Tuesday, October 20, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Less than two weeks after Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation chairman Graham Sevier-Schultz published a post on his Facebook page telling Texas Governor Greg Abbott to "go fuck yourself" as the organization was seeking the support of the governor's office office to promote a virtual tour for foreign investors, some GBIC members have decided to clip his wings.

An item placed by two board members for the Wednesday noon zoom GBIC meeting agenda states: 

G. Discussion and possible action on Board Conduct Policy. – (Sandra Duran & Dennis Sanchez)

There is no backup to the agenda and CEO Mario Lozoya has been out of town and was unavailable for comment, but it appears that at least these two board members want to impress upon Sevier-Schultz that his stunt may have made things more difficult for the GBIC staff. 

Some board members have said in the past that the governor's staff was aware of the post and were not pleased that it had been made by the chairman of the Brownsville 4A tax Economic Development Corporation that was seeking their assistance.

Their ruffled feathers were smoothed over when they were assured that neither the board nor the staff had been aware that the post was being published by the GBIC chair. But it obviously didn't sit well with them that the efforts of the GBIC staff may have been made more difficult because of the obscene and vulgar post against Abbott by the board chairman.

(The virtual tour, by the way, was considered a success with investors from eight or nine different countries participating and learning about opportunities in Brownsville and the border.)  

What changes these board members may have in mind related to "board conduct" is unknown. Sevier-Schultz, ever since he was appointed chair of the GBIC in 2019, has been stymied in attempting to implement dubious schemes using 4 A sales tax monies.

One that was turned down by the board who question whether it was legitimate use of these funds was one where they were asked to provide a $500,000 loan to Nick Mitchell-Bennett, CEO of the Brownsville Community Development Corporation, to compete with "payday" lenders by offering lower interest loans to applicants of his housing services.

Mitchell-Bennett's Community Loan Center stood to get the $500,000 at 2 percent over 10 years to fund a modified payday loan program with personal loans at 18 percent with the the sales-tax funds meant for manufacturing and industrial development.

The plan was touted as an "employee retention" scheme and as a way to "attract' industry by the duo.
The board balked and questioned whether it was a legitimate use of the sales-tax monies to compete with "payday" lenders. They turned the Sevier-Schultz proposal down and drew a rebuke from the chairman who denigrated their views and the relevance of the GBIC.  

At that, Sevier-Schultz petulantly told the board members that: "The motion dies, and so does this organization. This is totally ridiculous."

Sevier is apparently feeling his oats since he is Mayor Trey Mendez's business partner in Dodici's, a traditional pizza joint downtown, and has enjoyed the support of commissioner Rose Gowen who has declared his 7th and Park Cafe "bicycle friendly" and provided city subsidies to advertise the cafe at the local Cinemark theater.  

Everyone, of course, is entitled to their own political opinion, but Sevier-Schultz's actions and words as the chairman of the GBIC increasingly seem to go counter to the goals of the organization he heads. The two board members who placed the item on Wednesday's agenda may be right. It may be time to clip his wings and bring back some decorum and seriousness to the table. 


Anonymous said...

This parasite on our city needs to go, now.

Anonymous said...

He should be run out of town with his buddy the mayor el idiota, continue to sent copies to the governor and hopefully things for once will change here. we need it.

Anonymous said...

He needs to go and NEVER come back. PINCHE PENDEJOS and hope you idiots learned from this. YOU ARE MESKINS AND DON'T FORGET THAT THE GRINGO NEVER WILL. ESTUPIDOS

Anonymous said...

Sevier was right to tell Abbott to GO fuck himself! No Meskin did that!!! smh

Anonymous said...

Mendez should show back bone and remove his buddy from a board he isn’t qualified to serve on.
Sevier is a clown, with his hipster wanna be clothes and using his awesome lingo, yet doesn’t know shit.
Go back to babysitting Graham and let your wife bring home the bacon

Anonymous said...

I believe that black lives matter, that the Dreamers deserve a path to citizenship, that diversity and inclusion are essential to our national success, that education is the great equalizer, that climate change is real and that the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our democracy. Most important, I believe that America must lead in the world with courage, conviction and a sense of honor and humility.

Vote for Democrat Biden!

Anonymous said...

