Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A week ago, Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Rene Gutierrez and Dr. Nellie Cantu came before the City of Brownsville Commission (via Zoom) with a tale of penury and gloom

Unless they had a "partnership" with the City of Brownsville (an
perhaps Cameron County), they would not be abale to take advantage of a Texas Education Agency program to match their monetary contributions to implement internet connectivity to all its students.

The TEA allowed the city or county to partner up with the BISD and would match their contributions "dollar for dollar" toward the purchase of tablets, notebooks, or IPads as the district's "distance learning" was put in place to fend off COVID-19 infection in face-to-face instruction.

But the county claimed penury as well since it was treated like a red-haired stepchild by the state and given only $1 million in CARES Act monies compared to the city's $10.2 million share.

In yesterday's city commission meeting, Mayor Trey Mendez said that the city had proposed committing

the first $250,000 from its CARES Act share contingent upon the establishment of a permanent joint partnership that would deal not only with the current virus threat, but into the future as both faced issues that overlapped into the other's purview. Toward that end, the commission approved an initial  Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with more specific agreements to follow.

The proposal for the initial $250,00 outlay was approved (6-1) with commissioner Ben Neece – who had questions about the city and BISD's broadband/WIFI plans –  and both administrations committed to hold quarterly meetings to coordinate their individual plans on items such as the Cummings Elementary Workforce Center and the Gladys Porter Zoo, a Performing Arts Center, etc.,

BISD's Dr. Timothy Cuff, who isn't above unearthing a cliche or two, said the establishment of a Memorandum Of Understanding was a "win-win" situation and thanked the city for the quarter million while at the same time saying that then other specifics )the Cummings School property, Performacne Arts Center, etc.,) will have to be approved by the BISD board.

Future meeting between the two entities will beheld after the November 3 BISD elections where the board makeup will change.


Anonymous said...

Students are fat and dumb attending virtual classes, and most of these "poor " souls own the latest I Phone. Connectivity not the issue.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone look at BISD’s fund balance? They usually have a bundle of money stashed away somewhere.

Anonymous said...

And the pot holes QUE? pinches pendejos... y el otro pendejo quejandose por iphones estupido at: October 7, 2020 at 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Make sure Gutierrez does not hire another assistant with that money. 12 noon post took the words right out of my mind. I see the parents line up at Canales everyday for a piece of food from 10 AM until they are served at 11:30
The idiots sit there for 1 1/2 hours playing on their phones instead of being home making a pot of fijoles, carten de arros con pollo, tortillas de harina,
y Kool Aid, but instead chose to sit in their air conditioned brand new cars. And the poor cafeteria ladies/gents have to stick it out in the sun and rain to feel these arastrados. Vuerguenza deben te tener!

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, the crooks are being given quarter million? And just at the time when joe "five finger discount" rodriguez wants back into the criminal arresting lying crooked bisd!

But yet, we have a former Hooter girl with luscious breast running for District Clerk? Including a former District Clerk who wants to bring back crooks from Cantu days if he wins? What' the other choice? A Misdemeanor Class A convicted candidate who obviously has proven that he will falsify documents to make a dollar? Oh, the same one who had a security company that contributed to the criminal activity conducted by the 8 liners!

Anonymous said...

Now rene Gutierrez "el tlacuache" can hire another edinburg buddy.

Anonymous said...

PUB will be asking the city for 1.3 million for salaries for the top 4 crooks. It has already been approved so I hear... take that to the bank pendejos and vote for ALL of them again and again...

The port is next!

That's the reason why they wanted to raise YOUR TAXAS and they will - wait and see...

Anonymous said...

Give the connectivity contract to Dr. Eder (no bids of course). He can work wonders with taxpayer money (no bids of course).

Anonymous said...

Well that's why he's happen made a million off'a the poorest city in this country and he wants more? A million to the aaah doc (is he really a doc?) a couple million to BISD, a couple million to PUB, the port is next and those scratch my back boards with ceo's makeing 90K (janitors from dallas)a year...

Anonymous said...

Did't these idiotas just hired a wifi director? Where the hell is this guey? Riding a bike at the unused bike trails!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They also hired a web designer shit my 8 year old can do that pinche pendejos
