Monday, October 5, 2020


 By Juan Montoya

Child custody battles are messy, contentious things, but in a case being heard in Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez's 404th District Court, events have degenerated to the point where the lawyer representing the woman in the dispute has called for a court to recuse the judge charging she has intervened on the man's side putting her neutrality in question.

The woman's attorney, Reynaldo "Trey" Garza, had filed a Writ of Mandamus before the 13th Court of Appeals asking for a stay on her August 10 order that the mother – Jasmine Cuellar – relocate to Cameron Cameron or risk losing custody of her two children and paying child support to the father if she did. Garza said that further investigation indicated that 404th District Court employee Sandra Betancourt was the aunt of father Adam Garcia's wife Melissa Rios.

The 13th Court of Appeals issued the stay on September 1 and it was entered Sept. 2 and stayed the trial court's order "pending further order of the (court of appeals)." 

Garza, filed a supplement to his petition for writ of mandamus before the 13th Court of Appeals (No. 13-20-00362-CV) to order Cornejo-Lopez to recuse herself from the case (2012-DCL-07809) charging she and Betancourt have engaged in conduct aimed at undercutting their order by attempting to obtain a second Temporary Orders hearing in her court  before they could rule on the Petition for Mandamus before them.

In his petition to recuse Cornejo-Lopez, Garza claimed that Sandra Betancourt "is related by marriage to Adam Garcia," the father in the case, and that both had taken an "a very active and inappropriate role in the present litigation..."

Docket entries of a hearing held August 10, 2020, Cornejo-Lopez ordered that: "The children are to remain in Cameron County. If mom chooses to live in Houston then custody will be with father. Child support $750  is to be paid from mom to dad if she lives in Harris County. Medical support to be paid by mother. Mom gets credit of $500.00, so child support will be $250 except for December and August so mother can buy clothes for school (extra money is to be for flight money for visitations). Dad must find employment as soon as its safe because of COVID. If father does not have job by June 2021, the Court will revisit the issue of custody. If mom decides to move back to Cameron County she will gain custody of the children. Mom to advise the Court within 30 days of moms decision where she will reside."

This prompted Garza to file for a writ of mandamus with the 13th Court of Appeals to stay Cornejo-Lopez's order on the grounds that she had abused her discretion.  The 13th Court of Appeals issued the stay on September 1 and it was entered Sept. 2 and stayed the trial court's order "pending further order of the (court of appeals). 

Garza also alleges that Cornejo-Lopez – through Betancourt – had the second attorney appointed to represent Garcia, Louis Sorola, with a prepared First Amended Motion To Modify the Parent-Child Relationship before the appeals court had ruled on Garza's writ of mandamus. Efforts to contact Garza for comment were unsuccessful. 

Later, after our post, Garza commented: "I have never seen anything like this in my 20 years as an attorney." 

The first attorney to represent Garcia, Victor Ramirez, was replaced by Sorola. Following the appeals court order staying her order, Cornejo-Lopez was not pleased with  Ramirez because she felt that he had not defended her order vigorously before the court. Sorola was then appointed by the court to represent Garcia's interests.

Now, after Garza's supplement to his writ of mandamus to the appeals court and his motion for her to recuse herself from the case, Cornejo-Lopez fired Sorola from the case on the grounds that he had violated Garcia's client-attorney privilege by notifying Garza of the impending filing of the First Amended Motion To Modify the Parent-Child Relationship allegedly delivered to him in a flash drive by Betancourt.

Garza claims that Cornejo-Lopez actively sought to have her court consider the amended motion filed by Sorola to the point that "approximately, 1 (one) hour after the First Amended Motion To Modify the Parent-Child Relationship (was filed) on the Court's digital record Judge Lopez called (me) while at a doctor's office, to ask if she could immediately set the new motion for hearing within a week." 

Garza's petition to recuse Cornejo-Lopez states that: "On the evening of September 30, 2020, the parties had reached an agreement to settle the matters pertaining to temporary orders that would have disposed of the First Amended Motion To Modify the Parent-Child Relationship and the Petition for Writ of Mandamus currently pending before the 13th Court of Appeals.

A text was sent by attorney Garza to Judge Lopez and Louis Sorola indicating that the parties had reached an agreement and would be requesting the Judge Lopez' approval of that agreement. Approximately 15 minutes after Judge Lopez was notified of the settlement, Louis Sorola who had already stated there was an agreement, received word that he had been fired from the case, and called to inform Attorney Garza that Adam preferred to fight the case."

Sorola has denied on the record telling Garza over the course of negotiations between the two attorneys the motion had been delivered to his office by Betancourt or saying that she and Elia-Cornejo were "lead counsel" for his client. The docket shows he filed an affidavit before the court denying the allegations.


Anonymous said...

If you told me that somebody who was only testing, not wearing their mask, not distancing, and not taking every other precautionary measure tested positive, I would say: "No shit, Sherlock."

Anonymous said...

Tempest in a teapot involving a bunch of unknowns, or are you going for a story (1) defending your BFF Louis Sorola or (2) shitting on Cornejo yet again?

ja ja

Anonymous said...

Juan, El Blimp promoted this story as his "bombshell"! Ja ja ja You kicked his ass again, bro!!!

