Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now the truth has come out.

A motion to terminate Baltazar Salazar, board counsel of the Brownsville Independent School District by trustee Laura Perez-Reyes, met with stiff resistance Tuesday by board president Minerva Peña and indicted member Dr. Sylvia Atkinson.

Perez-Reyes said case files indicate that he is a convicted felon and that he tried to expunge the convictions and failed. And she says that the board counsel had repeatedly ignored her call for a status report and cost on all litigation on the district's plate.

Pena tried to downplay it by comparing them to writing three checks with insufficient funds and Atkinson wanted to see the proof. Phil Cowen said he believed it involved deferred adjudication cases and that the cases were dismissed. He also said that the current board should let the incoming board after elections November 3 make the decision on Salazar's continued employment with the district.

That was disingenuous.

All of them know he had three felony convictions and they can make believe they do not.

On April 24, 2012, Salazar filed an ex parte petition to expunge public records of his arrests for three felony offenses of theft by check, one on January 15, 1983 and two on April 26, 1984.

The Texas Department of Public Safety did not agree that they were minor issues and appealed the 107th District Court's order to erase the three felony theft convictions. Why did Salazar attempt to erase the record? He was applying for the job of board counsel for the Brownsville Independent School District and was hired a year later on April 2013.

Perez-Reyes outlined a record of behavior that she said included lying, cheating, that she  had witnessed him manipulating the board to his convenience, formed a PAC to unseat board members, and had done this in other districts such as San Benito, Rio Grande City and Houston.

Trustee Eddie Garcia, a 30-year Brownsville Police Department veteran, said he had problems with Salazar saying he only worked for a board majority and in the amount of work he outsourced at a cost to the district. Baltazar, as board counsel, is paid $288,000 a year by the BISD, second only to Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez.

Even after she had been informed them that he had failed to erase the convictions, Peña got on her high horse and defended Salazar saying it was not fair to him and tried to cite Scripture. She said she had received phone calls that made her angry and that she would vote her "conscience." Peña often mentions her background as a DPS employee. Will she stick by a convicted felon?

Salazar again claimed, as he did in his expunction motion before the 13th Court of Appeals, that the convictions had been "dismissed and set aside" by the local courts and that he had even been cleared to own a handgun. The appeals court judges were not convinced and reversed the erasure of his criminal record. (See link below post.)

In the face of this reluctance, Perez-Reyes, with trustee Eddie Garcia seconding, amended the motion to terminate and moved to table until the October 6 meeting. The motion passed by a 7-0 vote.

The link below is Salazar's attempt to erase his three felony convictions.

The 13th Court of Appeals made the ruling in August 2013, four months after he was hired by the BISD in July, and overturned the expunction granted by the 107th, reinstating the records on the three felony charges. Is the 13th Court of Appeals in error by affirming that he is a convicted felon?

The court said:

"We reverse the trial court's order and render judgment denying the petition for expunction as to all three (felony) offenses. We order any documents surrendered to the trial court or to Salazar returned to the submitting agencies." 

See you in October.

To read the entire ruling, click on link below.



Anonymous said...

Laura told it like it is and everyone knows that, including Salazar. He is a self-centered man who thinks only he does no wrong, just like Minerva and her unpaid taxes. Don't drop the ball, Laura, even if the other chickens hide from the truth. What audacity for a person waiting to be convicted of a higher crime, to speak up with her 2 cents worth. Drue, you know all this and pretend you don't. And for Eddie, the fact that you also stood up with Laura just made up my mind to vote for you and get my colleagues, friends and family to do so also. Take a survey and determine how Baltazar has lied through his teeth on many occasions.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Eddie and Laura!! Eddie has my VOTE for BISD!

Anonymous said...

All this implodes on Erasmo Castro who has a felony charge for forgery the same year Baltazar went through his arrests. Forgery is a felony whether he served time or not. He went on probation and it disappeared because of connections but it's still a felony in the books. Sorry Erasmo you pushed for this to happen to Baltazar but it also exposed your felony!!!! See ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

"A Black man was shot and killed by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies after he was stopped for a traffic violation while riding a bike"

O OH I hope they don't start using OUR bike trails as a shooting gallery HERE.

