Monday, September 28, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
It just doesn't stop. And it won't stop until Brownsville residents make it clear the charade has gone on long enough.

Last week the city commission – with only commissioner Ben Neece against – voted to approve the issuance of  $12,985,246  million in certificates of obligation and refinancing of previous municipal obligations and included a hefty $875,000 toward bike trials.

The motion was made by – appropriately –  commissioner Rose Gowen whose historical designation of her home gives her a 100 percent historical exemption and pays no city taxes. The COs will be paid by ad valorem taxes by the rest of the city's taxpayers. Neat, hey? The good doctor just loves splurging money as long as it's not her own. And she is not the only local elected official who's getting a free ride from city taxpayers. 

The same day that Gowen got her additional $875,000, the women in the picture above found shelter from the sweltering heat by sharing an umbrella at a bare "bus stop" without a bench or shade. So far, Gowen's claims that the millions she has steered toward her pet project she says will magically improve local residents' health have not made a sizeable dent in the obesity and diabetes levels locally.

This was the justification for the setting aside of 10 percent of all COs issued by the city to go toward the hike-and-bike magical cure-all. And even given the dismal economic times, there are city matches with the Texas Department of transportation and other funding sources that must be paid by city taxpayers. 
Now she want the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC) to steer some of its economic development funds to "promotional" gimmicks like T-shirts and "challenges" for people to lose weight. If not, she just might not vote for their budget.

When will this madness end? 
Take a gander a the amount of city money that she has steered to her pet project. It is literally millions. And to add insult to injury, one of those trails is to link the city's bike and hike trials to Los Fresnos. 
If you look at the newest heist by Gowen and the bike-hike zealots, you will see that the city will use $3.6 million toward our pothole-filled streets all across the city (is there one near you?). The $875,000 is one quarter of that. THe other graphics show that this has happened year after year while she has been in office.

Where are this city's priorities? 

When will we tear ourselves away from this misguided vision of our city and address those needs and issues that matter to all of us and our quality of life? It's not like Gowen is a svelte picture of fitness.

It doesn't look like she's missed too many meals herself. She pays no city taxes on her home, gets millions to go toward her trails, and then wants to steer even more economic development funds to promote her bikes.

When she was pushing for city funds to be spent on her cyclobias that shut the city down and racked up huge costs for police and city staff to close off streets, she said the trails would bring in millions in "active" tourism from near and far who would spend all kinds of money here to ride on the trials.

Where are they? You and I know that was all smoke.

El Rrun-Rrun, – if we're still around – will provide free advertising to anyone who will rrunrrun against her as long as they promise to do away with this senseless spending by this tax dodger. Enough is enough.


Anonymous said...

It's not our fault that people don't like biking for exercise and 80% of Brownsville are tacos eaters!!! Ponte en dieta pinche maranos llorones!

Anonymous said...

Juan, Da Blimp stole a story from the Mexican press about Eric Garza and no one gave a shit! ja ja ja ja

Blimp, we laugh at you!!!!!

What happened to the documents guy? You just ran with that story like an idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

Might AS well give away bikes..
Cuz these bike trail$ are
Big Time Empty!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Commissioner Neece approved $450,000 for downtown cameras. You forget that? Talk about a big waste of money. Nobody goes downtown!

Anonymous said...

Bike trails are a good thing. What else does Browntown have to show for all of its spending? Get real, Montoya. This is not your Mexico!

Anonymous said...

what a waste...they should be buying more land from their friends.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale spent the weekend typing up shit about him being a great writer. A great writer would not have to do that, right?

Ese Paya es un pendejo que escribe solo porque tiene dedos, no cesos!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everybody’s talkin’ about Bagism, Shagism, dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism, This-ism, That-ism, ism, ism, ism

All we are saying is give Bike Trails a chance................

Anonymous said...

Pet projects that only proves that the city administration has it's priorities all screwed up. Street maintenance and proper drainage are always in the back burner while useless bike trails that priority. Dont elect or reelect anyone with "Historical Designation " bullshit on their personal homes, in fact, the State should do away with this designation on personal homes or commercial properties. I can see having like a museum or other buildings that the public can have access to but not personal homes. We. Know that it's only a smoke screen so its owners dont have to pay property taxes. Enough is enough, no more elected officials with this designation crap.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE! How do some people get away with murder and no one does anything
about it. I guess if the president can do, every other idiot can too. Who the hell uses those bike trails? People don't have the time to be riding around for leisure or for health reasons, now especially that we find ourself
in such a situation. Who has the mind to want to be riding around on bikes
for leisure? Who wants to do so? Gowen is like Coach Joe. Does she own some kind of shares in the paving company? Did her Dad once own a construction company or something like that? Maybe she also pays $750 income tax? Pinche vieja, do you not have a conscience? How can you sleep at night? I wonder if she has the audacity to line up at the Events Center to collect free food? What is this world coming to? And like the article states, she surely does not seem to be the picture of health and fitness,.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs to stay in office to profit from his position — and avoid prosecution. I paid more taxes than he did this year and last and the year before that. Trump has a criminal mind. Vote Blue!

Anonymous said...

I will move to Brownsville for better hike/bike trails.

Anonymous said...

His biggest fear is … he will end up with a massive tax bill, fraud penalties, fines, and possibly even tax fraud and jail time...

This should happen to that insane city commissioner that has a bike stuck up her rear &*(*&.


Anonymous said...

What! Rose Gowen is a city commissioner on the committee for the bike and hike trail system of Brownsville? I heard she is the president, vice president, secretary,treasurer and the only member in the committee. But there are rumors that she might let some more members to join the bike and hike trail committee. 5 ducks from the duck park have sign up?

Anonymous said...

People In Brownsville circle the parking lot waiting for the closest parking spot fewer steps means less effort! You expect these same people to get off their butts to take a bike ride. Let’s see where this trail leads us. I can already see the property proposals coming in. People buying property getting the jump on others.

Anonymous said...

Half that money goez to maintaining damn trails
You know how many landscape crews that requires
The grants dont pay for those employee's healthcare and wages

Anonymous said...

Even the local daily is selling awards to companies if they dish out a hefty membership subscription.

Juanito check it out.

Anonymous said...

A Nerd and His New Bike

A nerd was walking down the sidewalk one day when his friend, another nerd, rode up on an incredible shiny new bicycle.

The first nerd was stunned by his friend's sweet ride and asked, "WOW! Where did you get such a nice bike?"

The second nerd replied, "Well, yesterday I was walking home, minding my own business when a beautiful woman (guess who?) rode up to me on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, 'Take what you want!'"

The second nerd nodded approvingly, "Good choice. The clothes probably wouldn't have fit."

Anonymous said...

Tough Climb for Two

Jack and Jill have just climbed L'Alpe d'Huez, one of the steepest peaks in the French Alps, on their tandem.

"Phew, that was a tough climb," said Jill, leaning over, breathing hard. "That climb was so hard, and we were going so slow, I thought we were never going to make it."

"Yeah, good thing I kept the brakes on," said Jack, "or we'd have slid all the way back down!"

Anonymous said...

"Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live." - Mark Twain
and just look-out for the nerds

Anonymous said...

