Thursday, September 24, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Sometimes people's memories are short. That seems to be the case when some writers say that if the city had been allowed to entice the University of Texas University System with "incentives" it might have decided to locate their main Rio Grande Valley campus here.

They forget that this city and its residents – the poorest in the nation – have been very generous to the oil-and-gas wealthy institution and handed them everything they asked for on silver platter. 

 Years ago, in 1994, when the U.S. Government and the State of Texas were planning to extend U.S. 77-83 from where it ended at International Boulevard and turned toward the Gateway Bridge, they convinced the City of Brownsville to give up Lincoln Park, an island park, to help them complete the span to present-day Veterans Memorial Bridge.

In order to mitigate this action, the state agreed to give the city a tract of land near the area where the levee was relocated near the Rio Grande and the new bridge. Public hearings were held where the residents of nearby La 421 were asked to give up the only park nearby for the greater good. They were promised a new park, perhaps a little further away, but nonetheless a park for their kids and families. 

They did. That is the Lincoln Park of today.
Twenty-three years later, in 2017, as former Mayor Tony Martinez, seeking to get into the good graces of the University of Texas System, tried to give the park away. 

The people rose up, cooler heads prevailed, and the move came to naught.

In his RFP to the UT System, he listed the cost of the 47-acre park at $959,000. But he was offering it to the UT at a fire-sale price.

In the mayor's RFP to the UT System he not only offered to sell huge tracts of publicly-owned land to the UT System at "fair market value," he also offered them other "incentives." Some of these were as follows:

* Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation - $2,500 to $5,000 for every University job associated with UTB's location downtown

* Brownsville Economic Development Corporation - BEDC will contribute tax revenue from increased sales, mixed beverage, and parking meter taxes to UTB for public realm improvements downtown

*Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation - BCIC will provide funding and/or subsidies for "quality of life" projects, including cultural and athletic amenities in greater Downtown Brownsville

* Brownsville Metropolitan Planning Organization and BCIC - MPO and BCIC will increase bicycle infrastructure, including the extension of city hike and bike trails to better connect the UTB facilities with surrounding downtown neighborhoods and amenities

* Public Utility Board - PUB will provide reduced utility rates for new UTB buildings that are built to LEED accreditation standards

* Brownsville Metro - Brownsville Metro will increase their bus coverage area to better serve UTB's campus and to increase service frequency to UTB campus facilities. That despite the fact that even today there is no Sunday bus service for local residents.

In it, La Casa Del Nylon and the old Kress Building were depicted as university facilities and (the latter) as a Gold's Gym. UT said thanks, but no thanks.

The city was offering the UT System 139.9 acres of prime real estate at "fair market value," including Lincoln Park. In fact, the Lizka-Galonsky landowners (also of Casa Del Nylon fame) had an additional 39.09 acres they want to sell UT at "fair market value." 

Now do we understand why city commissioner Rose Gowen was all hot and bothered about the Belden trial and the other bike trails? It wasn't about our health, stupid! It was for her alma mater. In fact, she was conflicted out if she even discussed it or voted for it since she was still in the UT Health System employ. But she did anyway!

Now do we understand why Martinez and the commission raised the parking meter rates whether the citizenry wanted it or not? It formed part of the RFP offer and they had already promised UTB the additional income.

Now do we understand why the PUB rates for 80 percent of the PUB ratepayers (the residence customers) would have had to – in addition to paying higher utility rates for the $325 million in revenue bonds for Tony's Tenaska power plant investment –  subsidize the new UTB buildings with lower utility rates?

This followed the plan by UTB's Juliet Garcia to hand over the 200 million in real estate and facilities to the UT System and to do away with the college. And since 1991, TSC had "transferred" some 1 billion (with a B) over the 22-year existence of the UTB-TSC "partnership." And UT wanted more.

But even with all the freebies in the RFP, the UT System said no. Nos quedamos come novia de rancho. The local residents had nothing to do with them refusing the offer. They did, however, have something to say about handing over TSC and all its assets and of giving away Lincoln Park to the UT for a song.

Contrast that with the folks at Prairie View who threatened to sue UT for not providing Permanent University Funds because it was  a predominantly black institution. 

UTB was primarily a brown institution, too. The only difference was that those folks stood up for their rights and held UT accountable for not providing an equal opportunity to their citizens as it is supposed to provide all Texas residents. It was here as long as the getting was good and then left for Edinburg. 

Should Brownsville be blamed then, for the state of downtown and the fact that the UT System isn't here?

 It seems to us that we laid the city's offerings at their feet and they turned up their noses at it. We should put some of those assets to resurrect downtown and prevent real-estate wolves like Martinez and his successors from taking first dibs on the profits. 


Anonymous said...

Erasmo , Frankie, Carlos 2020

Anonymous said...

The guy who wrote that on El Paya Jerry's blog is a wannabe reporter, Juan. He's just typing and El Paya needs material, any material! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

They all deserve an award but first pay all those organizations 150k a year, paid for by the poorest city in the country.

1. Flooding
2. Pot holes
3. Traffic Jams
4. Signal light out of sync
5. Useless pet projects
6. Corruption - PUB, Port, BISD, COB etc.
7. Favoritism Janitors from Dallas to run Boards at 100k salary.
8. By-passing requirements to open businesses
9. On and on and on... when's this going to stop


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Juan. McHale posted that story by this unknown clown without questioning any of it. What a fucking loser!

Anonymous said...

Give Browntown to the resembles Matamoros more than a city in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Texas tops 15,000 COVID-19 deaths
Party hardy gringos

Anonymous said...

Parking meters revenues should go into updating the downtown parking meters! Pinche meters are from the 70's/80's and are always getting out of order or broken into! I saw one meter that was so faded and loose. Where is the money going to? Bernal, please tell us!

Anonymous said...

Again Jerry kisses your ass, Juan. He copied and pasted this story on his lying blog! What a loser!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, now the lame blogger Diego Garcia is throwing the Mexican crab thing at you. LOSER!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juliet thought she was getting to get the Utrgv presidency ... she was not even considered.. oh! Was as she pissed

Anonymous said...

Downsize city management staff, a city manager,a deputy CM, two assistant CMs and an assistant to the city manager are way too much staff for a city this size. Brownsville is not Houston or Dallas. The city is probably paying around $800,000 a year plus fringe benefits. That's unheard of, Mayor & Commissioners, please analyze this issue, you have the authority to reduce this over staffing.

Anonymous said...

Prairie View sought UT funding on behalf of their community, while Queen Julieta Garcia sought UT funds to enhance her power in this community. Julieta was always primarily focused on her power in this community, not the benefit of the community.

Anonymous said...

By the way, what happened to "Blue Jean Mayor?"
Haven't seen hell or high water of him?
Sitting at home with all the money he got as mayor?

Anonymous said...

Sept. 24....6:08 PM

Unfortunately with the Dept. “Heads” that we have, Bernal has his hands full....just look at the Building Permit Dept.... only one in the Valley that remains behind closed doors, never mind the Health Dept beating up the local restaurants....Come on Man !!!

Viva Trump!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Then you have "Directors" earning $90,000 plus with no employees or budget to manage. What type of director is that? Unheard of,Waste of tax payers monies. You call that effective management?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought I'd never see this idiota again BUT NOOOOO YOU HAD TO PRINT HIS STUPID PIC AGAIN!!!! GRACIAS.