While I don't disagree with the sentiment I don't think this is worthy of a professional, especially one who represents the city. I see Facebook posts all the time from so called professionals that express their feeling of "fuck that" all the time. As someone who, pre-retirement, was once in a position to hire and evaluate employees who would be interacting with the community at large and professionals in the medical and legal field, I feel the language is not appropriate. I have heard the argument that what I do on my own time is my business and my response is that when it effects your job it is not just your business. I was careful about my behavior prior to my retirement and I try not to be stupid about it now but I am at the point in life that what I do is, in fact, my business and my business alone so I am free to tell people to fuck themselves and have done so a lot. Now, I don't care too much if you do shit like that but beware of the consequences.
As a side note, this is akin to the assholes who fly that Trump banner with the exclamation "no bullshit". One, there may be people on your street who don't want to have to explain the vulgarity to their children and, two, no President has been more guilty of bullshit then Trump. If the flag fliers truly do not recognize this they probably are good candidates to look up if you are selling the Queen Isabel Causeway or an international bridge because they will believe anything.

Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet he's going to say his Facebook Account was hacked? How much do you want to bet? That loser won't ever own up to anything. He thinks we Mexicans from Brownsville, TX need a White Anglo Person to lead us and keep us in poverty for ever. He is not here to help these little poor Mexicans, he is here for us to give him our money, our hard labor for a cheap price, when he turns around and charges 10 times what anyone else pays. Grahm Sevier makes sure Gowen and Trey charge the citizens a lot of money to be around his presence. Seriously, Graham is stupid. Really Stupid. He has no experience. His money comes from grants the City gave him. His wife is the brains, but since she is Mexican, she makes sure they give her Gringo Husband anything he wants. We the Brownsville, TX Citzens are paying for his rich lifestyle.

Old School Brownsville said...

He is not Chairperson material.

Anonymous said...

October 20, 2020 at 10:13 AM

No need for a meskin to do that when you can get a stupid gringo to do it idiota. LOL kma

Anonymous said...

Would you give funds to somebody that tells you to go fuck yourself. He wouldn't be saying this if he was getting the money. Who puts idiots like this on any board. Get rid of this lowlife. His parents should have taught him respect growing up.

Anonymous said...

Mr bike guy ( from 7th &Park) needs to understand that whether elected or appointed to a public board you loose some of your personal animosities. You can’t always say or express your feelings like you would at the palinque. You have to always be aware of possible reprecussions to the entity you are affiliated with. Or in your case just resign you pendejo!!

BobbyWC said...

Dennis Sanchez is partners with Mendez same as Graham. So who will Trey back in this battle?

Anonymous said...

We should boycott Dodici Pizaeria and 7th & Park and tell them TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES. This is the only way Brownsville will demand respect from our city leaders.

Anonymous said...

You bunch of Fucken Snowflakes grow some huevos!

Anonymous said...

Voter suppression is alive and well in the state of Texas because of the likes of Governor Abbott and the republican gang members of our State of Texas Supreme court. The republicans' goal is to make it hard for the disadvantaged minorities who lack basic transportation to get to the ballot box-they are probably democrats-right? The fewer democrats vote, the more leverage the republicans have. Follow the money.

Our genius governor limits one drop-off box per county... because he knows that it will be inconvenient and make people drive 10 or twenty miles to one voter drop-off box and they will likely just not even vote. Age 65 before you can vote by mail? What kind of a deal is that? I'm 62-and a likely candidate for the COVID virus-but that doesn't matter to our governor who insists that I vote in person and risk exposure to the virus. I hope we flip both houses and run the republicans out the door with their tail between their legs!

Anonymous said...

Dodici’s pizzas suck. The big chains have far better pizzas.

Anonymous said...

This idiot needs to be removed from the board ASAP. He dosen't know the true meaning of respect and has never acted professionally and worse, he dosen't have a clue how to run an organization. This is a prime example of is not what you know but who you know to get appointed to boards. Very pathetic.

Anonymous said...

If you go to his snap and welfare backed busines you will be reluctantly served, unless you are white and seem well off, other wise you'll sit there for a LONG time. Reminders of the 50's and 60's attitudes.
Imagine and being subsidized by taxes that come from 90% Hispanics.
The two cocos have got to go Zavapatas La chisquis and la bandeja. They need to be voted out and don't expect any help from the TEXAS GOVERNOR either for a LONG time.