Anonymous said...

If I had $1 for every single time Minerva touts her employment as a DPS trooper I’d be a rich man. In high school, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. she would speak on off campus at an event, it was the same old story.. over and over and over and over. 7 years later, it looks like she’s still doing it. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CARES MINERVA.

Anonymous said...

Juan, can you find out If in fact that attorney has a felony conviction? To say that man had one, is one thing and to prove he does is another thing. Juan you have been arrested before you know how people make misdemeanors look like felonies just to make people look bad. Erasmo is the scum of the earth blogger but you are a respected writer. Gets the public some facts, don’t just be an Erasmo Castro. We count on you for the truth.

Anonymous said...

Way to go,Laura. Going out with a bang!!!!! You’ve done something many arreolas afraid to do. Balta is a self serving individual and needs to go!

Anonymous said...

Los secretos valen votos.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Laura!! Your message was loud and clear. People with criminal past don’t change. They just become manipulative as they gain power!
Erasmo Castro
Carlos Elizondo
Frankie Olivo
Viro Cardenas

Frankie, the Mchale blog is not helping you out, bro! You pretty much just lost the classified employee vote. People want a person who they can relate to, not a person who thinks they are better cause of job status. BISD doesn’t want an arrogant individual.

Anonymous said...

McAllen schools superintendent in the running for top state award

We need a bad educator award and the first nominee should be BISD super (the one that makes 30k a MONTH) for not allowing 1000's of children to participate in the charro days children's parade.
This assho** should be fired and escorted to the city limits and TO NEVER COME BACK HERE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Laura and Eddie knew they didn't have the votes. This is all a part to help Eddie win the election. People don't get fooled. After Laura screwed up royally by saying 1-2 people were committing suicide DAILY since March 2020. Laura has known since she was elected. Her campaign manager was Cesar Lopez(BISD Member) and sugar daddy was Baltazar Salazar. Para que te haces Laurita. The only reason she did it now was because for years ElRRUNRRUN has been exposing his felonies. Everyone knows he is a felon and a crook.

Are you really that naive Juan not to realize you are being played by Sylvia Atkinson, Minerva Pena, Prisci, Lauara and Eddie?

Anonymous said...

Es un gato boca arriba He needs to go just like all of them re-elect NO ONE start new HIRE no one with felony convictions and SPECIALLY ON THE SCHOOL BOARD! WHAT IS THE MESSAGE TO ALL THE STUDENTS?

Anonymous said...

Laurita, mijita, you are embarrassing yourself! You say that Baltazar has lied to the board and that is why you want to remove him? Didn’t we just have the delinquent firm for the district Linebarger come and lie to our face? They said that they had done audits, which was proved by staff that they had not! And it. OST the district over 2 million dollars mijita! And you voted to keep them on! You are a hypocrite mijita.... you remind me a lot of Catita Presas.... I will pray for both of you.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the 12:11 comment about, " how people make misdemeanors look like felonies just to make people look bad", well how about "making felonies look like misdemeanor just to cover-up corruption", to make some criminals look good. This is more like the acceptable set-up in Cameron County local courts.

Anonymous said...

Balta and Miguel Salinas need to leave. If Laura all of a sudden has a problem with felons in bisd, then that should apply to employees. BISD covers for all DWI, bad employees, felons, and those employees are moved to food services, or cushy positions where they are in hiding. These employees go running to Laura and Minnie. Minnie protects these people. HR keeps them hiding in Glass Palace. Salinas is Baltas relative and compadre. Laura, get Salinas out. Prisci please help clean house in HR. If all of a sudden it matters for Laura, then HR should not tolerate employees that are just watching YouTube or in hiding that no one wants in their campus and in their Departments. HR needs to fix this, that is why the Glass Palace is known as a dump. The morale is so low at BISD. Balta and Salinas get paid to help felons stay hired in BISD. Salinas

Anonymous said...

Just by looking at hime that's all you need

Anonymous said...

What’s the difference if he is/isn’t a felon.....isn’t that one of the job descriptions for BISD board and associates?

Anonymous said...

