Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As a federal jury looked on, federal prosecutors played a surveillance tape of former Brownsville Independent School District board member Dr. Sylvia P. Atkinson telling an undercover FBI investigator posing as a movie producer who handed her a total of $10,000 to "facilitate" his use of district properties for a movie that fellow member Minerva Peña asked for a $2,000 donation in exchange for her vote in favor of the proposal.

The government charges that Atkinson first received $6,000 to push the film scheme with the district and board and another $4,000 after the board voted and passed the agenda item.

"Well, I had to uh, I had to give her two of my, two thousand of my, two of mine for the votes that I was not going to vote for. I had to give them to her for Minnie's (Peña) Mile of Hope to get her support. And Phillip too so…"Atkinson tells the agent.

Records show that it was Atkinson  (SPA) who placed an agenda item on the Feb. 12 meeting allowing the use of Sams Stadium. 

As an added touch to win her over, Atkinson produced a $1,500 check donation for the use of the district's facilities by HOPE during the meeting.

 Peña feigned surprise as she was handed the check during the meeting from Ron McVeigh, a vendor who has made large contributions to several board members. Recently, he has been the vendor providing LED energy saving.

Peña is a founding member of Hope and also served as its marketing director. It has been a tradition for Peña to invoke the name of God at every opportunity she gets during BISD board meetings. However, she now says she conveniently does not remember the $2,000 she asked from Atkinson in return for her vote on the film deal through Pink Ape Media.

She is currently running for reelection to the board where she has served for the last 12 years and faces another rethread, "Coach" Joe Rodriguez, and newcomer Marisa Leal for Place 6 on the board.   


Anonymous said...

Camille Playhouse to host online performance for Día de Muertos

Anonymous said...

They all knew where the 2k was coming from they all need to be indicted and sent to prison. PUB and COB is next!!!

Anonymous said...

What's the P for pendeja?

Anonymous said...

Hipocrates all of them they all need to go. Where? TO JAIL NOT TO CHURCH

Anonymous said...

Now I see why Minnie allowed Sylvia to run the show. She had Minnie under her thumb with all the corruption. Stay tuned for more people going down. Se va poner Buena la cosa ....

Anonymous said...

"And believe you me, I am 110% sure that I was a state trooper for over 30 years and I know the law, so that contribution is not illegal in any way!" said Minerva Pena.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting that they whored the city out for so little. Who knows how many other times vendors through scraps at them in return of favors.

These people were voted in by the same people that they screwed over. This seems to only be the tip of the rampant compadre corruption that taxpayers seem to tolerate so well.

Anonymous said...

Mel Brooks and Jojo Rabbit can relate to all the buffoonish idiots (elected officals)we have here in brownsville.
They all need to go to prison and let that pink monkey film it...

Anonymous said...

m still waiting to see if the Brownsville Times, who has been fair and balanced so far, to question Erasmo on his sister's words that he was arrested in Mexico for fondling a young boy. She also claims he did it in the U.S. but the charges were dropped because his family intimidated the poor single mother who didn't have money to sue his fat ass. Erasmo is an uneducated fool who dropped out of high school and left for Mexico. He fled because he also had been arrested three times in the late 80's and early 90's which one was a felony for forgery and writing hot checks. He had six more arrests for embezzling and theft of monies. This guy can't help himself. He doesn't even have a GED. He claims that he went to Austin College and got a degree in religious studies while he lived in Austin Texas but the pendejo doesn't know that Austin College is in Sherman Texas. It's lie after lie after lie. He took a page out of Trump's playbook and attacks others and discredits them to avoid his own indiscretions. Come on Erasmo, unblock me so we can have it out. You can lie and lie when I bring up all these things. Your audience is complicit because they won't even ask you about your sister Melissa and why she hates you. Everyone knows I don't do drugs but you feel if you lie about that then people will believe you. I don't know Daniela Valdez Lopez but once I heard she was running against you I quickly jumped on board. She has integrity. She isn't a liar. You make your followers believe you went to FBI but you are a fat liar. They won't even call you to testify because you don't know anything. You think you are important but you are not. I believe everyone civilized enough will support Daniela because they know you are scum and can't be trusted around kids. You did tell your followers you took a picture of a young male and put hearts and likes but you failed to tell them that this kid is 15 years old and was in a small towel exposing everything but his genitals. Come on Erasmo, tell the whole truth. That why your so called friend Laura Reyes voted to sanction you and block you from going to any BISD schools.

