(Ed.'s Note: Following numerous complaints of voter and harassment of their opponents and encroachment on the sidewalks and the fences of Veterans Park next to the main library, the City of Brownsville Police Department sent officers this morning to quell the disturbances. The majority of complaints were related to the behavior of the Brownsville Independent School District slate headed by Earsmo Castro, nephew Frankie Olivo, former BISD trustee Carlos Elizondo and Viro Cardenas.
Some of their opponents complained that they were abused verbally by the slate's candidates and supporters who had erected tents over the sidewalks leading to the library parking lot and the voting site. One, a member of the board of Texas Southmost College, said Olivo had attempted to trip her as she walked past them. In the past, the enforcement by city police of the clear sidewalks has been spotty and favored some incumbents such as former mayor Tony Martinez. Martinez's challenger Pat Ahumada was forced to remove his signs and lawn chairs from the spot.To add insult to injury, the slate's candidates dressed in orange, mimicking the orange jumpsuits they wore when they were arrested and then booked on a variety of charges. Castro is on probation for DWI, Elizondo is yet to go to trial on theft charges, Cardeas faces jail time for failing to a child support court order, and Olivo served probationary time on sexual harassment and stalking charges in the county's pre-trial diversion program.)
Why do they allow these idiots to stand there? They think they can change your vote. Idiots! When people go vote they already know and have in mind who they're gonna vote for.
How much do these people get paid?
Brownsville is in trouble if the BISD slate is full of worthless criminals. Voters would have to be real stupid to vote for those assholes. They only run to raise campaign funds from crooked vendors for personal use. Win or lose, they just suck up the campaign funds to pay their legal bills.
Pendejos those that vote for those pieces of shit.
Vote "HELL NO!" on La Frankie Olivo! Vato siempre anda manoseando su verga, como un baboso! Fuera, Malvado!!!!
Orange is the new black for these so-known criminals who had audacity to run for public office, knowing full well that the people know exactly who they are and what they have been accused of doing. I have to check policy that lists the qualifications for running for BISD school board. Must you have some kind of charges on your file to qualify? They have nor show any shame!
You can make a difference! Vote Minerva out, too. Next follow con la prisci y la drue. Start a new!
Erasmo is Bad News. Vote NO! on Erasmo Castro.
Trump stands without any real rivals as the worst American president in modern history. In 2016, his bitter account of the nation's ailments struck a chord with many voters. But the lesson of the last four years is that he cannot solve the nation's pressing problems, because he is the nation's most pressing problem...
For the first time ever, a yard sign affected my vote. There was a big Trump banner in the yard and a sign supporting Pena. When I saw that the Trump supporter was also favoring Pena I knew I would not be voting for her.
I think these group of candidates needs to change colors to green because these is all that Brownsville can produce to represent our schoolsystem? Watch out how much money 💰 is going to their families. There are two good candidates in this field to represent BISD. All the rest of people running for the board don't have a clue about leadership. This why Brownsville Independent school district is in a mess. The blame also goes to lazy teachers and staff.
Low lifers
Doesn't matter how many signs they have or how big they are... signs don't equal votes. Don't underestimate the community. They are tired of this crazy nonsense. The criminal slate has mocked and bullied for far to long. They want to be treated with respect...but yet act like complete morans.
Brownsville is garbage.
Now any bum can run for a position on the BISD board. What's next?
New York Times first ever endorsement
Wow, like a third world country electing criminals and idiots. Just another brick in the wall.
Lock them up!
Lol Fake police reports by Eddie Garcia
When I drove by Saturday afternoon they were off the sidewalk and Spilling into the street. Fucking political parasites. All of them. You don’t see this shit in other parts of Texas, only around the border.
The Case Against Donald Trump: nyt
They miss their jumpsuit SENT THEM BACK WHERE THEY BELONG
This is the main CHIQUERO de Brownsville corrupt set up.
