Wednesday, October 14, 2020


          TSC              STATE
3-year: 27.9 percent   22.8 percent
4-year: 32.7 percent   30.3 percent
6-year: 34.7 percent   36.9 percent
(Six-year graduation rate before 2013 when TSC gained its independence from Julieta Garcia's UTB-TSC "partnership": 16 percent) 


Unknown said...

Q: What is the most expensive college degree out there?
A: The one you started and never finished!

I am so glad that this has surfaced... data visibility and setting a goal is the first step towards improvement for any challenge. In the same way that we obsess about increasing enrollment to get students to college, let's obsess about making sure that students persist and get through college. It is a one-way ticket towards getting out of the cycle of poverty!

Learn more about the "fine print" on these numbers at the below link:

Stay safe, make a plan to vote, fill out the census, take a flue shot, and follow the science to combat this virus!

Anonymous said...

The highest degree is a two year associates, no?

Not that impressive.

Anonymous said...

“You can always find a job as a nanny,(now called providers)".

We’ve all worked with the genius intern with the perfect resume who couldn’t make it to the office on time (ever); the one who spoke six languages but teamwork wasn’t one of them. Likewise, we’ve all known the colleague from the never-heard-of-it college who hustled harder than anyone else on the team and flew up the ladder with blink and you’ll miss her speed.

“It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.”

What has been proven is that the most successful leaders are motivated by a purpose.

And NOT by taking out the garbage or follow a leader!!!

Anonymous said...

Y pobrecito half coco transgender mutt retard no más llego a 6th grado!!!

Anonymous said...

The highest degree

Ask el maestro (Dr.)el hillbilly coco wanna be white He has a Ph,d. on the evolution of the complete transformation from human to hillbilly, a feat nobody in this planet has ever done. Da doc is not only a first homofobiculoism. A natonal treasure to say the least. An honorary doctor from the most prestigeous University with degrees in Cesspool engineering and operations and research management from the most prestgious school in the world The Universit of El Gran Southmost located at La Prietas cameron couty.

Yet he refuses to live in a mansion nor in a palace. Da doc a most humble bad hombre is dedicated to live as normal life as possible in this residence at Veterans Park with a recluse resort at one of the bus shelters located at Central Drive.
pinche guey

Anonymous said...

October 14, 2020 at 3:33 PM

I think I've seen that doctor does he wear nike chanclas? Hahahahahahahaaaa
