Sunday, October 11, 2020


Brownsville Herald

The Texas Education Agency has granted a second four-week waiver extending the start date for face-to-face instruction for all BISD students to Nov. 30, the day after the Thanksgiving break.

The waiver clears the way for the Brownsville Independent School District to deliver the vast majority of instruction through distance learning through the start of the Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 20. Parents have the option to request distance learning through the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, and teachers with students at home have the option of whether or not to bring their children to school, Superintendent Rene Gutierrez said.

TEA approved the second four-week waiver contingent on BISD opening campuses for face-to-face instruction to students without adequate internet or devices. The soft, or phased-in, reopening for such students began Sept. 23, with all students whose parents requested in-person classes back on campus as of Tuesday. Currently, less than 100 BISD students whose parents are teachers are attending in-person classes, Gutierrez said.

The BISD Board of Trustees approved the extension on a 7-0 vote at its Oct. 6 meeting. As of Oct. 1, the date the request was submitted, 602 students were attending classes on campus and 527 did not have access to the internet or a device out of a student population of more than 40,000, according to the waiver application.


Anonymous said...

Democrat MJ Hegar can shake up the status quo and act in Texans’ interests with a sense of urgency that’s regrettably missing in Congress. She is an engaging communicator who conveys a firm understanding of the issues and an ability to connect them to everyday lives. Her personal story combines elements of exceptional grit and courage and the relatable, everyday concerns of a working mother. As an Air Force pilot, Hegar was wounded when her helicopter was shot down during a 2009 rescue mission in Afghanistan.

Hegar was driven to run for the Senate over climate change, worried about the world in which her young children are growing up. She advocates aggressive goals for expanding clean, renewable energy and investing in clean energy manufacturing and sustainable transportation.

But it is the rising cost of health care that’s uppermost on Texas voters’ minds. She favors a public option making Medicare available to all who want it, and supports measures to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

= Vote BLUE!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Hegar comment. Not much has been written about her here.

Anonymous said...

Trump hails his COVID 'cure' as leading medical journal calls him 'dangerously incompetent' on pandemic

Anonymous said...

Students stay home, fired all the teachers and have only one instructor for each course and no coaches. PE with the family to cut down weight. Cut school taxes by 80 percent and businesses can come back into Brownsville. Have only one superintendent with teacher pay. Cut the school board to only 3 members. It's time for a change for the better because individuals will start cussing me for these comments or ideas 💡. There was nothing wrong with schools in the 50's and 60's but idiots wanted new math, new English and only sports. Everything went down the drain and teachers got lazy and there's so many teachers screwing around with each other. Telling the truth will get people into trouble because teachers become victims of their stupidity. Our school system is in a mess because the school board are doing the same thing. The top people protect each other at the cost of taxpayers. The parents don't have any more say so what happens to their children education. It's all about money for the teachers because they are over work? That's a big joke, teachers don't work, always calling in sick or coming in late. Students can go on strike and change the teachers and school board. End this stupidity now.

Anonymous said...

Tomball ISD has implemented back face to face since September 8th. There has been positives and dealt with in a responsible manner. BISD should look at what Tomball did and copy their model

Anonymous said...

The BISD Superintendent was a lousy choice. The Current Board gave him a lot of Top Heavy Staff. These individuals just order. The current AAs are a joke and you can't make 1 out of all of them together. A lot of drama trying to impress the Superintendent by all those ladies. Dr. T Cuff loves the Atkinson clan and is a follower to impress Dr. Sylvia and sister. He loves Rose Longoria though. Vote Minerva out.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry wearing a bra on his blog. What a loser! Grow up, Mamon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Round Rock Air Force veteran MJ Hegar and three-term U.S. Sen. John Cornyn sparred over racial injustice, policing and the Supreme Court during an encounter televised statewide Friday night.

In what may be their only debate, Hegar, the Democratic challenger, cast Cornyn as ineffectual and too cozy with big-money interests during his 18 years in Washington. It’s time to fire him, she insisted.

Cornyn, who for much of the past decade was the No. 2 Republican in Senate leadership, branded Hegar as the hand-picked candidate of Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York. She’s too liberal for Texas, he said.

Answering a question about coronavirus vaccines, Cornyn assailed Senate Democrats for blocking a fourth COVID-19 relief package — though, at $550 billion, one questioned by some as not commensurate with the country’s public health and economic crisis.

He quickly turned to his Schumer puppet theme.

“That’s the people who are supporting MJ, the people who recruited her and her donors, and the first vote she will cast will be for Chuck Schumer as the leader,” he said.

Hegar, who rose to prominence with a lawsuit that fought to allow women to serve in combat, turned to Cornyn and dismissed his characterization.

Anonymous said...

To all the women running for BISD TRUSTEE, I applaud you all for showing nothing but professionalism in your campaign. You all have proven to not step to the level of the criminal slate. Well done, ladies. You all will bring VICTORY! The criminal Men who call themselves men are nothing but cowards who talk all the shit on Facebook with nothing but lies. Men who go out to degrade women with name-calling Don't b on any leadership table. These four men listed below are so desperate they are making up lies to add fear in our community. Sorry men but those days are lobg over and done with. Our community doesn't need people like you all to add fear. We need solutions and all you have done since April is add fear. No solution has ever come out if your mouths. Carlos and Joe you all have been part of the board at one time that took from our teacher, students, and staff. We gave not forgotten.!! Erasmo and Frankie you all sound like used car salesmen trying to sell something that is not saleable. Give it up! We are tired of your shit! You have the same people commenting and sharing on your podcast. That is pretty pathetic to think you all are actually making a difference when us sane people laugh at you all.

No Carlos Elizondo
No Erasmo Castro
No Frankie Olivo
No Joe Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Just dont vote for Erasmo Castro and his gang.
That guy is a poor donald trump. He spreads so much false information that he claims are true and factual.
Shut the fuck up erasmo

Anonymous said...

It's not gonna Happen..
We staying Virtual for next 7 months.

Anonymous said...

When I went to Resaca Elem ALL teachers were white, short, fat and ugle LA PURA VERDAD I hated to go to school they would always punish you.

Anonymous said...

October 12, 2020 at 11:31 AM

To all the women running for BISD TRUSTEE

Why did you leave out the one that will appear soon in federal court at about Oct 15 2020? I applaud you all for showing nothing but professionalism - Haha Moron