Vote NO to the clown circus!!! Hey, Jerry saw your chick Claudia and Viro together when I went by to vote... damn, she is fat!! And as much as you try to disassociate yourself Claudia, and Frankie from Erasmo, Carlos, Viro they were all together. Una bola de pendejos. May next time you should tell Claudia not to take pictures with el marrano erasmo. She just discredited you and your bullshit lies you write about. Oh and Mayra Rivera teacher and married to a EMT Tino Rangel Shame on you for supporting these criminals especially the main one that turned his back on your husband and coworkers. You May have just black balled Tino at work. Shame on you!!!! You drank their koolaid and now you will have to pay the consequences of possibly your honey never promoting. Erasmo you can bitch and lie all you want, but you don’t have a loyal group you think you have. This group will eventually see the BULLSHIT you and your slate are all about!! We all know that you don’t last long with friends. You are not loyal to anyone but yourself. Ay and poor Marisa come pendeja trying to fit in.
These felons truly believe they have the momentum. They think because they have Dhalia Aguilar and her teachers from Lopez on their side that ALL teachers want them to win. This is bullcrap, besides his low life followers, his base is no more than 600 people. So you figure he has maybe 2000 vote coming in. Everyone knows he needs over 6000 to even compete because 30k will vote this BISD election. Daniela will whoop his ass easily. Same for Carlos. Eddie has the silent majority on his side. I can live with Viro and Olivo winning. Joe Rod I'm sorry but you are being a weasel. You tell your supporters you are disgusted with Erasmo and all the convicts on his slate yet you go to his show any chance you get. Marisa you have done well staying away from those idiots and therefore you have my vote. Denis Garza, Daniela Valdez, Cowen, Marisa Leal, and Eddie Garcia will bring balance to this board. IF any of these orange jump suiters win it will show how bad Brownsville has gotten. Wake up Brownsville and vote for ethical and people with integrity. It's crunch time so go vote people or those clowns just might squeeze in!!!!
Its not the campaigning to change ones mind? Its the truth, that elected officials are being arrested or have a criminal record whether a felony or not? But, tat' the democRATS way, isn't it? DemocRATS want criminals in elected positions with no moral or ethical values! Look at democRATic candidates, you have one that is Catholic and does not even hold those values. This POS who has been in office for over 40 years with no real record supports mayhem by those who share his values, no God & country. Then you have a woman who is labeled black because of the census designation BUT is not. A woman who has had no children and supports and approves of abortion even at full term or birth. The same woman who was an Attorney General who also supports and approves of the mayhem created by racists and does who do not believe or support God & country. A woman who has proven her hypocrisy by taking the nomination when she berated the democRATic pick calling him a sexual predator.
Bottom line, you people who vote for these POS in local elections deserve your choice.
If these people are harassing people now can you imagine if they were to win. They are criminals and deserve to be in jail. They are a bunch of bullies. All Corrupt and a bunch of liars.
The Mexican Clown Posse
Great job Brownsville PD for a job well done!
Now let's see if the County steps it up and verifies if Frankie Olivo submitted time off for the days that he has been out at the polls. Come on County Judge Trevino, HR Department or Martha Galarza at the County Auditors Office.
Verify if Frankie submitted Vacation time for these early voting days. Can't be sick time since after 3 consecutive days he needs a doctor excuse.
No Vale Frankie "Dick Pic" Olivo
and the poor grandma holding his sign. do you suppose that Claudia "La Perra" had the nerve to tell her mom that Frankie Jacked off and video taped it?
Or did Claudia "La Parra" go get a quickie with Viro when he was there? While Jerry" Delusional" McHale is at home getting high..
What sorry ass people!
8:26 a.m - well said.
Did Adela file assault charges against Olive for trying to trip her. If she did not then she is part of the problem. there is only one female trustee in a contested race so the alleged victim had to have been Adela. She needs to pursue attempted assault charges. If she does not then she enables Frankie.
I hears that you can take a course of how to run for public office and its offered here to persons that are in jail or awaiting trial(only)and only here in brownville.
Poor Erasmo, Frankie, Carlos and Marisa. So sorry you snd your supporters are enduring such negative behavior.
Can't run a clean and decent campaign. What pieces of shit you all are. Speaks so much of you.
No valen NADA!
you are a embarrassment to your families.
This "orange slate" nonsense would be funny in any other place but Brownsville. Here the voters don't care about the character and honesty of any candidate. Well pues, Tia Sara say her neighbor knows his prima and che says he is good boy, so I vote for heem.
Why is the criminal element so interested in the BISD board? WHY? Can anybody answer that? Why not the city, county, PUB, port, and other election here? WHY????
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