Saturday, September 26, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As WW II raged on, war, materials and men were at shortage, especially pilots, and government officials looked for ways to fill the vacuum. The severe lack of pilots led to creating an experimental program to would put women in the cockpit.

They were the girls that flew under the name of “Women Airforce Service Pilots,” or WASPs, for short. The girl pilots demonstrated that they could fly the skies as well as the men.

In fact, the idea that military flying was just for men went out the window – their skills were enhanced at training sites like Avenger Field near Sweetwater, Texas.

In 1943, Life Magazine wrote, “Girls are flying military planes in a way that Army officers a year or so ago would never have thought possible. Those girls who joyously scramble into the silver airplanes daily— fly with skill, precision and zest with hearts set on piloting with an unfeminine purpose that might well be a threat to Hitler.”

With training behind them, each month many were quickly transferred to Ferry Command to relieve the fighting men there so they could head to combat duty.

Harlingen WASP flying high…

What were the requirements to become a WASP? You had to be between the ages of 25 and 34 with at least 35 hours of flying time in light planes. It was a must that each applicant have a high school education and in good health.

One of those girls that made the grade and accepted for training was Shirley Berkley Slade. She was one of about 1,100 chosen. She trained at three different bases: Love Field in Dallas, Texas: Dodge City AAF, Kansas, and Harlingen AAF.

It is not known if she was one of those girls painted on the noses of the B-29s – so called nose art. But for sure caught the attention of Life Magazine while she was training at Avenger Field.

The 23-year-old was trained to fly the B-26 and B-29. It was this that got her on the cover of the 1943 July issue of Life Magazine.

The following year, Shirley took top billing on the Columbia Broadcasting System broadcast, "America in the Air.” Locally, KGBS In Harlingen presented the program for valley audiences.

Miss Slade was with the first group of women pilots to arrive at Harlingen Field to fly two targets behind B-26 Marauders for aerial gunnery students.

It seems ironic that at one point of the war women pilots (WASP) were desperately recruited to fill a vacuum. But by 1944, two years after their birth, the opinion was that they were no longer needed or wanted. What a shame!!

During WW II WASPs posted a remarkable record of flying millions of miles in 72 different aircraft. They ferried and tested planes within the confines of the United States. And although they are flying military planes, they were considered civilians and were not granted military benefits or burials.

It was over 30 years later, in 1977, that Jimmy Carter signed a law giving the WASP veteran statue and awarded the “Congressional Gold Medal.” Miss Slade was born on April 4,1921 and died at the age of 79 in 2000

(Note: excerpts were taken from: Life)


Anonymous said...

You have a golden opportunity to embrace. Right now, our country, and you as our leaders, are dealing with devastating disease, furious fires and floods — not to mention the political rancor even in your own re-election campaigns.

It is imperative to wait and address the grave task of vetting and installing the next member of the Supreme Court. This is not an issue for expediency but for excellence. By waiting until after the elections and inaugurations, you will be able to undertake this decision with the thoughtful study it requires.

So, please, not only reach, but stretch, across the aisle and do the prudent thing — wait.

Anonymous said...

Think about this. Donald Trump was host of NBC’s The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice from Jan. 2004 to June 2015 and everybody was his friend. Only after becoming a threat to the globalist, free-trade, pro-China oligarchy that rules the US and the world would he immediately be labeled a racist by the oligarchy-owned mainstream media and liberal globalist politicians like Filemon Vela.

- N. Rodriguez, Harlingen

Anonymous said...

Didn’t know girl pilots were training in Harlingen

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great looking gals ...

Anonymous said...

Wait? H*** no. Prudent? please, they way Kavanaugh and his family were treated...

Anonymous said...

@9:06 Another only DEMONcrats can do it, but not replubicans!!! Idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:06 IDIOTA!!!

Anonymous said...

Gal pilots were not appreciated... what a bummer!

Anonymous said...

September 26, 2020 at 10:52 AM

Pinche coco wanna be white remember you're meskin NOT WHITE racist republicans and el pendejo presidente don't like MESKINS LIKE YOU IDIOTA...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many female pilots graduated from Harlingen's flight school?

Anonymous said...

No wonder she always wanted to fly aroung the bed...

Anonymous said...

Great piece of war history... strong n brave ladies