Blimp, move out of town already, guey!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Getting COVID-19 is probably not a Brilliant Ploy for Sympathy that will boost Trump’s reelection chances.

Anonymous said...

What kind of father and or judge takes children away from their mother
It understandable when mothers are unfit but even then just for child support

Anonymous said...

This guy use to sexual harass people who had to work with him

Olivo Frankie: Morning hector. It was a mistake and I took full responsibility. You can crucify me for it, no worries. I’m not perfect. as selfish as this may sound, I’m glad I went though it. It affected a lot of people bu taught me a lot. I was raised to forget the mistake but always remember the lesson. Character is measured how the person reacts from adversity. I’m confident that I am the best candidate for this position even with my past. People evolve, we live and learn.

Hector: Do you think you’re victims are glad they went through it … or that they’re happy to learn from the experience?

Olivo Frankie: No one should have gone through that experience.


Anonymous said...

This "Pig" worthless Judge is obviously a crook and thinks that she can do what ever she wants. Only proves how she runs her office and pulls strings and gets others to do her dirty work. So it's safe to say that her OFFICE of employees are the same as her since she has them there. So there you have it... This is Frankie's Boss. Since Frankie claims he isn't a paper pusher and is a Court Coordinator well, Frankie what did you do for this case? What did you hide? You obviously aware of the shit that happens in your office. That's how you were able to get "Pre-Trial" for your "Life learned lesson you claim" for showing your unwanted Dick Picture to a female and you harassed her and stalked her.

Anonymous said...

This disgusted out of control judge was named by convicted Abel Limas as being just like him. A lesson to be learned is to check out the Attorneys she selected to cover her ass to commit her wrongdoing. Her employee Sandra Bentancourt contributes and covers for Cornejo's corrupt ruling just as Eric Garza did for Judge Arturo Nelson. These so called judges should all be fired and take away all rights to any future benefits. I almost feel sorry for the corvid-19 if it attacks this bitch. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Elia is short so she doesn't give a shit. Sometimes judges make their best decisions when they're short because they know that they'll soon be on the Island drinking drinks with little umbrellas in them.

Anonymous said...

Typical Meskin justice. It is not what the law says, but who you know. Where is Abel Limas when we need him?

Anonymous said...

The CDC's website recommends that Americans experiencing the coronavirus eat "plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains," to boost the immune system.

You might think about doing some things like eating more whole foods, thinking about fewer meat dishes, reducing your processed foods, and thinking about moving toward eating as many plants as you can.

And no BBQ, tamales or menudo!

Anonymous said...

the fact that he has been started on dexamethasone - a generic steroid widely used in other diseases to reduce inflammation - is the strongest evidence yet that his case may be severe.

Anonymous said...

I have a copy of Frankie’s Dick Pic. I am going to pull it out right before the election. It is no big deal.

Anonymous said...

S F & u !

Anonymous said...

oink oink oink puro piggly wiggly esta cornejo, mamona deluxe, crooked as a mesquite tree, mmm what else? you think about it.

Anonymous said...

What is in the best interest of the minor(s) I ask?

Anonymous said...

@ 12:44 pm
If you have actual evidence of the "Dick Pic" you should not wait until election day.
You should show it now to embarrass that POS Frankie Olivo.. It's probably not anything to brag about. If it was I'm sure the females would of accepted the unwanted picture.
I dare you.... show us what we have been missing. That way the females can cast there vote on the size of his penis.

Anonymous said...

October 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM

And no BBQ, tamales or menudo!

Man if I do that I'll turn into a gringo NO THANK YOU...

Anonymous said...

to Oct. 25, @9;44. When she is at the Island, It aure nuff looks likes she would have a WHALE of a time.

Anonymous said...

This is the same lady who tried to sue BISD regarding her daughter that was a student at Hanna at the time. She also wanted to run for BISD board but couldn't since she holds office as an elected official.
She obviously is a crook just like Fabian Limas, Armando Villalobos, the attorney Marchan (who committed suicide by jumping off the causeway).
this lady is up to no good just like her freaking staff!
They have gotten away with so much and people.. the citizen are tired of it. Her collogues are tired of it. The other district (employees) are tired as well.
Once courts start having face2face with the community; females be careful if Frankie gets a good look at you and likes what he sees.. you will be marked as his next VICTIM.. and he will send you a Dick Pic. Since he was a grown as man at the age of "30" when he got caught.
come on Luis Saenz you need to go after these people. Make examples of them. I guarantee if I sent such picture I would of been terminated from my job!
We need Luis Saenz to step it up and go after these people. Make examples out of them!

Anonymous said...

If Sexual Harassment was established it he would have paid the consequences. Instead the investigation concluded nothing was found. Anyone can file it that way and not necessarily meet the elements.

Former RGV LEO said...

Ever since the "Pig" got elected to the bench, its been all chaos! Those who are crooked loved the fact that the "Pig" was on the bench in their favor! Bad enough, she is dumber than shit BUT always has a tendency to screw people over especially when you cross her! I know that there should have been more mandamus' filed on her BUT she always comes out smelling like a rose and NOT like pig shit! All though she does have a major hygiene issue!
All child custody cases need to be taken out of her court, period! The "PIG" always favor the bad parent which is not surprising!
