Wednesday, October 28, 2020


1) Consideration and ACTION, to assign the City Auditor to conduct an audit of the Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) pursuant to City Charter Articles I, II, V and VI, as previously authorized by this Commission on May 5, 2020, and to authorize the City Manager to commit sufficient resources to assist in the audit. (City Attorney)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's only fitting that it would have to be the year 2020 when the City of Brownsville Commission passed an agenda item above by a 7-0 vote to get to the bottom of the Teanska-PUB-COB electric generating plant debacle.

The Memorandum Of Understanding was approved by the city commission during the December 2012 and an ordinance approving rate hikes in utilities to pay for the $325 million bonds to purchase rights-of-way and build the plant were funded by a steep hike in the utility rates starting in 2013.

Since then, the city commission has learned that Tenaska had given up on building the plant in 2015 and that the PUB had shut down the deal by 2017. However, the rates remain artificially high to this day and now PUB administrators say that lowering the rates to pre-Tenaska rates will hurt the annual transfers to the city that makes up about $14 million of the city budget. 

Yet, no one told the city commission that plant project had been abandoned until commissioner Ben Neece forced a joint COB-PUB meeting where PUB's top 3 administrators admitted the construction of the $550 million plant had been unsuccessful. They blamed lower oil prices forced by OPEC flooding the oil market for their failure.

(Neece has been the lone voice in the Tenaska wilderness until recently joined by Tetreau. We searched out files and found this photo of him protesting the Tenaska deal taken before he was elected to the city commission.)

 Whenever anyone asked for an accounting of the funds that resulted from the hike in utilities (more than 36 percent for electricity alone) paid by PUB ratepayers, both PUB and Tenaska hid behind the excuse of "proprietary rights" and said that disclosing the contents of the MOU would give their competitors in the utility market an unfair advantage.

They were successful in their arguments to keep the public in the dark by appealing the release of the information by asking for Texas Attorney General opinions on the matter. They were never asked to produce any document or accounting to the city.  

For years, citizens' requests to examine the MOU to determine the obligations and the fine print had been kept hidden from the commission. One, commissioner Nurith Galonsky, who was the only commissioner who voiced objections to the city auditor performing the audit, served as the chair on the PUB during some of those years. She said she objected to the "meddling" on the subject by "some members of the commission," referring to Neece and commissioner Jessica Tetreau.

Tetreau, Galonsky said pointedly, had voted for Tenaska with the Tony Martinez administration in 2012.

In the discussion that followed the reading of the item, city commission, Galonsky said she wanted to know whether any new staff would be hired by the auditor's office and commissioner Rose Gowen questioned whether the auditor had the expertise to audit the utility's finances vis-a-vis the private energy company.

City manager Noel Bernal said that no new personnel would be hired and that it could be done internally with the staff already on board so that there would be no new hiring needed. Commissioner John Cowen told the commission that city auditor, Patrick J. Zacchini, a CPA, had worked as an auditor for a utility company before coming to the city. 

City attorney Rene de Coss said that Zacchini had found a city staffer also well versed on the subject and would just move him over to their office for the duration of the audit.

Bernal also said that the initial demand for detailed information on how the PUB and Tenaska had spent the money paid by ratepayers (estimated at some $120 to $150 million) had been authored by Neece and Tetreau but that since the project had been abandoned, there was no reason why the information sought could not be released and that PUB provided much of the documentation in their request.

After a meandering discussion addressing Galonsky's objections, Neece called the question and prompted the vote, this time with Galonsky joining the majority.

But there are now rumors that the audit may be done without the help of the PUB Finance Director, Leandro Garcia who is said to have flown the coop and left the utility. Numerous attempts to confirm Garcia's leaving were met with recordings of the PUB answering system and got nowhere. 


Anonymous said...

Two months and The Blimp will be gone! He promised. ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

Juan ok, so after thus audit, which will find out gross negligence from PUB Top Brass, previous board members present and past mayor tray mendez and Blue jeans martinez or pub atty eddie trevino, will the pub customers get a refund? will the top brass apologize too or will bruciak turn in his retirement paperwork y ba? will there be any charges for fraud made against anyone? or will everything be swept under the rug like always? Answer 100% Swept under the rug y ay muere,

Anonymous said...

Sell PUB! Chingao, raza. Ya! Basta!!!!

Anonymous said...

The City can dissolve the PUB and start over. A simple motion. Do it Ben!!!

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is the city trying to bullshit we know dam well by using a city of Brownsville auditor or employee it's the beginning of a cover up to a crime.

Anonymous said...

Pct 1 commissioner should concentrate on helping her pct they need help and she is trying to hide something that will help every citizen and she has to help and refuses to do so? She needs to be re-call and kicked out as city commissioner.

Anonymous said...

The FBI should be called in to investigate PUB don't do it inhouse. It just keeps get bad. Just call the law preferred from out of town and let them take care they are the EXPERTS.

It will just continue STOP IT ONCE AND FOR ALL...

Anonymous said...

The DA needs to step up and start his own investigation INVESTIGATE PUB and BISD DO IT NOW!!! Don't let the bozos at the city do it. All they are going to do is hide all the evidence...

Anonymous said...

Is President Donald Trump a Flight Risk?

