Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Special to EL Rrun-Rrun

Well, it's goodbye to local attorneys Noe Garza and Dale Robertson as former Brownsville Independent School District board member prepares for her pre-sentencing hearing and sentencing on her conviction on eight bribery and conspiracy charges.

On November 4, a federal jury found Atkinson guilty of one count of conspiracy, one count of bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds and six counts of violating the federal Travel Act.

Atkinson remains on bond and is scheduled for sentencing on Feb. 9.

Atkinson chose Houston attorney Josh Shafffer, whose biography states he has "been recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer from 2016-19 and as a Texas Super Lawyer Rising Star, one of the top Texas criminal defense lawyers under the age of 40, for 11 years in a row from 2006-16." 

But a blogger in Beaumont claims that Shaffer – while a special prosecutor in Jefferson County – rode a gravy train on the public treasury when he tried to prosecute 254 District Judge Layne Walker after he had a process server arrested in his court when the man tried to serve him with a summons.

The case dragged on from August 2015 to September 2017 when Shaffer moved to dismiss the abuse of power charges in the interest of justice, but not before charging the Jefferson County taxpayers some $40,715 for his services, or non-service as it were. 

Among some of his publications are included two that may be of special interest to court observers. They are:

“Appellate Oral Advocacy,” State Bar of Texas Advanced Criminal Law Courses, San Antonio (July 2010) and Houston (July 2011), 

“Ineffective Assistance of Counsel,” UT Law School Conference on Criminal Appeals, Austin (May 2017); State Bar of Texas Wrongful Convictions Course, Austin (Dec. 2017); and

“Mandamus,” UT Law School Conference on Criminal Appeals, Austin (May 2019).


Anonymous said...

She should go high the Law Giant, 444-4444 or the little boxer guy. Either way you going to jail...

Anonymous said...

Too little too late
Should of dished out the big bucks sooner

Anonymous said...

The only one that really matters is, "Ineffective Assistance of Counsel".

Anonymous said...

How can you go against GOD? Judges down here think they're GOD. just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Folks, at this point does it really matter.? going to jail baby, time to plan your work and work your plan, time to tell the feds who else was involved and how much moche everyone got out of the mere $10k you got or were offered. Dont be a fool like the fajita guy and take the fall by yourself, im sure there were other parties involved in the fajita caper but faja guy chose to remain silent. oh well asta la vista baby.

Anonymous said...

If Sylvia wants to reduce her Jail time ... she needs to start singing

Anonymous said...

The song of time sing sing

Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a maximum-security prison in the village of Ossining, New York. It is about 30 miles (48 km) north of New York City on the east bank of the Hudson River. Sing Sing holds about 1,700 prisoners.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so afraid to do time? It goes with your decision, when you break the law the award is free housing and free meals, no questions asked. YOu might even enjoy it. Get to meet new friends, training for a new job, better pay ooooops so sorry, free medial and free medicine. So what else is there? Maybe a good view. Trail bikes are out of the question so is night clubbing. So enjoy

Anonymous said...

Looks like she has finally realized she is in a shit pot of trouble.

Anonymous said...

I understand their are 10 rules of things never to do in might wanna review those once or twice.

Anonymous said...

I guess Noe Garza got his ass handed to him! He's an over priced attorney that needs to go back and get some refresher law courses.

Anonymous said...

She is NOT going to get probation. Someone needs to educate her on how the federal system works. She will serve time in a federal prison regardless if the rats people out or not. She’s been found guilty on all 8 counts. Next one to get locked up is Elia and Adela. Maybe now they will ask for forgiveness for all the evil they’ve done to good people.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

Anonymous said...

She should hide Dr. Eder as her counsel. He's an expert at everything and he talks to God. No bids of course.

Anonymous said...

She needs an attorney that talks to GOD maybe that bisd re-count winner can relay a message, but I think she charges for that! (abt 50K)...

Anonymous said...

She is guilty and she knows it but she still insists on being the same old SOB that she has always been. She thinks she can do no wrong and even if she does, "she could shoot soneone down the street" (Trumps-claim( and nobody will do anything about it. She hires someone who has not ethics, like her, to get her off, by looking for a mistake in her indictment. The only thing he may be able to do to get an appeal is the fact that Robertson and Garza were not effective. Otherwise, Sylvia, I hope you are using your time to pack up you bags and googling a road map for your family to go visit you. Maybe Minerva can go every Sunday and bless you in prison. Could be she may be joining you at the same motel along with Balty and Escobedo.

Anonymous said...

You think her girlfriend, Sherry Stout will wait around for her while she’s in prison? This is her chance to run!

Anonymous said...

November 27, 2020 at 12:16 PM

You mean hunt

Anonymous said...

She's going where you need money are you sure you wanna spent it all?
Aunt Jamima will call on you and ask for some mula and you know the consequences if you don't pay.

Anonymous said...

Is she related to Charlie Atkinson?

Anonymous said...

What??? Sherry Stout???

Anonymous said...

Looks like Atkinson had a change of heart ...

DEFENDANT’S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO SUBSTITUTECOUNSELTO UNITED STATES DISTRICTJUDGE FERNANDO RODRIGUEZ, JR.:Sylvia P. Atkinson, defendant, files this unopposed motionto substitute JoshSchaffer for Noe Garza and Dale Robertson as her counsel for sentencing.Schaffer is admitted to practice before this Courtand has filed a notice of appearancein this case.
