Tuesday, October 13, 2020


By Juan Montoya

The planning and organizing for Thursday's U.S. Dept. of Commerce SelectUSA Virtual Tour where the city's assets and attractions will be shown to a domestic and international audiences to encourage direct foreign investment has been on the front burner for the staff and board of the Greater Brownsville Investment Corporation for months. 

Aside from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, participants will include U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela, Mayor Trey Mendez, officials from the Port of Brownsville, officials from the North American Bank, Tamaulipas, Texas Southmost College, input from the Brownsville Independent School District administration, universities on both sides of the border, and renown economists extolling the opportunities of doing business along this part of the U.S-Mexico border.

The virtual tour will also have an international audience of would-be investors that will be available in Chicago, New York, London, Frankfurt, Hanoi, china and South Korea.

And, of course, it also had the all-important participation of the the Texas Governor's Office in then person of Adriana Cruz, Executive Director of Economic Development & Tourism. After all, Brownsville is the Latin American door to the United States and was the only city among 13 chosen situated  on an international border.

And, of course, the participation of the Texas Governor's Office in the person of Adriana Cruz, Executive Director of Economic Development & Tourism is crucial.

There, was, however, a hitch. 

Some GBIC board members learned that some members of the Gov. Greg Abbott's staff were miffed that the chairman of the GBIC, Graham Sevier-Schultz, had posted the vulgar entry above telling Abbott to "go fuck yourself" after the governor ordered one mail-out ballot dropoff site  per county.

The danger was that the governor's office would retaliate against Brownsville's efforts to attract manufacturers here because of the inopportune posting by the chairman of the GBIC board, whose organization is coordinating the event.

"After all that work, we were in real danger of not having the critical participation of the governor's office in the event," said a board member. 

"How does it come to be that the chairman of our board – by his infantile and vulgar postings on Facebook – can derail the efforts of his organization, and all these federal, state and local entities without giving it a second thought?"

Only after the governor's staff was convinced by GBIC staffers and board members that the Sevier-Schultz posting was done without any of the board members or the staff's approval or consent, did they acquiesce and continue their support of the virtual tour.

But that's about par for the course. Sevier-Schultz has not been known for the maturity of his actions. Not long ago, he was miffed when the board questioned "lending" $500,000 to the Brownsville Community Development Board so it could compete with "payday" lenders. The plan was for the GBIC to lend BCDC the money at 2 or 3 percent interest over 10 years and then the housing corporation would make loans at 16 percent to borrowers.

Only member Dennis Sanchez - who seconded the motion - voted with Sevier and it died on a 3-2 vote.

A board majority later in the meeting after heated discussion voted to deny funding the plan pushed by Sevier and CDCB'S Nick Mitchell-Bennett.

At that point, when Sevier-Schultz saw that the proposal would fail, he chided the board members and said: "The motion dies, and so does this organization. This is totally ridiculous."

Cooler heads prevailed and reminded Sevier-Schultz that making payday loans was not a legitimate use of Part A corporations who are authorized to use their sales-tax budgets taxes to foster economic development.

Sevier-Schultz – who was waiting in tables in Dallas and peddling coffee on the Linear Park less than five years before – is now the chairman of the GBIC which receives about $5 million in Part A sales-tax receipts annually. He was first appointed to the GBIC in 2019.

He is also Mayor Mendez's business partner in Dodici's, a pizzeria at the corner of 12th Street and Adams. Did Mendez approve of his partner cussing out the governor to the potential damage to the city's efforts?

How is it possible that he can be placed in a position from which he can derail the city's economic development by such intemperate behavior? If the city continues to place its economic development future in hands like his, what can residents possibly expect from the use of their money?


Anonymous said...

Graham Sevier and La Frankie Olivo should send Dick Pics go each other! Both are immature.

Anonymous said...

Never forget that when given a chance to remove this man, 247 of 248 Republican senators and reps voted to keep Trump in office

Anonymous said...

What you expect from a janitor!

Anonymous said...