September 2, 2020 at 9:23 AM

It always goes to the highest cut.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia is going around town telling everyone that because his sister won the Judgeship everyone who voted for her will automatically vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Will a gringo hire a meskin with a felony conviction - OF COURSE NOT. Would anybody on the board hire a convicted felon to work in their home or place of business OF COURSE NOT so why are the elected officials allowing a convected felon to work in a place that has children - why?
Because its not your money!!!! THAT'S WHY.


Anonymous said...

@6:47. Frankie has not lost classified vote. He has gained it. Frankie was out there holding signs defending teachers and staff. You’re just upset that he’s in McHale Report and not you. Classified people do not even read McHale Report. bTW, have you looked who McHale posts in his blog. Those that he posts are going to win!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Baltazar gave Laura $5000 fro her father to have insurance and she didn't complain. Why complain now that she is not in the majority? To the victors go the spoils. I wish FBI would look into that 5000 gift.

Anonymous said...

@4:46 It's spelled Mexican pendejo mongo!

Anonymous said...

For starters Frankie doesn't care about classified and the Mchale report was criticizing Mrs. Garza for not having a degree and know they are criticizing Mr. Diez for having a degree and not being smart make up your mind. Stop putting all effort to get Frankie elected you have a degree and can't even make up your mind.
So that answered everyone's concern having a degree doesn't mean you are intelligent right. I mean you just stated that about Jaime Diez. Know if the candidate has charges of child molestation why even consider them for position. Don't forget there are many people who don't have a degree for whatever reason but are more intelligent than a person with a degree and also have more common sense, better judgement and problem solvers. I'm just a concern citizen with a degree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For starters Frankie doesn't care about classified and the Mchale report was criticizing Mrs. Garza for not having a degree and know they are criticizing Mr. Diez for having a degree and not being smart make up your mind. Stop putting all effort to get Frankie elected you have a degree and can't even make up your mind.
So that answered everyone's concern having a degree doesn't mean you are intelligent right. I mean you just stated that about Jaime Diez. Know if the candidate has charges of child molestation why even consider them for position. Don't forget there are many people who don't have a degree for whatever reason but are more intelligent than a person with a degree and also have more common sense, better judgement and problem solvers. I'm just a concern citizen with a degree.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Frankie and his people will try to discredit anyone in their path. He is way over his head. He wants people to think that he is all that. Dude, really. People aren't stupid. You can have all the degrees and that will not make you any better. So many people without degrees but have hands on life experience that make them a better fit for the job. And you have so many at BISD that do the job for the degree person. So many Clerks, Secretaries and Paraprofessionals at BISD that have full and complete knowledge and are considered Educators. They may not have that piece of paper hanging. But I guarantee that so many degree personnel that can't get by with that one of those non-degree person. Frankie with so much education that you keep flaunting why haven't you gone out to get a better JOB. You are a paper pusher in the 404th and a lot of your coworkers/colleagues at the courthouse don't have degrees so are they STUPID and uneducated like you claim your opponent is? Or is this your way of being a Male-Masculine Macho egoistic dirt bag that likes to prey of women so you can sexually harass? Even if you didn't have an oppenent I wouldn't vote for you. You can't be trusted around women much less young females in the school setting. You may just take out your P***s out. We need to protect all females of men like you...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@5:32 you must be a really stupid certified individual to think classified employees don’t read the Mchale report. Frankie and erasmo used covid to gain fame. That is it!! They don’t care. They will disappoint all you stupid educated teachers that believe him. If we had no Covid Frankie would be a NOBODY! Oh wait are you offended you were called STUPID!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!
FYI. there is many classified personnel with a bachelors or associates degree.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo y su compadres son pendejos. Do you really think they can make BISD better? Hell no, of course not.

They have a talk show were they talk trash and talk down amongst their opponents.

Half the things they say are false and not credible.

They are not educated. Plain and simple. They all have criminal records.
Can you imagine how bad it would be if erasmo was elected. He has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. Ok he brings things to light and to the public but you don’t have to be on the BISD board to do what he’s already doing.

Joke of a human being. He talks so much trash yet can’t back it up or defend himself when someone asks a legitimate question.
