Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The virus hasn't gone away no matter what deniers may say.

Percentages don't matter much to someone who loses a loved one to the infection. So far 1,047 of our fellow county residents have died, leaving a void in their families' lives.

 Another 180 new cases were reported overnight on October 12. So far, the number of recorded cases (if they are to be believed) total 23,492. Nearly everyone knows someone who has been affected by COVID-19, knows of a friend or relative who has sickened or died, or has been touched by the disease. 

Now Cameron County Judge Eddie TreviƱo has been given the option and authority to open bars at 75 percent capacity. Will he? The Brownsville Independent School District has been given a waiver to continue distance learning until November 30 after Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez requested a waiver and justified the request saying that the district had recorded 11 fatalities, 179 positive cases, and closed six departments and had to close 16 campuses.

As much as we would love to drop in for a cold brewsky in a bar, we'd rather see the schools open safely before the water holes are thrown open. 

Will he? 

It is no secret that the bars and lounges on South Padre Island have remained in business despite the COVID-19 cases in the rest of the county and make no bones about it.

But the virus is real. Family and friends of former Cameron County District Clerk Aurora de la Garza know that only too well. We were told by famed lawman George Gavito – and now a OP 10.33 organizer – that the family had reached out to him to lend his support for her as she battles the virus.

He said she is fighting for her life at the Valley Baptist Hospital in Brownsville and a prayer vigil will be held in the hospital parking lot to support her in her struggle.

De la Garza was an avid supporter of prayer for guidance of elected officials and public servants and has been a mainstay of local public life. Her annual support of the Red Mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral was attended by people from all over the county. Today, her family asks for the help of the public as a show of support for her as she struggles for her life in the Intensive Care section of the hospital.

Supporters will gather in front of the hospital starting at 7:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

I can't make it for the vigil, but I will lift a toast to her.

Anonymous said...

Why fight when you've already lived your life?

Anonymous said...

God bless her and her family

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM

You have to fight: the good fight.

Life is from GOD.

Anonymous said...

Percentages do matter.Less than 4 percent mortality rate, if we be!ieve total infections which probably are 10 times as manny, which lowers mortality rate even more

Also a study is out , which mainstream media does not cover, a controlled study which showed that 70 percent of people that had corona always wore a mask and another 15% often wore a mssk. This is an example of science gone beserk. Any opposing view on masks makes you a bad person. Masks do not stop small droplets that linger in the air, which corona is, they only stop large droplets.

And world health organization just said that lockdowns don't work.shurprise, surprise!!!

Anonymous said...

Wash your hands, shelter in place, cover your eyes and mouth....stay away from crowds so that the virus doesn't find you.

1918: that is what saved people !!!

But here in the Valley: we have parties, we take babies out, we go drinking, now we can go to Matamoros !!! because La vida no vale nada.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of COVID, why did Harlingen ISD receive the rapid tests for it's district? This was the question asked. The answer: because he superintendent moved to get it through and our sits on his hinney with his deputies doing all the work.

New board members - maybe new superintendent? Maybe new President on board and our USA.

Anonymous said...

A list of agencies that need to change their top heavy do nothings

Port el coco mamon
County no-balls CJ
City with their crony friends appointed to all the boards, c-manager and all of his GFs from out of town.
BISD el idiota that makes 30k a month
PUB of (course) and don't hire gringos from KKK city
and the biggest snake of all the president and that ugly looking senator...

Anonymous said...

No damn government agency, entity, medical provider can prevent any damn virus from spreading, we all gonna get the damn thing sooner or later you pendejos.........the strong will survive, and the weak will not, unfortunately. Simple as that..................
