Tuesday, November 17, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Municipal Judge Rigoberto Flores administered the oath of office to new Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores. Courtesy photo.)  


Anonymous said...

Small towns, small minds....

Anonymous said...

Battle? Wrong word. Looks like a swearing-in.

Anonymous said...

What came of John Chambers being sentenced, Monotoya?

Anonymous said...

After Trump called Biden "Sleepy Joe," El Paya Jerry McHale calls Commissioner Munguia "Sleepy Joel"

El Paya is a copycat, not a writer. Vato Pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Los fresnos is 2nd behind brownsville in new COVID cases in cameron county

Andeles open the schools they said

Anonymous said...

Texas’ political leaders have become poster boys for the affliction called Trumpism.

Gov. Abbott is routinely singled out as a prime national examplar of voter suppression. The governor has not acknowledged President-elect Biden.

Sen. Cruz is nationally seen as one of Trump’s most ferocious attack dogs on election fraud claims.

The lieutenant governor Dan Patrick is offering a bounty of up to $1 million for arrest and conviction of voter fraud perpetrators.

Texas’ attorney general Ken Paxton, who has the phrase “scandal-ridden” routinely added to his name these days, led the effort to limit the use of mail-in ballots during the pandemic and is co-chair of Lawyers for Trump.

Granted, Texas is a Republican state. But can we please have some Republicans who can think for themselves? This is humiliating, and dangerous to the safety of the entire country. Texans deserve better.

Anonymous said...

The Texas Democratic Party led by chairman Gilbert Hinojosa is a mess as the whole state including the valley is being overtaken by republican voters. Cameron county of which Hinojosa is a resident of, barely defeated Trump by a margin of a few votes over 10K. Zapata county, up the river, went completely republican. The Latino vote made a hugh difference in Texas going republican. Hinojosa, even after Beto O'Roarke nearly beating Ted Cruz failed to take advantage of his party surge and sat on his ass. I called both Hockema's office and Hinojosa's looking for a M.J. Hegar sign and was told they never received any. There were more Trump signs and flags all over the valley. Hinojosa needs to resign ASAP as the Republican party has selected high profile republican Allen West to lead their party for future state and national elections. The Latino vote which in years past strongly supported Kennedy, Clinton and Obama did not push as hard for Biden. The Texas Democratic Party took the Latino vote for granted and needs to be overhauled with new blood and stronger voices.

Anonymous said...

A bright future with these two public servants. Great leaders in our community.

Anonymous said...

November 18, 2020 at 8:08 AM

Republicans are:
Group 1: Country club republcans= thieves
Group 2: Evangelical Republicans- religious zealots
Group 3: Racists Republicans = base of the Hate groups

The families grow and the Republicans grow.
Plus many Hispanics in the USA/Texas like to steal, use religion for their own benefits and some do not like the poor and the Mexican American.

Zapata is a white city ( they speak English, they considered themselves true Americans and reject their Mexican- American heritage).
