Thursday, October 1, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: For months before the March Democratic Party primary election, dark rumors emanated from the camp of incumbent Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. Omar Lucio of tenuous links between Mexican cartels and his opponent Eric Garza.

There was never any proof provided save for insinuated links between people associated with Matamoros and former officials in the discredited Conrado Cantu administration. Some Mexican news media pushed the unsubstantiated allegations, but most responsible media kept their distance. 

Now it appears that Republican John Chambers has gone back to a mass mailing that the Garza campaign distributed to voters during the primary. In one (above), he identified at least two former Cantu administration officers among a  crowd of supporters pictured in one of Garza's mailers. THe question Chambers poised was: "Is [Garza] bringing back Cantu's crew?"

We expect that the Garza campaign will dust off Chambers' mug shot on his arrest for the 13 misdemeanors plus whatever else they can drag up. We also predict that the next 33 days will see fur flying in this race.) 


Anonymous said...

Now the question is Eric Garza was the District Clerk while Villalobos, Limas and all those that went down for corruption. Was Eric Garza already working for the wrong side since then? Was he the one that kept the connections for all them to remain in business? I think Eric Garza has been involved for a very long time and now it's coming to light since they are confident in the race. He better get the jail fixed up and that way his bed in comfortable since that's where he will end up.... behind bars.

Anonymous said...

There are kids in that picture, you moron! Have some common sense, Montoya! smh

Anonymous said...

County politics is all about this, so what's the BigFuckingDeal?

Anonymous said...

Carlos Martinez - Fired from Cameron County Sheriff
Fired from Port Isabel PD - Due to his DWI
No longer teaching at Rivera HS - Due to his DWI

Mendieta - Resigned due to personal/health reasons from the Sheriff. Well you resigned because you got caught cheating on your wife.
You never made rank at the Sheriff Office.. Why is that?? Because you couldn't pass the simple Sgt. exam?
And these 2 bozos think that Eric Garza will hire them... Please if Eric Garza is smart he wouldn't these 2 bozos are a liability. Eric Garza do yourself a favor drop these two SOB you don't need them.

Anonymous said...

Run mug shots of ALL elected officials here regardless of who it is!!!
Even ALL public servants and who they are related to.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of any evidence, the under educated people of Cameron county are about to elect a person with ZERO law enforcement experience who wears a fake badge. Why you ask? Because he is a Hispanic.

Anonymous said...

Ya valio mierda hasta nov 3 que trumputo ni que trumputo, si aqui esta igual de pendejos...

Anonymous said...

If those girls are Eric Garza's daughters; Why on earth would he bring them around to these men? Just because he is ok in doing business doesn't make it ok for his daughters to be around. What a sorry of a father, role model and wanna be sheriff.

Anonymous said...

October 1, 2020 at 1:05 PM

And if the gringo wins WHY? because he's white!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you morans talk about the drunk Reynas.They drive drunk and crash and nothing happens.George Garcia Steals AND no big deal.Lucio forgets his Depends and no big deal. Give the new Sherrif a chance to work . Sore Losers. Start running like George did.

Anonymous said...

It is next to impossible for an honest white man to get elected to anything in Cameron County.

Good luck Mr. Chambers

Anonymous said...

Chambers honest? You ignore so much. smh

Anonymous said...

@ 8:43 pm
"Give the new Sherrif a chance to work" you say? First; correct your spelling...It is spelled Sheriff. As you write on this blog it does have spell check.
2. Eric Garza hasn't been elected Sheriff just yet. Until the ballots are counted and the winner is named. If at that point Eric wins then he has a lot to prove to the community. He will need to prove himself day in and ay out that he isn't corrupt.
3. That he truly wants change for the department.
4. that he doesn't take orders for the cartel or any other people such as that man Gracia; who has funded his campaign.
5. that he doesn't have a vendetta on the current deputy's/employees/staff of that department(because they didn't side with him).

Until then...He is just a candidate!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Errorasmo Can'tro has 9 arrests and is convicted of a felony forgery yet he fools people to think he has integrity. 9 arrests? Bouncing checks, DWI's, and indecency with a minor. We can't afford this pendejo in office again. He is on probation and should complete is probation directives until he even thinks about running again. He is a quitter by resigning from the board. People wanted him to resign because he was embarrassing the city so he did. Fuck this guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Nohemi, you should ask luis about yadira and why you didnt have to pack him lunch when he was here in the harlingen office.

Anonymous said...

I still remember that year when I went to my national meeting in NJ. I was at a meet and greet with other sales associates and of course come the questions. Where you from? Brownsville. Where’s that? You know by SPI and México. Another sales associate says. Isn’t that
Where your Sherrif was working with Cartel and was just indicted? I said yea that’s a tough one I felt so embarrassed that evening it was a slap on the face. Now we are back to the old shenanigans again. This area is ridden with idiots.

Anonymous said...

Continued slanderous tactics do not work. Facts do. Reyna brothers keep using Almanza, the clown, for everything. Giving him rank when undeserved solely because he financed Javier Reynas campaign. Pathetic. Now using him to help the Republican candidate because they lost. To this point they have showed too many slanderous lies. The Reynas are furious because the supporters in the picture did not support them! Years of abuse and toxic environment lead to the state the department is in due to the lack of leadership. They are the clowns that thought they could continue to harass,annoy and corrupt eveything. Vote wisely. The favorite employees have no true responsibilities that they spend all working hours making comments on this blogs on behalf of the Reynas. Get a life. Citizens are smart voters. They voted you out!

Former RGV LEO said...

WTF Eric!!! If you win and will because CC doesn't vote for the white guy! But, to bring in two crooks and from conrado' camp? I knew that you did not have the experience as an LEO and would make a good administrator since you do have that experience BUT to bring in crooks to run the department? Wow, didn't you learn anything from the alcoholic drug induced gus reyna? Didn't you learn anything from his brother, javier, the follower? Well, I guess not surprising since Brownsville politics are as crooked as a snake silvering on the ground!
Oh well, only time will tell if you are a good sheriff with POS like that? Sorry, I bought that BS you spew!

Anonymous said...

No facts on the spew comments. Only the sour grapes that are at a loss and are supporting the unqualified candidate. The favorites still making unproven lies and will continue to spread them in hopes of people believing them. Get this administration and the current Republican candidate which they want out of the race. Why would they want Chambers? To stay and continue the same philosophy of corruption.

Anonymous said...

October 1, 2020 at 8:43 PM

"They drive drunk and crash and nothing happens."

I sure hope who ever posted this comment will NOT work at the sheriffs dept.
WOW que pendejo but that's what I've been hearing they are all like that STUPID.

Anonymous said...

Leave my brother alone.. He just drinks at home. he didn't did it.. but please vote for El Chapulin Colorado -----Javier Reyna 2022(maybe constable,commission, or pendejo)
