Special to El Rrun-Rrun
The quote above is from the mayor of Brownsville's Facebook page.
Unless one is blind, deaf, and dumb that accolade could not be made with a straight face.
To broadcast that clearly paid for media tripe is an embarrassment if not totally tone deaf.
Quality of life? The reality is that it should have listed fourth from the bottom if we're being honest.
Quality of life? This is not subjective when one uses that terminology. Beyond words and embarrassment that the city – which looks like a giant outhouse and operates as being an out-of-service one – would even print that.
Good Grief. Just a few years ago Brownsville was rated the poorest city in America: That has not changed. This city operates on state and federal handouts.
Under what possible circumstances could Brownsville, TX offer 4th highest quality of life? With just the slightest modicum of rational thought would you think that, much less publish it?
Yes come to "on the border(which you can't cross), by the sea (gulf) and beyond."
Putting lipstick on a pig leaves you with a pig wearing lipstick. We can't even afford the lipstick.
Good Grief to the sad state of this city.
All lies! We have people like Half coco Retard transgender mutt living in cardboard houses!!! Hahahahaha!
The door is there. Don't let it hit you on your way out.
If you are coming from a third world country, yes Browntown is paradise.
Quality of life:
Cheap food: governmwnt subsidized and dont forget 2.99 bfast special all over town
Weather: non exiatant to moderate winters
Cheap housing: government subsidized
Cheap transportation: charli clark 84 month loans and free bike trails to no where
Quality of life: the need to do minimal work
Cheap Medical care: government subsidized / go to messico
We have a winner!
I've lived in Brownsville all my life and Brownsville became what it did because I made my life in Brownsville count for something. I was encouraged by my grandparents and parents to make the best of what we had and to become the best that I could. I want to believe that I did just that, for even though I do see where we could improve, I realize things are done a bit at a
time. However, how many of the residents of Brownsville are willing to be an active member of the community in someway? How many have never stood in line to pick up cheese or wait for the food stamps to arrive. It is those people who have made Brownsville a good place to live - even if just for them. We must not knock down those that are trying to help, but we must protest those who are to help nobody but themselves. There is where we should all draw the line. Make sure you keep your surroundings as beautiful as possible so that we have have time to sit and smell the roses, and not the odor of our poor drainage system that blows every time the palm trees move with the wind.
Maybe because elected officials bring unqualified janitors and appoint them to important boards. They see that and are convinced that the way of life here will improve and change.
Maybe because unfriendly enviromental companies are setting up shop here and will hire locals at higher salaries and the citizens will be content to not committe crimes.
Maybe because of spacex another company that promised more higher paying jobs.
Maybe because all these high paying jobs will elevate the tax base and the city will fix all that is broken and create more bike trails.
Maybe because the one that thought of all these good things about brownsville being rated higher than Denver, Knoxville, Lansing, kansas City and Pensacola was totally inebriated, befuddle and just a little bit tipsy just maybe...
funny, funny, funny, funny wow 4 funnies its number 1 so far...
Hey I heard its number 2 why? Hillbilly coco wanna be white lives here over at the veterans park and in one of the bus shelters on central(rodeo)Dr... Pinche guey you cost the mayor a number ONE spot on that(mystery) survey.
Sent a cop to confiscate his wallet oops I mean his stuff.
The homeless hillbilly coco wanna be white walks out of wal mark with a cop following him and guess who walmart security stopped to search????
Must be the clown costume
at 11:19 AM Its not the drainage its that mojon you got stuck up your nose
The brilliant fellow who sits on the board writes "the door is there, don't let it hit you on the way out". In theory he's correct. In theory, payday loan proposals and entertaining the pseudo British consulate justifies the occupation of valuable real estate for feckless,impotent committees that congratulate themselves for such fantastic accomplishments. The only person that benefits turning the payless store downtown/Old Walgreens on Elizabeth street is the landlord. Section 8 housing downtown...just what it needs for prosperity. Can't fault the landlord though.
In reality, that's what many are doing is exiting the door as incompetence rises to new levels. Much like Jason Hilts of BEDC fame, this Josh Mejia is sadly so over his head and should be working there not leading it. Please. Not one new project of substance that contributes to the bottom line has been closed by these worthless miscreants who head these boards since 1975. Oh wait, Federal money is building an airport for SpaceX 20 years too late. Lots are leaving, you're just missing it. Have another cup of coffee.
The Mayor is full of shit. He didn't even respect long term City Employees and motioned to elimate retirement medical insurance benefits as if he was wiping his ass with a paper towel. Basta con la mierda.
Committed City employees have been working with slave wages all their lives just to have a shot at retirement with a simple benefit that will allow them to retire with dignity and he acts like once they are gone, they can be kicked to the curb.
@8:46 Any City higher up, like el pendejo Bernal, wants to eliminate benefits from city employees retirement, are doing it because he/she will not be needing those benefits themselfs!!! What comes around goes around pinche envidioso!!!
October 17, 2020 at 8:46 PM
Remember next election that YOUR mayor is a coco wanna be white gringo lover. He brings gringo janitors from dallas and appoints them to head very important city boards at wages comparable to Arlinton and austin. We need to re-elect him for life LONG LIVE THE COCOS one day ya-al will become WHITE..
Citizens and Visitors of Brownsville,Texas Beware you have entered into a city that has a Police Department that is severely under staffed and is lead by a incompetent Chief of Police Felix Sauceda. Enter at your own risk.
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