Saturday, September 26, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Brownsville Independent School DIstrict trustee and former Texas Southmost College administator Dr. Sylvia Atkinson faces eight federal counts of conspiracy, bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and violation of the Travel Act-State Law Bribery.

Prosecutors accused Atkinson of allegedly soliciting and accepting a $10,000 bribe from an undercover FBI agent in exchange for placing a local film company’s project proposal on the school board agenda.

Atkinson faces up to 45 years in prison and a fine that could total $2 million, in addition to any funds collected through the alleged conspiracy subject to forfeiture. 

(Graphic Source: Brownsville Voice.)


Anonymous said...

A todo santo se le llega su tiempo. However, SPA was no santo, as many of us are aware. She did what she felt like doing and there was no one to ever try to stop her for fear of getting fired. She would not even listen to any of us but sure did expect for everyone to bow down to her. She turned a lot of what people once thought, were good people, on her side and what she had against them is only between them two. Her day in court will be hear soon, if they don't pull some other shenenigans, and we are going to have to depend on the RrunRrun to keep us abreast of the proceedings. We'd rather be there in person but that has also been denied to us, so Mr. Montoyo, please come through with your information. Regardless of the outcome, she has ruined her career or will be confined for many years. Maybe she will use her time to think about what she did and finally admit that she was wrong. She hates to be told she is wrong but either way, she made her bed and now will have to lie on it for the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

I feel for Frances and Charlie, but they raised her to think she was better than anyone else and so she believed it. Funny, but if she had walked the straight line, no pun intended, who knows what she could have accomplished.

Anonymous said...

She's innocent! Why would anyone believe the lying Blimp?

Anonymous said...

I always vote democrat, they have done so much for our community

Anonymous said...

The question nobody is asking is what did the FBI have on Pink Ape to make them cooperate in setting her up? They would not do it for no reason. They must have gotten busted for something also that nobody knows about.

Anonymous said...

The DA should ask for change of venue
Its gonna be a biased trial
She will walk

Anonymous said...

She will spend a LOT of money, evidence will be un acceptable, they will not find an impartial jury locally, at the end she will be free as a bird and with no shame will run for public office again and probably win. That is how justice talks anywhere in our local and national government right now (just ask 45 at the national level).

In another un related matter: Why was there such a long (AND I MEAN LONG) traffic line on Old Port Isabel Road (OPI) and Boca Chica all Saturday morning? I could not get into the Dunkin doughnuts at 6: am because the line stretch from the expressway to the corner of OPI and boca chica. By 8 am the line was all the way passing the Walmart. Brownsville PD DOESNT do anything to help motorists and the line represents a hazard because only one line was moving. The same thing happens on Jaime Zapata road when the Christian church gives out food baskets. As always, NONE of the cars in line are old clunkers. People spend hours in line for a bag of free groceries but refuse to wear a mask, take the flu shot, the future covid shot or even go do a covid test. Are we that poor or that ignorant?

Anonymous said...

Innocent, until proven guilty. Period! End of the story.
Perhaps it’s time to ask why was “Pink Ape Media” willing to help with this investigation? Why??

Anonymous said...

Why should they even consider a change of venue. You should be tried where
you committed the crime. Right to face your accuser should extend to the right to be tried your abuser. How could 2 people be so similiar>? I am taking about the Yellow Cheeto Trump - a cheater and Miss Know It all Atkinson. Two peas in a poe.

Anonymous said...

You see how few people respond to blog about her? People are still afraid of her and that maybe even behind bars, she will continue to rule the roost thru
Drue. Orale Drue, what has she got on you? From a Honda to an Intrigue?

BobbyWC said...


two issues, such as the original post demonstrates he does not understand this case. It is a federal case and not a state case so the DA is not involved. You find her guilty and then say there is no reason to transfer venue. You prove the point under the law why this case needs to be transfer to another venue

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Does anyone knows why was “Pink Ape Media” named on this investigation? We heard not all monies made by this group on the past city campaigns (and others) were reported to Uncle Sam, is it true??

Anonymous said...

September 26, 2020 at 4:12 PM

There needs to be more people to complain maybe they will built more bike trails or join organizations and pay 150k (tax monies) a year and/or more, to get a fake award.

It is getting out of hand and dwelling on incompetence but that's the norm HERE where do-nothings get awarded.

Voting is coming up every two years VOTE ALL THESE CORRUPT ELECTED OFFICIALS OUT OUT....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All this is a distraction that we have a felon who is currently on probation running for the Board of trustees. Erasmo Castro argues and focuses on Dr. Atkinson to avoid his problems with the law. He went after the board attorney for being a felon but Erasmo is in the same boat. actually he never served his probation so technically he is a felon still and the voters have a right to know that. I hope Montoya can do a story on this travesty. If we don't watch it we will have Erasmo, Frankie, Carlos Elizondo, and Viro in office who all have been in jail so recently as within this year. If we don't watch it, these pendejos just might get in. Go out and vote people and vote integrity and honor to this board. Erasmo STILL ON PROBATION NOW< TODAY> A HORA ESTE DIA!!!

Anonymous said...

Castro- Probation is still a conviction!
Olivo -Pretrial you have to plea guilty.
Elizondo- still has felony cases
Cardenas- also pending cases. He owes child support.
Wake up people! These guys don't have the best intentions or interests for our district. Castro is a puppet master had these idiots following him are his puppets.

Anonymous said...

All the people who are running for BISD with the exception of Denise Garza and Eddie Garcia, are worthless. ALL of them have a beef with someone. And the current ones are just as worthless!!
Don’t you see it? Erasmo was fired/ removed from his seat, and now wants a revenge. Frankie is his nephew and wants to help him. Carlos lost two years ago and wants to get back in to rub it on Sylvia’s face, and the 90 year old man can hardly walk, but wants to continue to suck on the district’s tities and bring Zendejas back. Wow!
Why is this community that stupid? When are we going to wake up? NONE of these ppl are good for our district.

Anonymous said...

Castro - 19-CCR-04814 (Currently on Probation for his DWI) don't forget his felony.
Olivo - Placed on Pre-Trial Diversion (He had to plead GUILTY) 2018XMG00923 Class B Harassment & 2018XMG00922 FELONY

Elizondo - Still has pending cases in District Court

Cardenas - Owes Child Support to his own Child $50K dollars... He can't even pay for the interest in his own child. Do you think he has interest in Yours?!

This is not the people that need to be elected. These people DONT have the best interest in Your Children. If Elected they will be a Self Serving board...looking for a way to pocket our money. They want there part in the cookie jar. They will leave you with far less CRUMBS!

Anonymous said...

NOT GUILTY reason Mentally deranged