This disgusting third world mouthing behavior is what runs Cameron County. They learn from the best. "didn't Filemon Vela tell The President of United States to shove it up your ass"? It seemed ok for this idiot of congressman to set such example of cussing to Our Higher Authority. Mean while he supports murderers from across the border. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Never see Graham at Dodici.

Anonymous said...

Mad cause you can't get what you want - hand-outs for you your family and friends at the expense of the taxpayers. Moron that will NEVER happen. Talk about disgusting third world CORRUPTION behavior you take the cake!

Anonymous said...

Comments made from the mayor's close friend, I hope Vela reads this. Make sure he gets a copy...

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale posted this:

"Is today the day I write that profound line that someone will confuse with Marcus Aurelius' stoicism and will be quoted for centuries to come?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ...aja ja ja ja.

Esta bien pendejo ese Guey! Everything he writes is shit! High school writings. That's why we all laugh at his ass. Profound this, puto!

Anonymous said...

Browntown continues to be an embarrassment. Most all intelligent hardworking people left years ago. Browntown continues to be the cesspool of Texas. Who in their right mind would invest a dime in this sewer of corruption ? Somebody please talk to the Mexican government and politely ask them to annex brown town back to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the PUTZ Eduardo Paz Martinez and his childish anonymous postings. Fuck you Eduardo, you old fool! You wish you had friends like me. You have no life, and you are a loser.

Graham cracker, Paul Revier

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit the Governor is not immune to Texas politics.He got pushed by Trump to open up the beaches on memorial day and 4rth of July that was so smart.The rates of covid spiked hard and many died he's got to answer to that with bloody hands.Remember this is Texas no matter where you live so suck it up Republicans stop your crying.we draw lines in the sand also.

Anonymous said...

The only embarrassment here are elected officials that bring in their friends (broom sweepers) and place them in jobs they don't qualify having so many local citizens here that are much better in everyway. He will be a one term mayor and all his appointees will be replaced.

Anonymous said...

La bandeja (trey) is a coco wanna be white mamon nothing short idiota

Anonymous said...

The only people we have to blame for Graham Sevier is Commisiioner Rosita Gowen and Mayor Juan Trey Mendez. Both of these idiots are full of greed. They ran for office to put their own people in. Brownsville, TX hasn't had real honest leadership in Decades. These Mexicans put a White Boy who thinks Mexicans should be content with Rice And Beans. That they should be grateful they have a White Boy around them. Bunch of losers and you Juan Voted them in. I blame you Juan for this as well. At least you have the balls to admit it in your written articles. Trey and Rose will only laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Invest in Brownsville? Are you shitting me? You have a better chance putting All your money on red at a casino in the Dominican Republic!

Anonymous said...

Stay classy Bronsbil

Anonymous said...

Can't disagree with the sentiments but not crazy about the delivery.
And I guess, people should keep their station in life and not try to do better. Or at least that is the message I get from the post and it's comments.

Anonymous said...

October 14, 2020 at 9:24 AM

"MAILER-DAEMON" or "Failed Delivery" The most common reason for a failed understanding is that the use of Communications Process used isn't valid (understood). Loud, clear, concise, accurate, and well planned do not matter to the receiver so it seems. Invective, anaphora, Sneering and Spiteful will not be used for deliver as does the subject in question.
So your cognitive domain level is so low that the use of profanity must be part of your understanding.

And speaking about station in live. In this case the subject is OUT OF STATION.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Sanchez is Trey Mendez’s former law partner. Greedy, mostly brain dead, and will do whatever necessary to stay in the Bronsbil boys club.

Anonymous said...

this fkg guy is on gbic and talking trash about the governor? nice going, genius.

this guy is full of shit. defintly pendejo.

trey sucks this guy off so much. hope you learn your lesson.

this guy should be working as a waiter at Liams.

Anonymous said...

October 15, 2020 at 8:48 PM
JG maricon coco

Anonymous said...

The mayor is a white ass kisser a perfect example of a COCO!
