Friday, September 25, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun 

Today, the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce (TAMACC) hosted a webinar with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Hispanic leaders from mostly Texas.  The title of webinar was COVID-19 in Hispanic and Minority Populations. Some relevant comments that Dr. Fauci made:

As you might know number of hospitalizations and deaths due to the COVID-19 are still increasing.  We have surpassed 200,000 deaths due to COVID-19.  Do not relax preventive measures.
He presented data of places that put individuals at increased risk for COVID-19. Gyms, enclosed restaurants and bars, and churches/large gathering.
Some comorbidities that make individuals (including minorities) more vulnerable to COVID-19 are obesity, cardio-pulmonary disease, kidney disease, and hypertension
Preventive measures - wear mask appropriately, keep 6-feet social distance, and use of sanitizer.
 Practice healthy lifestyle choices: healthy eating, exercise and avoid smoking and excessive drinking. 
To boost your immune system practice stress-reduction techniques.  Surprisingly, he significantly emphasized the importance of stress reduction to improve immune system. 
Other recommendation Dr. Fauci stated was to get flu vaccine for this fall
He is optimistic that a COVID-19 vaccine will be produced by end of year.  There are currently 4 vaccines in different stages of testing. 
Minorities are at increased risk for COVID-19 due to limited access to health care system, prevalence of comorbidities, job-related exposure to COVID, lack of awareness of protective measures.


Anonymous said...

We must protect our elders. Dont go out, keep them inside nursing homes, isolated until all disease is eradicated.

Anonymous said...

Is out not our.

Anonymous said...

It remains a crapshoot. You either get it or you don't, and you can't jail family!

BobbyWC said...

7:30 a.m. - why can you not just send a polite email to Juan. typos happen. if you see a typo or bad sentence structure just send him a polite email to make it better.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry is calling Diego Garcia a good writer! ja ja ja ja ja. Anything to get more material for his lying, dying blog. Diego has a long way to go, but McHale will string him along like a chump!

Anonymous said...

It was you Blimp! You sent that typo correction! ASSHOLE!

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020 - to jail.

Anonymous said...

Question for Bobby: Why don't you allow comments on your blog? Understanding that some individuals who post comments on this blog do it in an appropriate manner, comments do give the readers an opportunity to extend the conversation regardless of their opinion. You have to give credit to Juan, he will post all comments whether he agree with them or not. Something that you controlled when you allowed your readers to post comments in your blog. I hope that you will answer this question.

Anonymous said...

Juan, El Paya Jerry McHale praised the shit out of Blogger Diego Garcia's rebuttal to your story about downtown. Que le pasa a ese pendejo! And he posted a photo of himself with his wifa and hos son, who does not look anything like El Jerry. Cuernos o que, papa?

Anonymous said...

In the face of Trump’s many admissions, Republican senators have denied that the president truly intends to remain in office if he loses. They will soon ask us to believe that the president did not choose a Supreme Court nominee on the basis of her willingness to throw him the election. Yet Trump himself has already demonstrated that he seeks a nominee who will do exactly that. It does not matter what this individual avows during her hearing. We will all know the real reason Trump rushed her onto the bench.

Anonymous said...

The doc is going Who dat?

Anonymous said...

