Wednesday, September 23, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: The respite in having their utilities disconnected given to the unemployed and under employed caused by the COVID-19 crisis is over. All over the city, those poor souls are getting threatening letters like this from PUB John Bruciak and his cadre of overpaid underachievers.

They were never laid off despite the $325 million power plant debacle which raised the utilities by 36 percent to pay for the Tenaska Plant to Nowhere that never got built. Now they don't want to bring the rates back down because they say it will mean that the city commission will not get their annual $14 million in cash transfers and free utilities. 

And oh, yeah, after they "wrote off" $9.1 million in money made from the higher rates, they still want a say on how the remaining $29 million will be spent.

How about erasing the debt of the poor ratepayers whose utilities may get cutoff because they fell behind a couple of $100? Compared to the millions they have cost us, it should be the least they can do.

As is, right after the rates were raised, the three top PUB honchos gave themselves more than $100,000 raise each over two years so they are all at near $300,000 a year. 

They don't worry about anybody turning off their lights. Anyway, the top two don't even live in Brownsville so it's no skin off their nose.

But they suffer no repercussions over the fact that they "misplaced" $1.3 million when they sent a vendor payment to a fake account. 

As Dandy Don used to say: "Turn out the lights, the covid's over..."


Anonymous said...

As parents, we want our children to be good and moral people. So we teach them ethics, compassion, empathy, fairness and the difference between right and wrong. The people in power in our government do the exact opposite.

When President Barack Obama nominated a Supreme Court justice eight months before the 2016 election, the Senate blocked that nomination, refusing to even bring it up for debate, let alone a vote. Now, a mere six weeks before our next presidential election, those same senators are ramrodding a vote on a new justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

So what are we teaching our children now? That if you are in a power of authority, you do not have to follow the rules of integrity and ethics if it serves your agenda. This is only the latest example of showing us that, as long as you’re in power, you can do whatever you want.

Shame on you! I taught my children better than that.

Anonymous said...

Juan, it was Dandy DON and the song goes "Turn out the lights, the party's over."

Anonymous said...

Is anybody going to protest the Breonna Taylor results of a no indictment for her murder? I guess not we must be in the most peaceful city in the world.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale wrote this today, Juan:

My father wasn't a racist, but there were members on both sides of my family who hated niggers and spics.

Anonymous said...

It's about time PUB caught up with all those ne'er-do-wells who thought they could get away without paying their bills! They received the $1200 stimulus check plus $600 for every child and $600/wk if they filed for unemployment. Explain to me why they couldn't afford $400/mo for PUB.

Anonymous said...

The city commissioners are to blame for the mis management of the Tenaska utilities monies taken from the rate payers.If they new years ago that the plant was not going to be built then why hasn't the rates gone down? Where is the outcry from the citizens of Brownsville? Why haven't any investigations gone on about the 75million dls of the rate payers monies that were misappropriated for other expenses.The mayor is a lame duck he has no leadership or he's in on it!!

Anonymous said...

These maggots at city and PUB think they got away with this Tenaska scam don't think so!! Deals done in the dark will have to be answered in the light.Good luck with that scamming the rate payers of one of the poorest cities in America.You know who you are.

Anonymous said...

September 23, 2020 at 6:10 PM
There are a few of those here always insulting honkys, cracker face and hillbillys and bagal belly gringos, to name a few...

Anonymous said...

Five Things Biden and His Allies Should Be Worried About
I thought it was only one el pendejo trump

Anonymous said...

There was help wanted signs all over Brownsville, a lot of people choose NOT to work...and while you're at it have five more kids...

Anonymous said...

And they call these NORMAL..




GGL said...

As your hero Obama said "elections have consequents" just look at the mess in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

While the rest of the community remains under COVID-19 restrictions, families continue to have to stay home with their children because schools remain virtual, many remain out of work and the virus threat continues.....PUB goes back to regular business (bill collection from the poor). Just like community connection.
