Saturday, November 14, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As school systems in the Midwest give up on in-person classes and some states are reimposing restrictions on bars and restaurants, the Brownsville Independent School District will require teachers to report to their classrooms in person Monday.

But at least one board member won't be on  district facilities. 

Newly-elected board president Eddie Garcia had to take a Zoom virtual swearing in by Judge Arturo Nelson after he tested positive for the virus. Only a curtain separated him from the other office holders and guests at the BISD Central Administrative Building (CAB). He is now on self-imposed quarantine.

The district had petitioned Gov. Greg Abbott to postpone in-person instruction for a month and students will not be required to return until Nov. 30. In the letter sent to Abbott, BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez cited the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the city and district.

Abbott agreed and directed the Texas Education Agency  not to impose financial sanctions if the district did not have a "soft opening,"

The board had passed its yearly schedule to open August 25 back in February, but the onslaught of the virus delayed a return to classrooms until Sept. 28. At that time TEA wanted all districts to have a soft opening where students who had no internet and devices like tablets and notepads and hotspots can come into the class rooms.

However, the onslaught of the virus here convinced the board and administration to petition the governor to postpone any "soft opening" until the end of the Fall semester. A unanimous board asserted its support for the waiver. Depending upon Abbott's answer to the waiver request, all students may not be required to attend classes November 30 or perhaps until January 2021.

When the district petitioned the TEA for another month of distance learning, it cited 11 dead BISD employes, 179 positive cases, 6 district departments closed and 16 campuses shut down because of the virus. This even before teachers or students were allowed on the campuses. 

What are those numbers now? Only the administration knows and it is predictable that if someone asks them they will take the full 10 days to respond that they are allowed on public information requests.

The coast-to-coast resurgence of the coronavirus has sent deaths, hospitalizations and new infections soaring.

The Associated Press reported that in North Dakota the governor this week said nurses who test positive but have no symptoms can still work. Idaho clinics struggled to handle the deluge of phone calls from patients. And one of Utah’s biggest hospital systems is bringing in nearly 200 traveling nurses, some of them from New York City.

The virus is blamed for more than 240,000 deaths and over 10.4 million confirmed infections in the U.S., with the country facing what health experts say will be a dark winter because of disregard for mask-wearing and other precautions, the onset of cold weather and crowded holiday gatherings.

Deaths per day in the U.S. have soared more than 40 percent over the past two weeks, from an average of about 790 to more than 1,100 as of Wednesday, the highest level in three months.

That is still well below the peak of about 2,200 deaths per day in late April, in what may reflect the availability of better treatments and the increased share of cases among young people, who are more likely than older ones to survive a bout with COVID-19.

As Monday approaches, the BISD would do well to  take the full measures that would prevent teachers from catching or transmitting the disease back to the general community. 


Anonymous said...

The board is incompetent and doesn’t care about the staff. They will regret voting these idiots into office.

Anonymous said...

Do all kids have to go back?

Will parents be notified?

Anonymous said...

BISD board covid case numbers are on the rise, so will the BISD Board be responsible in case kids or staff get sick with covid and die?

Anonymous said...

Who understands the actions of this inept superintendent and his highly payed deputy superintendents. It is obvious they are not listening to the concerns of the teachers and staff. If they feel teaching from home is best, so be it and more power to them. It takes much more dedication to teach on-line than it does to prepare for the classroom where they have direct contact with individuals who need additional stress. Working with the students from home is OK for those who are self-motivated students, but we have those that refuse to get on line and be present during the virtual presentation by the teacher. We call the parents and they could care less or argue that they can not make their child to join in the virtual presentations. Being in the classroom also causes the fear of contacting the virus from the kids or teachers, so I guess the over-paid supt will wait for more to die to get higher statistics to fight for our district. Let's see how the new board fits in determining what is best for everyone.
And Eddie, stay home and away from any building on campus. As you stay home, study Robert's Rules of Order so that you will be able to carry on a civilized board meeting and stop all the bickering that goes on behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

Our kids are getting dumber and fatter everyday. Teachers dont have to return to school, they can resign, students dont have to return to campus, they can stay under the bed with their mommy and continue virtual (non) learning.

Anonymous said...

Well atleast we vet our money's worth

Disrtict was paying substitute teachers when teachers couldnt "make it to work"

In addition some teacher(s) had the substitutes for their assistants report to their own house to help do virtual teaching"

Talk about misappropriation of funds!

Anonymous said...

My children are NOT NOT NOT going to school. If they catch any virus I will sue the crap out of everybody including the stupid super and ALL the board and on a persoanal and official capacity YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANk.

Anonymous said...

Why are they ordering them back now when its opening was set for the 30th.

Anonymous said...

Many local districts that have had teachers and students on campus are not reporting cases to TEA. Los Fresnos, San Benito, Harlingen, etc. There have been positive cases but nothing showing up on state info.
As of Nov 8.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a dying city figuratively and literally, no commercial growth, no educational growth, no health care growth, no political growth, and certainly no financial growth!!..... BISD is doing a great job being the catalyst of this dying city!! Can’t wait till the day the state takes over this district!!

