Friday, September 11, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Today marks the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist bombing of the Twin Towers in New York. A picture of the North and South towers with the Statue of Liberty in the foreground  before the jetliners stuck then in 2001 and killed nearly 3,000 Americans is on a 2020 calendar on the wall of El Pedregal Restaurant at the corner of 12th and Adams streets. Coincidentally, the Brownsville Fire Department Main Station is located cater (kitty) corner from El Pedregal. 

Of the 2,977 victims killed in the September 11 attacks, 412 were emergency workers in New York City who responded to the World Trade Center. This included: 343 firefighters [including a chaplain and two paramedics] of the New York City Fire Department [FDNY].

On May 2, 2011, Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by US Special Forces during an early morning [approximately mid-afternoon on May 1 in the United States] raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Never forget!)


Anonymous said...

Voting for Trump: El Paya Jerry McHale, Erasmo and La Frankie.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville's connection to New York and 9-11 is non-existent. How many Mexicans died in the fall of the towers? Some for sure. Waiters and custodians and maintenance workers and prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

No wonder they're FAT...FDB

Anonymous said...

Yesterday morning I proudly placed a Biden-Harris yard sign in front of our house. By this morning it had disappeared.

I have to say I’m disappointed, but not surprised. People are saying they will do anything do discourage voter participation so they can steal the election. Do we need any more evidence?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:22 am, you're a very sick person full of hatred. So much hate for humans is not normal. Get help psycho.

Anonymous said...

@8:28 You should be thanking the one that stole your stupid sign!!! Who in the world wants a senile and dementia for president!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it true Claudia threw Gerry's arse out of her house.

Anonymous said...

According to the trusted US government, Osama was killed and within 24 hrs was dumped in the sea never to be seen again. No pictures of anything! And all you pendejos believe the fairy tale story! Enjoy your vaccine idiotas, courtesy from the US government! Idiota vacas!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure "La Claudia " kicked Jerry out. He's as old as her father! She's probably can't get satisfied with his old, wrinkled d**k! That's pretty gross " La Claudia " . That's why she will never be classy of any sorts. She will never compare herself to Elizondo's wife Cindy. Keep tryin, associate yourself with better people. Oh wait you can't uour are related to Frankie and Erasmo. The lowest class people on earth.

Anonymous said...

Laredo Trump Train had close to 2000 vehicles participating.

Anonymous said...

@1:44 The government would never lie to us Idiota! And I can't wait for the COVID-19 vaccine to arrive so I can and my kids take it.
