's say you were feeling poorly and had to seek his help at his examination room. There was no appointment necessary to seek medical assistance in his office. It was first-come, first-served so you had to get there early.

As you arrived to find your place in line outside his office you were greeted by the sounds from the fowl crowing and clucking at a neighbor’s chicken coop.

Oh, and by the way, you were on the honor system. No one would dream of cutting in line!

All his patients would sit in anticipation of the opening of the door, and when it did, there came the call from Amelia – in both English and Spanish – “Line-up as you arrived.”

Inside, the lobby was not a plastic environment with gaudy chandeliers with uncomfortable metal and plastic matching chairs. It was Plain Jane and practical furniture because when someone is sick, those adornments are the last thing they're look for.

The conversation among the sick kids as they waited their turn was in murmurs. There were no bombastic voices coming from staff, nurses, and certainly not from Dr. Jones.

His office staff, and nurses changed, but the dedicated mainstays who stayed with him for decades  included: Maggie Garcia, Irma Trevino, Amelia Cerda, Alicia “Licha” Tijerina, Minerva Spencer and Gloria Brooks.

It was an era, when the patients, staff, and the doctor knew each other generation after generation who beat the same path to Dr. Jones’s office over the years.

He moved in and out of the tiny examination rooms quickly, but diagnosing with accuracy. He seldom referred you to a specialist and his patients knew he had the experience and wisdom to treat almost anything that ailed you.

Humor was a part of his treatment to make his patients feel better. And it worked miracles. He was the “Patch Adams” of his era. His dedication and skills took you back to the Golden Era when modesty, generosity, unselfishness, compassion, improving the lives of others, and placing others' needs before his own were the true reflection of a family doctor.

Among his peers, he was known as a healer whose medical skills transcended the ordinary. He enjoyed an enviable reputation for his work in the health profession. Those who were treated by Dr. Jones will never forget him, and neither will the relatives and families who were touched by his labor over the years.

They don't make them like they used to!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post...he was my doctor as a kid and yes, he was a wonderful person and a very good doctor

Anonymous said...

I remember going to his office and when I finally got to see him I expressed my concern to him that his lobby was full. His response was "You know how an ant eats an elephant? One bite at a time."

Anonymous said...

They don’t make them like they used to is right

Anonymous said...

Dr Jones was our family doctor when we were kids and this article is a true
fact. I am lucky to have for my old age, the same kind of doctor - Dr. Juan M. Martinez.

Dale Robertson said...

He wouldn't order a bunch of needless tests. In the mid-'60s, an office visit was $10.

Anonymous said...

Don't know who he was must have worked in the norht side of town...

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican who will be voting for Democrats this time.

Anonymous said...

I cannot say anything negative about him... there was no other like him.. he was not perfect but who is? He treated all my family with great care

Anonymous said...

Dr Keebler shared the same office another fine doctor

Anonymous said...

Dr Keebler shared the same office another fine doctor

Armando said...

Dr. Jones was a awesome doctor and was my doctor from the late 50’s to the 60’s you could not ask for a better doctor back then.

Anonymous said...

Car parade for Biden and Harris scheduled for Saturday

Anonymous said...

And yes, at times he could be funny

Anonymous said...

I remember all those ladies mentioned in the story... pretty consistent day in and day out

Anonymous said...

Dr Jones also delivered babies... a family doctor with hidden talent

Anonymous said...

Wow! a family doctor delivering babies...he was a special care giver in simple times

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the racist pendejo half coco mutt hasn't attacked the doctor for being gringo!!! He hates gringos, but loves Biden!!! Idiota!

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly his office was steps away from Den-Russ...another iconic Brownsville location where high school students hung-out or Eagles Nest

Anonymous said...

RIP and God bless his family.

Unknown said...

Dr. Jones could turn your sighs into singing and your probems into praise. He was the "MacGyver" of medicine here in Brownsville, TX. His genius saved many patients. He was also my father. I appreciate seeing all of these precious comments about him. I know for a fact that he loved, prayed, and cared for his patients with his whole being - always!

Anonymous said...

Did he passed away? He was my doctor many years ago!

Anonymous said...

My aunt was one of his nurses and said that he was a great person to work for, always treated everyone with respect

Anonymous said...

He was a life saver!! He really cared about his patients.. treated you as a human n not just like a patient

Anonymous said...

He died at 88 in 2015...

Anonymous said...

He did a good job in hiring nurses. They all had good bedside manners

Anonymous said...

He was also a veteran who served during WW ll

Anonymous said...

Great doctor! He always remembered me as a patient! God Bless him and his family. He was the real “Marcus Welby” unlike the fictionalized character on TV.

Anonymous said...

He really cared about his patients... not only when it was easy but all the time

Anonymous said...

He was the embodiment of what we think of as a truly great man and a model American, because first a good person, a fine human being.

Donald Trump would be mystified with him: "I don't get it. What's in it for him?" As the president asked at John Kelly at Arlington Cemetery at Kelly's son's grave.

Anyone who votes for Trump or his poodles, spits on the grave of Lee Dale Jones.

Anonymous said...

Este pendejo at September 3, 2020 at 11:24 AM in madly in love with the racist republican party and his idol the world pendejo president. He has his nose stuck up his rear end its UNBELIEVABLE. I think its a new world record.
I know you're not a vet but he LOVES hillbilly morons like yourself but only for your vote dim-witted hillbilly.

My condolences.
Pendejo at 11:24: try to learn from the best NOT THE WORST idiot.

Meletha Everett said...

There has never been a doctor to equal dr.Jones. When we moved to Brownsville in 1955, we happened to choose the right doctor for our family. He delivered two of my children. All three of my little ones had allergies really bad, it sometimes developed into an infection. These little ones didn't seem to come with a how-to book. Dr. Jones filled that gap. Whatever the problem, he fixed it and restored my confidence that I wasn't such a incompetent mother after all. I also remembered him whistling as he walked from one patient's room to the next. It was a calming effect for me and kept me from falling apart when he came into the room to check out what catastrophe our family was dealing with this time. He was a faith driven man and you could feel God working through him. He, his wife and family are dear to my heart and has been a privilege to know each of you.

Anonymous said...

12:00 am.. I to remember his whistling .. he was so confident in his work... .. he was faith driven is right

Anonymous said...

A doctor is as good as his staff... and they were very efficient. One of the nurses was Mrs Tijerina. She was great In giving shots

Anonymous said...

May he Rest In Peace!!