C. Atkinson

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everytime the systemic corruption and criminality of our public officials, the people feign surprise, shock and revulsion. This is a 100% phony response. Everybody knows, or should know that the people who run for public office down here are grifters trying to monetize their position.

They are all just micro Joe Bidens on a local scale.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has known all along that Minerva beating her chest on behalf of her Lord and Savior was a bunch of you know what. Her behavior and her actions do, by no means, support the values and beliefs that a true Christian should have. If it was to her "favor" a word she constantly uses on behave of God's greatness to each one of us, and she benefitted from it, she argued and raised her voice. But somehow SPA was able to shut her up for a bit, by making sure she sat right next to her at the table of board members. They even move Dr,Zendejas from sitting in the middle of the table so they could make room for Sylvia to sit in the center part, telling Minerva what to say or do. I remember seeing Sylvia even falling off her chair cause she leaned too far to her left to make sure Minerva heard her. I had to hold back from giving a loud laugh when all of a sudden she was on the floor and pretending to blame it on her chair. Well, lets hope that both Minerva's and Sylvia's chairs will be taken over by Marisa and Daniella. What a circus! And we expect our students to become great adults - with these kind of low role models.

Anonymous said...

All board members who are now being called to testify if they served with Atkinson on the board, must make sure that they remember that they will be testifying under oath. Tell it like it is cause Sylvia will not be able to intimidate you in front of the judge and jury. No tenga miedo!
The truth and nothing but the truth and don't be like Minerva that says she does not remember. My foot!

Anonymous said...

The same con that Sylvia Atkinson did at Rio Hondo ISD with the tablet purchase Sylvia attempted to do the same in BISD. Sylvia Atkinson through the former BISD computer administrator (Joe P.) who now works for a charter school came up with a scheme to purchase tablets for BISD through Ben G. (the Fred Loya Insurance Guy) who is married to a Rancho Viejo city council member who is currently running for re-election and Oscar G., the son of the former local college president. Sylvia and these 3 guys stood to make a bundle from BISD buying these tablets. Could all these 4 individuals be involved in the alleged crimes in Rio Hondo. I imagine these 3 guys must be scared that they are next to face a judge. Sylvia and Joe P. did not count on the BISD technology committee stopping the purchase of the tablets from Ben G. and Oscar G. It was later reported that thousands of unsold tablets were stored in the old building on West Elizabeth and West 4th. Sylvia wanting to make a quick buck probably wanted to sell these junk tablets that BISD rejected to Rio Hondo ISD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where is the DA on this? Is he going to investigate all these illegal dealings that are in front of his face????

Anonymous said...

It's time to step up or don't run again? Or are you part of this family?

Anonymous said...

"Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD!"
Minerva Pena.

Anonymous said...

Influence peddling is the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence. In fact, influence peddling is not necessarily illegal as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has often used the term "undue influence peddling" to refer to illegal acts of lobbying.[1] However, influence peddling bears the stench of corruption that may de-legitimise democratic politics with the general public.


Anonymous said...

This is like reading Mary Trump's book on her uncle Donald. There are so many people that seem to know what the hell has been going on at BISD and my question is why did they not stand up for their values and speak up when it was happening. I know - getting fired by Sylvia Atkinson. She was even able to fool Sylvia Hatton, the Interium Supt, and that lady is so on the up and up with educational dignity and pride. Yet, Sylvia A brought is now bringing her down. What is wrong with Atkinson? Does she not comprehend what she did and is still trying to do She must be related to "The Cheeto Trump." What a book if someone would take it upon himself to write it. Esto ya es una chingadera lleno de puros chingados!

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

And she use to be in law enforcement? I wonder what she did when she was with DPS? Once a crook, always a crook!

Anonymous said...

Where's the Distrcit Attorney? Why is he not involved?
