(Ed.'s Note: Have you heard that Brownsville Independent School District board member (and candidate for reelection) Minerva "NotSoMinnie" Peña is on the verge of suing board counsel Baltazar "SoSueMe" Salazar for using the current picture [left] of the former Porter Belle on a mass mailout? Salazar, who likes to spread around some of the $300,000 salary which he nailed with Peña's vociferous support back in 2013, denies he is making "gifts" to board members in return for his contract.
Others aren't so sure.
That's why it's perplexing to some observers here that he supposedly sent out a text (below) urging voters to support certain candidates, but Phil Cowen was not among them, although Peña is. Campaign finance reports indicate that Cowen was the beneficiary of a $2,500 donation from the feisty board counsel. Board member Eddie Garcia – who seconded board member Laura Perez-Reyes' motion to terminate him – is also listed as one of the candidates supported by Salazar. The phone number on top of the text is listed as his in Houston and lists his address as 8814 Brae Acres.
Some local attorneys said that voters will have to heavily weigh her qualifications to remain on the board and say the use of her picture from the distant past indicates that the greater weight of the evidence shows she is deliberately trying to mislead the voters. En el barrio dicen que es una ruca pesada.
Is Balta hedging his bets?
Balde is NOT supporting Frankie "Dick Pic" Olivo?
ja ja ja ja ja
ERASMO AND THE PENDEJOS ARE UPSET!! THEY ARE NOT BEING BACKED UP BY SOME BOARD MEMBERS THEREFORE THEY WILL BASH AND ATTACK! As an American we have the right to vote and endorse who we want. But if course Erasmo, Frankie, Viro, Carlos, and Joe believe people don’t have a right to their opinion. If you are not with them everything you do or who you are supporting is wrong and they bash on Facebook. These cowards will get what is coming to them. And to the teachers and supporters drinking their Koolaid YOU are STUPID!!
Start working on your resume, Balta! You will be GONE when the new board (not your candidates) is elected.
Qué lástima Juanillo que tú eres el diablo de la ciudad de Brownsville igualito que el Erasmo Castro. Cuando puede prosperar la ciudad de Brownsville con diablos como tú y Erasmo Castro viviendo aquí, y martirizando a toda la gente en la ciudad. Qué hombres tan horribles!
Minerva Pena's huge disgusting ass self along with her nasty attitude needs to literally get off her ass and start walking to at least look somewhat more presentable for her family and the district. If her ugly witch ass looking self would lose weight she wouldn't be complaining about having to walk too far because of her knee pains. Woman! You look like The Penguin when Danny De Vito played that character in the movie Batman. Someone else who doesn't take that "President" title to their head like she does needs to be there. She believes that being in that position she's "entitled" to everything. Bitch, please! GTFOH!
The Criminal Slate wants to play VICTIM. That they are targeted, they are being harassed by the cops, being bullied, etc.
Well it's about time Criminal slate that you feel that way..just like all your VICTIMS!
Erasmo, like all the victims that have crossed you. The boys that you like, the boys that you have taken pictures with. Claiming they were your relative until the parents came forward that they aren't related to you.
Frankie, the victim that you sent your Dick Pic to.. and the rest of the women that haven't come forward due to embarrassment that they would be associated to you. Your victim your ex-wife Thania on how you abused her!
Carlos, your victims at the Fire station! Your so called brothers that you had their best interest. Obviously you didn't. Handle your Felonies and don't expunge them like all your other criminal wrong doings. And yes your daughters will have to be exposed to your actions. No one to blame for that only "YOU"!
Viro, you have no freaking chance to this race!! Go handle your child support that your daughters are owed. Be a man and man up to your issues.
Marisa Leal - I thought you had a good interest in making a change. WRONG! You are associated to this CRIMINAL SLATE, Your are best friends since HS with the UGLIEST, and biggest HOE in Brownsville. (Frankie's mom/Erasmo's sister) The only votes you will get are from your Husbands family the Leal's and the Gallegos. But that won't help you.
CRIMINAL SLATE is not What BISD needs! IF you vote for anyone in there guarantee they will ended up arrested by the FBI just like DR. Atkinson. Because these people are just as selfish just like her.
Minerva Pena's huge disgusting ass self along with her nasty attitude needs to literally get off her ass and start walking to at least look somewhat more presentable for her family and the district. If her ugly witch ass looking self would lose weight she wouldn't be complaining about having to walk too far because of her knee pains. Woman! You look like The Penguin when Danny De Vito played that character in the movie Batman. Someone else who doesn't take that "President" title to their head like she does needs to be there. She believes that being in that position she's "entitled" to everything. Bitch, please! GTFOH!
There ought to be some rule that candidates must use a current present picture. Using a picture from 20, or 30 years ago is deceiving. Thus making the uneducated voter think they are voting for a young person. Deceptive practices!
Porker Belles hahahahahahaha lol smh tamaleras
Why is everyone Bitching and complaining about Baltazar Salazar. We all know that he has given money to many of the previous board members, current board members and some candidates and vendors giving money also. It's called a "company right off". That's how companies don't get taxed as much at the end of the year.
You have the Criminal Slate upset because they weren't chosen to get money. That's to show you that the companies aren't desperate to just give it away.
Erasmo knows exactly how Baltazar is so generous; don't you Erasmo? How many out of state conferences did you attend on behalf of BISD all expenses paid and you embarrassed the district with your drunkenness! Other board members left you alone since you were acting like a fool. How much was the drinking tab that you ran up and Baltazar paid for you. People aren't dumb they know what this Criminal Slate is all about. Don't worry the FBI is on stand by if any of these fools get elected in. You will be joining Dr. Atkinson.
Hey Frankie your so called girlfriend that works at Linebarger couldn't beg enough on your behalf to get you a political contribution? And your boss "La Marrana" Elia Cornejo Lopez didn't give you any money?? Why is that? Is it because you aren't worth it or is it that she's done to much for you all ready.
I can't wait for Addobbati to come in and clean house in that so called courtroom. Replacing the corrupt staff. Addobbati you need to make an example out of them as they supported your so called opponent Louis Sorola anther worthless!
potoshop have you idiots heard of this program, like that stupid hillbilly coco wanna be white pendejo, living in a bus shelter. That's why brownville no longer builts bus shelters because of idiots like este pendejo hillbilly.
Open up a blog and name it "FOR PENDEJOS ONLY"...
and make ese pendejo hillbilly coco wanna be white an honorary member for life lol shm kma
@Oct. 19, 9:46 a.m. I agree with you about the bashing issue, but you just killed your argument by contradicting yourself by calling people and teachers " Stupid" and Koolaid drinkers , because they won't vote like you. Yes, as an American , we all can choose who we want to vote for without being called names, regardless of who we vote for in any election. Peace.
Run a story on what is happening to Sylvia Atkinson. Why are you being so secretive about it? How much does it cost to keep an article out of your blog?
All comments are from the educational sector imagine that!
Citizens and Visitors of Brownsville,Texas Beware you have entered into a city that has a Police Department that is severely under staffed and is lead by a incompetent Chief of Police Felix Sauceda. Enter at your own risk.
The only way to get rid of Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda is to start at the top get rid of the City Manager and the city commissioners if they fail to listen..The power of the vote!!
Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..it is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...
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