Anonymous said...

It is so disheartening to us teachers to see how little we are valued. People demand their babysitters!!! THE END!

Anonymous said...

At my school the principal put all the returning students in hos least favorite teachers'classrooms and we had to show up

While his favorites coincidentallybhad no students show up and kept teaching from home

Glad all have to return now!

BobbyWC said...

Eddie Garcia needs to call an emergency meeting of the New school board so they can give their input. The teachers need to show some backbone and resign en masse. Every parent I know said there is no chance they will consider sending their kids to school. I also know of parents who are thinking about pulling their kids who are attending on a part time basis.

It seems everyone in the country knows what is coming except our inept county judge, mayor, and super.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Substitute teachers should get paid more during this pandemic. Since the beginning of the school year, substitutes are being asked to work from school. Some Teachers who don't know technology are using the FMLA card to stay home but are not providing lesson plans. Some Subs are not given lesson plans, they have to test student in non classroom subjects, give grades and called students to attend class. In addition they have to provide hard copy lessons for those students who don't have access to internet receive their work and give them grades. Now come Nov. 30th they want subs to do both, teach the students in class and do virtual teaching. Some admins are really taking advantage of subs in their school. Where is HR in all this? Teachers have their unions but subs have no one to speak for them. Why aren't we given a choice to work from home.

Anonymous said...

Pinches maestros huevones. They want to stay home AND get paid. Pinches mamones. Try working in the private sector. Believe it or not in the private sector you WILL BE fired. Most of the teachers will never go work in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

There is no consistency in the district...everyone makes their own rules and guidelines and the ones that are supposed to be in place are not followed. Most teachers at Porter were required to be at school even if they didn’t have students in class. I hear Porter has a JV team quarantined and Pace closed due to an outbreak...don’t know how true that is. Cases are starting to go up again, don’t let your guard down follow the recommended precautions...Stay Safe!

Anonymous said...

Who but blatant, uncomprehending fools would need this moral leper, who despises them as "poorly educated" "disgusting people", to lead them into the various disasters that we're now blessed with?

Who but utter morons could possibly believe that this stupid march could change the results of an election?

Or believe that it was stolen, without presenting any evidence.

Yet we're expected to coexist with people inhabiting a separate and entirely nonexistent reality

Or unreality.

Anonymous said...

“It’s getting bad, and it’s potentially going to get a lot worse,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, a public health researcher and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “The months ahead are looking quite horrifying.”
Y estos pendejos are going to open up all the schools~!
From where do we get estos pendejos from? MARS?
What about the new board? Is it going to be worst than the one we had?????

Anonymous said...

Live Updates The US reports more than 100,000 new cases for 12 consecutive days
Yes open up all the schools pinche pendejos...

Anonymous said...

the coronavirus numbers are likely to keep getting worse the virus is raging in pretty much every state. As of this writing, a CNN analysis of Johns Hopkins University data indicates that the number of coronavirus cases is up in every state compared to last week, Horrifyingly, there are more daily new coronavirus cases than at any point of the pandemic.


Anonymous said...

Navajo Nation orders new three-week stay-at-home lockdown
The Navajo Nation on Monday will reinstate a stay-home lockdown order for the entire reservation while closing tribal offices and requiring new closures and safety measures for businesses due to rising COVID-19 cases

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp! Largate vato sin Blog. O, si tiene Blog? Pos que hace aqui el Guey? ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Nothing can be worse than the board we just have. We still need to get rid of two of the old ones.

Anonymous said...

948 you do have a choice, stay home
Your government wants to tell you who to invite for Thanksgiving, think about that
1040 yes, their talents will be well rewarded in the private sector (yeah, right)
Fearmongering at it's best on media and social media. You keep believing it and hiding under the bed,as for me its time to go out for lunch and then the movies!
Sorry to spoil the ending of this movie, but we are all going to die!

Anonymous said...

So what about the kids testing in the fall? Many districts have semester classes and those classes test a month from now.

Anonymous said...

Stop blaming the school district, superintendent, board, County Judge, Mayor and the City Commissioner's.
The only one's to blame is our Governor Abbott and TEA.
If the Governor would give our lical government authority they can impose drastic order. If TEA would extend waivers to our local districts, not just BISD. Without threatening district's that they will lose funding. This is just not a Brownsville or RGV problem it's a world wide PANDEMIC. We as citizens need to step it up and do our part. Nmask up, social distance and stop taking the entire family to Walmart, HEB, etc. Family gathering! If you can participate in that they going to work and attending school should be a problem! Be part of the solution not the problem.

Just a tired BISD mom of hearing so many negative comments.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia is no longer has Covid.
And having an oxygen tank with him is the new norm for those that have had Covid and needed oxygen due to the levels being a bit low.

Anonymous said...