Yes, this sounds like a B-grade spy novel. But consider the evidence. He will be subject to another approach to his taxes, investments, foreign business relationships and gone will be the protections he gets as president. Trump has aid he may have to leave the country if he loses.

Where will he go?

Russia, where he will be Putin's pussy.

Anonymous said...

I smell shit here!

Anonymous said...

We demand answers: thank you commissioners! Brownsville is a big punching bag, how many low blows can we sustain? The bridge to nowhere, COVID TESTING SITE (now it’s free), casa de nylon, the veterans high school property, and now PUB. Better yet Brownsville’s a GREAT BIG PUSSY READY TO GET FUCKED BY OUR OWN LEADERS!

Anonymous said...

so leandro garcia left town,mmm whos next Buciak too, retirement wow, and saenz maybe too? Wow just gets hot and time to bail out que bonito.

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Police Department is sinking fast with Chief FeliX Sauceda at the top. Chief Sauceda can not handle or get a grip of his department.
The Chief only sees what he want's to see; and only hears what he wants to hear.
You have failed Chief Sauceda and you make the people you command only show you what you want to see and when you look in the mirror you only see what you want to believe. Chief Sauceda you did not earn your spot and you got the position under the table just like you have your whole career.
Stop pretending to be something your not, the devil comes in many Disguises..

Anonymous said...

Were not stupid commissioner Gowen you want an audit by a city employee, wtf are you kidding us? You all want to control the narrative and hide the corruption at PUB.I hope the FEDS get involved in this travesty under your watch commissioners.WE CITIZENS HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS TYPE OF THIEVERY people dont forget CASA DE NYLON BUILDING THANKS FOR THAT MAYOR MARTINEZ AND GOWEN.DEALS DONE IN THE DARK WILL Eventually SHOW IN THE LIGHT.

Anonymous said...

Bicyclist circumnavigates state in 58 days
HOW NOVEL RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDAMIC this commissioner never gives up she needs to be replaced MACHETE!!!

Anonymous said...

October 28, 2020 at 4:32 PM
I smell it as soon as I hit ramonville coming from up north...

Anonymous said...

You represent Pct 1 southmost seems like you represent only your family and your rich friends. All you wanted was a vote on the commission NOTHING ELSE. Do your job or resign!!! Do it before you are kicked our or voted OUT.

Anonymous said...

They make too much money to resign you either indict them and sent them all to jail THEY AIN'T GONNA QUIT. BOLA DE MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Unless the audit is performed by an independent and out of town firm, it is useless. More of the same brownsville Democrat corruption. You Uneducated idiots that live in brownsville get What you deserve.

Anonymous said...

I live in a part of Brownsville that is not covered by PUB after being in another part of Brownsville that was covered by PUB. Despite moving into a bigger house, my electric bill is cheaper than it was with PUB ($211 for a 2500 sq foot house). There’s a reason conservatives hate monopolies and cry “Government meddling!” when the government passes laws to protect the consumers. Competition is good.

Anonymous said...

If you've been paying attention, you'd know that the COB has a new city auditor completely independent of the administration. Not that the administration isn't helping in this matter, but there still needs to be someone independence looking at these things. The city auditor is not from Brownsville. The audit committee is not involved in this. It's the city auditor directly to the commission. The COB has no interest in covering up anything, it would not have requested the audit. This could have been swept under the rug, but it isn't, thanks to Bernal and Tetreau.

Anonymous said...

October 29, 2020 at 5:20 PM

BS who pays them? Who cuts the checks? When was this announced? Who are they? TELL US DON'T HIDE IT.
Who are they? Bernal's girl friends he brought over from up north????

Anonymous said...

Where is the office of this NEW city auditor? Next to your office?

Anonymous said...

Feds please look into this matter we've had enough of our crooked politicians in this town .Time for heads to roll in this
town the heads at PUB are starting to bail, put some heat on them and they'll start singing like a bird.You be surprized who's involved in this theft.

Anonymous said...

That gringa pct one commissioner needs to resign or be kicked out all she does is help her family, her rich friends and PUB. RESIGN WE KNOW WHY YOU ARE THERE!!

Anonymous said...

Good that we have one vote against the audit.
Not all politicians should be sheep.
One day we'll hear the whole story.
Past political actions were just plain naive.
Remember ENRON?
Your heart is in a good place.

Anonymous said...

@October 29, 2020 at 5:20 PM
If you have paid attention, the last City Auditor was a nurse assistant with zero auditing experience hiring by Cabler. He is still on the payroll somewhere. I have no confidence that anyone in the city hires would be capable.

Anonymous said...

Corruption comes from all angles look at this commissioner why is she protecting PUB? Take care of your responsibility PCT 1, NOT PUB. You need to resign now or be kicked out.

Anonymous said...

October 31, 2020 at 11:00 AM
Her heart is at a local bank with her family and rich friends. Vote to investigate PUB, oh you can't WHY WHY WHY???

Anonymous said...

October 31, 2020 at 7:06 PM - That's because you're too lazy to check. You prefer to spew ignorant comments.

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA?

Anonymous said...

Did the mayor and all the others that got 2k from the kick-back scam deposited that money in a bank???
Where's the DA?

Anonymous said...

Bring in Sylvia Atkinson as Brownsville Police Chief. SHE has done far less serious crimes than Brownsville Police Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda.
