Tuesday, September 1, 2020


La Cebolla

WASHINGTON—Taking a firm stand ahead of his visit to the Wisconsin, President Donald Trump vigorously defended Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse Tuesday as a racist white supremacist.

“People are taking his actions completely out of context, but you’ve got to realize this kid was a brave racist who crossed state lines to kill and injure Black Lives Matter activists,” said Trump, echoing the opinion being expressed by many popular voices across conservative media and suggesting that the shooter merely wanted to protect white America.

“This a good, proud white supremacist. As pure-blooded as they come. He had no choice. The mob was challenging his worldview and left him with no option but to kill those standing in opposition to his racist ideology. Many are trying to smear him by saying he only acted in self-defense, but the evidence reveals this was a kid who just loved the police state.”

At press time, Trump added he only wished Rittenhouse would have managed to shoot more protesters.


Anonymous said...

Great job kid.

Anonymous said...

Shouldnt you credit the onion a little more directly? Thats the satire website you pirated this from.

Anonymous said...

Loco Tonto

Anonymous said...

Fake. News

Anonymous said...

I heard he was heading this way WHY? There ain't no hillbillys here

Anonymous said...

Fake news. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Everything is racist when you are a stupid Mexican...according to Google, the most uneducated cities in America are ALL in California and the RGV. The old cliche “stupid Mexican” is spot on.

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican by birth and will be voting Democrat in November. Trump is a racist and a bigot, especially against Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

The most prestigus surveys are from Universities not from comic book companies and they found out that the hillbillys in the cesspool appalachian mountains region are the regions where ticks (hillbillys) live. All biting ticks come from cockroach europe with their cochroach couins.

At least hispanics don't go around shooting people on the back - talk about racism - moron...

Anonymous said...

"A Black man was shot and killed by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies after he was stopped for a traffic violation while riding a bike"

All shootings of blacks are done by whites racist on the spot the most racist on this world.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't believe whites are racist just like I don't believe the pope is catholic.

Anonymous said...

MIssissippi, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansa and others in that cesspool region are the most illeterate and ignorant states "WHITE TRASH" is most appropriate

Anonymous said...

Better clarify this. Democrats in the RGV will propagated as fact

Anonymous said...

September 2, 2020 at 12:14 PM

After reading the meaning of the word first learn to use it in a proper context idiota moron... propagated hahahahaha lol pinche gringo racista republicano

Anonymous said...

I'm not prejudiced against Republicans. Some of my best friends are dumb white boys.

Anonymous said...

President Trump, my kind of guy doing a race cleansing. Black and brown trash with covid and police shootings. Four more years, and he'll eliminate the majority of them.

TRUMP 2020

Anonymous said...

You mean Make America Sane Again, idiot. Four years of being Putin's puppet.

Anonymous said...

Car parade for Biden and Harris scheduled for Saturday

Anonymous said...

The choice is crystal clear, we need true and strong leadership Biden/Harris 2020!!!

Anonymous said...

September 2, 2020 at 2:36 PM

Four more years and you'll be talking russian in siberia estupido he only wants you for your vote pendejo hillbilly.

Anonymous said...

didn't dat boy shoot 3 boys of the white kind?

Anonymous said...

Whiners for Biden!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

September 3, 2020 1:35pm.

El Rrun Rrun (Juan Montoya) is still not posting my comments.

El Rrun Rrun posts nasty comments from both sides on a regular basis but no comments complaining directly about Montoya regarding his stories and postings.

What's the deal?

Anonymous said...

RE Anonymous said... September 3, 2020 1:35pm.

Here are previous comments that I submitted that were not posted by El Rrun Rrun:


RE: Montoya’s 4:25pm post – Trump Defends Racist Shooter…

Again.... Juan Montoya’s posting of this type of fake BS from “The Onion” is an attempt at parody but it is just a disgraceful deception. This post is simply not true. Montoya should change his blog’s name to “El Puro Pedo - Pero Con Premio”.

It is truly shameless of Montoya, a self-proclaimed journalist, to attempt to mislead his readers.

All people of all races are born without a racist belief or thought. Sadly, racism is a belief and mind set of people from ALL races. This kind of posting by Montoya shows his own racist side that is inexcusable for someone who considers himself as a “journalist”.
Montoya must have had a white friend or acquaintance some time in his lifetime.

By writing and/or reposting this type of fake news without a disclaimer, Montoya exhibits a dishonest, rotten core and demonstrates an appalling behavior that is an insult to true journalists.

Racist comments by some readers don’t help.

All readers, especially those that believe the nonsense in the “story”, should do their own fact checking even though they shouldn’t have to. Look at all the videos of this event and analyze what actually happened.

To Juan Montoya: Por favor deja de ser culo, come mierda y no mames.

Be not afraid and post my comments.

Anonymous said...

@4:41 Montoya doesn't post nasty Biden comments or if you use taco eaters to his drinking pals. Se mamon Montoya!!!

Anonymous said...

DemocRats🐀 Let's vote for a China rat for president! I don't mention el viejito name or Montoya won't post the comments!!! Is this a blog or Facebook/YouTube?

Anonymous said...

Try winning an election instead of constantly whining bitch?
Trump won. HilLiary lost. Get over it! Your constant whining and complaining is getting old. It's been four years. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2020 at 7:18 PM

There's no 4:41 idiota just like that stupid hillbilly pendejo lost and with a map que idiota baboso..

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2020 at 1:41 PM

Its his blog, moron open up or start one of your own estupido idiota pendejo...

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2020 at 6:23 PM

Open your own blog idiot and its good he don't post none of your shit pendejo