Little Eddie, he's proof of the saying, "Pa' pendejo no se estudia". This guy gave up the PD after being sent back to patrol, pretty much was too scared to back to the streets. Now he needs and oxygen tank?

Anonymous said...

Kids have to go back? You don't answer that key question!

Anonymous said...

Walmart resumes limiting the number of customers in stores
But all schools will open que pendejos... they all need to go including the new board NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

The U.S. surpasses 11 million infections; Black and Latino Americans still shoulder an outsize share.
Where's the county judge and the mayor

Anonymous said...

November 14, 2020 at 10:40 PM. Eres un pendjo. Los maestros trabajan mas duro que tu. Se la pasan trabajando todo los dias asta los sabados y domingos para educar a los ninos y ninas para que no ser ignorantes como tu.

Anonymous said...

Poor kids. Poor teachers.

Pray for all the children from Brownsville to be safe, healthy and protected by their Guardian Angel.

MONEY TALKS. Republican Governor in Texas.....trying to kill the minority children.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult right now. As a BISD employee, student counts at individual campuses will go higher. Even with the plastic separators (which aren't completely solid since it has a handle), the current fear is that we will likely be in the line of danger even more. We are being told to keep students as much distance from one another. They measure 6 ft of distance for the cafeteria where they eat without their mask for more than 15 minutes (considered high-risk exposure, so the students would qualify for rapid testing), yet in the classroom with more coming back because they are failing (TEA mandated all failing students to report back to F2F instruction) would mean the distance is much less. Any student wanting to take a sip of water from their water bottle removes the face mask and puts teachers and students at risk.

One of my colleagues had a staff meeting last week and a staff member asked why the district did not provide a baseline for all staff and students to be tested before they set foot on campus. So if students do test positive, they have a number to compare it to. The indirect answer was budget. Budget for lack of a better word they are not purchasing air purifiers for staff/students. If they acknowledge that these droplets can last longer in the air, they would have to close down all campuses. Campuses are struggling in academic performance right now, and teachers/administration beg and call parents, so they give a RAT designation for attendance, so they get funding for that day. So why bother to fall behind if Panchito will get infected? We need more safety measures in place, and sadly TEA will not provide more guidance. Districts can not go rogue at this time.

Educator morale is so low that many employees who have been teaching at the respective campuses for more than ten years, mind you all on probationary contracts, are considering leaving to IDEA or to another district. It's no longer safe or worth the stay at Brownsville ISD even with TIA (TEA's incentive performance pay that gives teachers a bonus of up to 9,000 dollars on salary).

Time to get ready for work, to the trenches.

Anonymous said...

Substitutes are working? Wow! I guess those that are being called have "friends" in their selected campuses.
Why is BISD going back to in person teaching while other states up north ARE CANCELING classes in person?
I KNOW of covid cases in HS that are NOT being reported by principals, most staff are scared to show up but need to work.
For those that say that Brownsville has no growth, no jobs or anything else, I suggest you take a trip up the valley, ALL towns up the valley are in the same situation. INCLUDING McAllen. I was there a week ago; their downtown is worse than ours, their north side stores only the big stores are surviving, get your narrow minded lets get the politicians out of your gutter mind. EVERYONE is going in one way or another through the same thing. You really think we have it bad? Go to San Antonio, Austin, Houston, right now and see how great they have it, see how great their hospitals are holding. Take a trip to El Paso, a much bigger city than Brownsville, maybe you should move there since here we have it really bad.

Anonymous said...

There will not be distance among students.

The rest room is the most contagious place !!!

Teaching will be ONLINE: students will work in their laptops as teachers conduct class online: for classroom students and students at home.

MOTHERS do not send your kids to school.

Anonymous said...

If I was getting paid to stay at home, like BISD teacher and administrators, I would be hesitant to go back into the classroom also. Teachers are the problem. The national teacher's union is the largest in the nation and they, as a group have decided that there health is more important than the education of our children. That position is easy to take when you are drawing a salary to do little of nothing. Our children have now lost a year of school and some will lose another year if Liberals and teachers have their way. It is time to get the kids back in to the classroom. Just read the letters to the editor of the Herald recently. The kids want to go back to school.

Anonymous said...

Texas exceeds 20K virus deaths, 2nd highest in US
Yes open all schools what virus????
FIRE all these pendejos NOW

Anonymous said...

I will not send my child to school because too many people are sick and dying of Covid. I am homeschooling and will continue with it for the rest of the year. Parents that can homeschool should do it, there is plenty of online resources you can use.

Anonymous said...

November 16, 2020 at 12:17 PM

Teachers have a right to protect their health. They need to work until retirement not just work for a couple of months and then die !!! from Coronavirus.

They are working : reading, writing and some grandmothers are helping the kids stay on task.

The letters to the editor are from Lopez High School, a teaching technique to make students write and express their ideas.

If you love kids and care about their health, keep them at home. That is the way to survive the pandemic: stay inside, keep away from others and wash your hands.

If you do not like kids: encourage them to go to school and write hateful things about teachers. Volunteer to drive them to school !!!
