Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Not only did Jessica not recommended her ex BFF savior PA Eder Hernandez but she is recommending five other COVID-19 testing providers, one of them all the way in Weslaco. 

Did she forget her bosom buddy on Alton Gloor? Some guy named Eder, remember? Is she now trying to distance herself from our testing savior? It didn't take long for the backstabbing to begin, did it? 

Her recommendation of his Urgent Med Care started on March 19, six days before he was picked to hold the informal monopoly on testing at the Sports Park for four months before he was overwhelmed with cases and the city had to open the doors to others. By then, his company had charged close to $1 million to the city for testing and city administration was directed to refer all COVID-19 testing and cases to his clinic. Now, not a mention of not-so-poor Eder. What gives? 


Anonymous said...

President's close allies and advisers turn up sick after ignoring social distancing and mask-wearing best practices -- including his campaign manager, press secretary and three Republican senators -- Trump has chosen to double down on a failed strategy of downplaying the importance of the pandemic, tweeting, "Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life."

Make the cemetery owners, the coffin makers, the funeral home owners, the doctors and the hospitals super rich at your stupidity JUST LIKE THE USofA PENDEJO PRESIDENT!!!

Anonymous said...

Just before Texas voting starts, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has decided to suppress as many votes as possible. Limiting counties to one drop-off site for absentee ballots will mean that thousands have no way to drop theirs off. We actually need more boxes, with locations clearly publicized. Adding so-called “poll watchers” will increase the number of people in election sites and possibly will intimidate both workers and voters.

We have never had problems of security or integrity of Texas elections either at voting sites or with drop-off boxes. Abbott’s edicts are unnecessary answers to fake problems and will probably cause more problems.

Trump wants to be seen as a legitimate winner, should he win, so all tricks should stop right now. Abbott should call a press conference to announce that no tampering of any kind will be tolerated, including via mail, via drop box removal, via anyone at the polls intimidating voters or any interference with a complete, fair vote count.

The Legislature will not bow to pressure to stop counting those pesky ballots and just appoint Trump electors. We should be assured that we can vote safely, without intimidation, and that every Texas vote will count.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale posted this:

President Donald Trump left Brownsville Valley Baptist Medical Center early Monday morning under the cover of darkness and departed from Brownsville/South Padre Island International Airport on Air Force One at 5:45 for Washington D.C. and Walter Reed Medical Center.

- What is wrong with this PAYA ASSHOLE! Only a child would write such nonsense. He's now a fucking retard!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you daft, Montoya? She's a politician!

Anonymous said...

Guess who wrote this about Trump on his blog: "Will I vote for him? He did make a difference in my taxes last year."

El Paya Jerry McHale!

Anonymous said...

Pinche bola de ratas! Investigate these crooks!

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

Should We Replace the Trump Administration With Chimpanzees? After turning the Rose Garden into a superspreader party, after lying 143 ways to Sunday about the virus and 17 more about the president’s health, maybe it’s time to let some other mammals have a shot.
Release 50 chimpanzees in the White House and they would behave with more care,”

Being lied to about the president's health is a time-honored tradition. But this group has really done it with a kind of zeal and flare and incompetence that we have never seen before. the daily beast

Anonymous said...


I don’t know why you always rag on her ass. She’s the only city comisioner that even interacts with the public. She has a pure heart and pure intentions unlike our other comisioners.

Anonymous said...

The chairman of an Arkansas county Republican committee died from complications associated with COVID-19 on Tuesday—less than one month after his organization hosted a maskless gathering with other elected leaders.

Anonymous said...

Two of Trump’s Security Detail Test Positive for COVID-19

Anonymous said...

You can tell where he's been, he leaves infected people every where he goes...

Anonymous said...

Shelter in place! Wear your mask! Hide under bed until the bubonic plague goes away!

Anonymous said...

Everybody go hide in the closet with your silly face mask on until this vicious virus passes!!! Let this virus dominate your life Idiotas!

Anonymous said...

October 7, 2020 at 10:58 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

That half-wit coco wanna be white hillbilly will soooon be infected with the brand new virus called Pendejovid-20 the symtoms are acting stupid thinking you are trump and going around with a broom thinking its a magic stick. LOL que idiota hahaha ha

Former RGV LEO said...

Somebody please get this "hook nose" assaulting bitch a cosmetic surgeon!

Anonymous said...

She has already been asked about PUB And still nothing it's been over 2yrs and nothing the mayor has been asked also and nothing.

Anonymous said...

La chisquis y La chiflada fine pair we love ya'all bunch of moronic nuts hahahahaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

We were directed to get tested there and paid $75 per test even though we had insurance. When I called to inquire why they hadn’t billed my insurance (like they said they would) I was told they had lost the lab and were sending all the tests to UT-RGV! I even asked what people on a fixed income and Medicaid were supposed to do and the guy simply told me they had to pay too! How could the city have remained in contract with such a crook of a company? And they still billed the city close to a million dollars? Oh, and they billed my insurance for my appointment with a PA that never happened. Fraudsters!

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..it is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

The problems inside Brownsville Police Department are brought to you by the one and only super amazing Imbecile Jessica Tetreau..vote of mo confidence on Chief Felix Sauceda..

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..it is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...
