Thursday, September 3, 2020



(Ed.'s Note: Is there any respect anymore? Ya no hay moral, mi'jito! The devil must certainly be walking the earth. Seems some of his minor demons went out of their way to get him two nice benches where he can cop a squat for a bit. Can you imagine anyone being so cheeky as to take God's bench from the property of local born-again attorney and Christian true believer Neto Gamez?

Neto literally saw the white light some time back when he collapsed in the Texas Southmost College gym and some of the other guys playing there grabbed a defibrillator and saved his life. Since then, he has been witnessing to anyone within reach of his voice about the saving grace of God.

Well, comadre, the gall of these pecadores! As you can see in the middle picture, the holy spot had three nice metal ornate benches for supplicants to sit a spell as they prayed. Then, the disciples of the demon snatched two of them right in front of the cross. They stole His chairs. Can you believe that?

That led Neto to admonish the sinners cause you hate the sin but love the sinner, right Brother Neto? If they should one day repent of their sin, maybe we'll wake up one morning and see them returned. We can only pray.)


Anonymous said...

Juan, porque El Paya Jerry always beats on Mexican women? He has a hard on for BISD candidate Denise Renee Garza, pero her husband lo va agarrar a chingasos, a ese ruco cara de nursing home! Orale!

Anonymous said...

keep your promises and honor thy oaths. You unmuzzled brewhound straining at the leash.

Anonymous said...

No tienen vergüenza..... repent and return those benches, no questions asked. God sees everything.

Anonymous said...

Too bad stilettos is closed, maybe that's why the big change not the other reason...

Anonymous said...

BISD and PUB fools took them! Get a rope.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Frankie Olivo, any man who leads with his penis — as you did with that married mom — isn’t necessarily a bad human being, but he is definitely someone who doesn’t understand what makes women tick.

In other words, eres un pendejo, bro.

Did some guy with a bigger verga than yours do text you his photo? I think so. Ja ja ja ja.

Anonymous said...

Stilettos, too bad.
Maybe it'll open again soon.
Pray for a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale and Claudia Olivo are deplorable educators and a stain on BISD. They know about Frankie's history with women (the verbal abuse, the hair pulling and the stalking) yet they cover it up and want him to be responsible for thousands of female students, teachers and administrators. Men and women in Brownsville rallied for justice for Vanessa Guillen. We need to rally again to prevent depraved monsters like Frankie Olivo from being in positions of power.

Anonymous said...

Pinche half coco mutt fue el que se robo los bancos!!! Pinche racista mierda!

Anonymous said...

Texas urges residents to plan ahead for Labor Day.
Remember all the bars and the beach are open 24/7 at

Be sure to check in at the local hospital when you return.

Anonymous said...

If that cabdidate is sending lews phitos he is not qualified to be around any minors much less around a workforce with a female majority

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a cesspool of corruption look at PUB and city commissioners to start!!

Anonymous said...

Police open season on color folks! One a day, this is insane this is NOT AMERICA no longer, that idiota president needs to go, just like all the officials here!!!

Anonymous said...

There Is No Route to the White House Without Latino Voters

Anonymous said...

The Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has joined the chorus of critics outraged at a report in The Atlantic indicating that President Donald Trump had described US troops who died in World War I as "suckers " and "losers."

Do we really need this kind of stupidity in the white house???

Anonymous said...

Many congressional Republicans and conservative opinion leaders have argued for a “pause” in stimulus efforts until the $2.2 trillion authorized by the CARES Act is fully distributed and states are given the opportunity to reopen businesses.

So they want to wait until after Democrats take the House, Senate, and White House and get the virus under control? Sounds about right for the do-nothing (for anyone in the 99%) party.

Anonymous said...

Unused bike trails why? Bikes are allowed full use of car lanes, its ok, BUT IN THE SOUTHMOST AREA???? No way Jose...

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm trying to get an understanding of all this Chaos that BISD board (current and feature) are in the middle of. Baltazar Salazar current board attorney - wrote hot checks back in the 80's (who got or thought he had his record expunged) but he is considered a felon/criminal; 2. Erasmo Castro - wrote hot checks in the 90's (but is down playing it like it never happened) and he had a situation in Mexico with a child that he claims in never happened, he had a situation in another county/city with another child/adolescent that he claims never existed, and his current DWI in which he is still on probation. So that to me = Criminal/Felon. Are we not comparing apples to oranges? Then we move on to Frankie Olivo - 2 years ago he was arrested for harassment and stalking; where he sent a video of himself masturbating. That to me = pornography; unwanted advances to a female. Olivo claims that he learned from his mistakes. Maybe is a long shot. What are we exposing our children too? That it's OK for OUR feature BOARD candidates may target your son or daughter! That it's OK for them to be role models to OUR feature. We see day in and day out how predators "try to be the nice guy and to be liked by everyone" they guys are just like that. Would Elizondo feel comfortable to have Frankie near his young and beautiful daughters? I guarantee that he would;t let them near this sick individual! So why is it OK for us parents to be OK with it as well.
Why would an organization that is meant to be the voice of teachers AOBE be OK with endorsing these individuals. You have to be advocates to all! Not who you pick and choose. I just don't understand the mentality that people have. The Educated ones that are in those classrooms day in and day out! Would you be OK with your son, daughter, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter or any family member to be in the same room as these criminals, felons, predators?? I think you would not. I want the best for our students, teachers, staff for OUR district. I Believe in BISD! I believe that people need to wake up and really take a double look at these individuals. Erasmo Castro, Frankie Olivo, Carlos Elizondo and Cardenas. Do you think they have the best interest in your child or you??

Anonymous said...

My vote was between Jaime Diez and Denise Garza. Having read a few comments seems like the few people who talk negative of her on this blog are unhappy, possibly lazy personnel who complain over everything. I will be voting for her. She seems to be the person right for the job. Mr. Diez has no comments which raises red flags that he possibly can not relate to our district. All olivo’s comments are facts and not here say. Ms. Garza keep you head up and continue doing what you are doing. You will be a great asset to out district. I had to check her Facebook after reading mchale and needed to judge for myself not based on a lying blogger. you can tell she is within a good crowd. Her good deeds and community service speaks highly of the type of person she is.

Anonymous said...

September 4, 2020 at 9:10 AM

"My vote was between Jaime Diez and Denise Garza."
Who's between? mickey mouse? idiota!

Anonymous said...

LOL hahaha between! m i c k e y has my vote
