Thursday, October 29, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Word has reached us that longtime Veterans of Foreign Wars member and past commander Luis Lucio has died this morning. We have known Lucio for many years, including the time that the VFW Post and canteen 2035 was at the corner of Los Ebanos and Paredes Line Road. 

It was through his efforts and his cousin Sen. Eddie Lucio that the post was given a 99 year lease at $1 a year for their new location on Veterans Drive. He was also instrumental in getting the sculpture of Medal of Honor winner Jose Lopez from an obscure place at Veterans Memorial Bridge (Los Tomates) to Vteterans Memorial Park next to the Brownsville Central Library. 

We didn't always agree with Louie in everything, and he was a bit feisty after a couple of brews, but we always considered him a friend and a gentleman. Lucio served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps, including in-country for 1 and one year and one month in Vietnam. Our condolences to wife Irma and all their family, friends, and brothers-in-arms. Oorah!

We cannot leave without repeating one of his favorite Marine Corps braggadocio jokes.

Q: Where did the Marines get their seal?
A: The Eagle we took from the Army. The Anchor we took from the Navy. And on the seventh day the Lord rested and we overran his perimeter and took the Globe.

R.I.P. Marine.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's "Hurrah!" you jarhead.

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace Commander Lucio thank you for your service and leadership! You will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Oh, well.

Anonymous said...

I got a chance to play for Luis Lucio when he coached men's fast pitch softball years ago. As a younger cat he gave me great advice, he will be missed. my condolences to his family and love ones. God's speed to where your going Luis.

Anonymous said...

RIP my friend!!! Our prayers for your entire family Godspeed
Powers Family

Ben said...

Great Man who recited many a veterans funeral including my Dad's, Manuel Nunez Corporal, Army Air Corp. He gave it his all. He realized just how important for family members, Veterans and mourners in attendance hear what sacrifices these Veterans made for our freedoms. You could hear the Patriotism in his voice . My prayers are with him and his family. Rest in Peace Marine.

Anonymous said...

October 29, 2020 at 2:37 PM

for the cookie seller Hoohah is army
oohah is marines pinche pendejo estupido

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA? Oooops not here, sorry Louie...

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Mr. Lucio! Sempre-Fi Forever! Thank you for reciting at my husband's funeral. Thank you for your Service! A Marine always A Marine!! Another Angel taken away from us.
My sincere condolences to his family!
