Wednesday, November 11, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Brownsville's own Arlette Saenz, related to Manny Saenz, the former Administrative Assistant Cameron County Clerk, is the CNN lead reporter for coverage of President-elect Joe Biden's transition team. She is a graduate of Notre Dame and her presence at those levels of national political life has swelled the Saenz clan with justifiable pride. You go, girl!)

CNN - Arlette Saenz is a CNN political correspondent based in Washington, D.C. She is covering the 2020 presidential race with a focus on Democratic nominee Joe Biden, including reporting on his primary campaign, his response to President Trump asking foreign governments to investigate him and his son Hunter, and how he's adapted to general election campaigning amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Saenz joined CNN in 2018 from ABC News where she reported on the Trump and Obama administrations, Capitol Hill, and national politics. She worked as an embed during the 2012 presidential campaign covering the campaigns of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Governor Rick Perry, and former Senator Rick Santorum as well as Biden's re-election campaign with President Obama.

She started her journalism career as an intern with "Nightline" at ABC before returning to the network as a desk assistant. Saenz graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a major in American Studies and a minor in the Hesburgh Program in Public Service.


Anonymous said...

But can she cook?

Anonymous said...

What an honor for the Saenz family. They continue their family pride and have worked hard to maintain the respect they have within the community. It is ashame that Manny did not get to see this here on earth but I am sure he is the wind beneath her wings, as well as the rest of the Saenz family. What pride for Brownsville and its educational system. Congratulations, Arlett!

Anonymous said...

Good for her. She got out of the Border shit hole and went to America for a quality education and a good future. I am waiting for some of your faithful to call her a Coco.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry still stuck on pushing Trump. What a fucking LOSER!!!!!

Must be in the family. La Frankie is his nephew. ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Damn she is Hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice titties, guey!

Anonymous said...

El Coco at: November 11, 2020 at 12:15 PM

Idiota, I know the family they are in no way like you pinche COCO.

GGL said...

Come on Ron Olivera made it years ago.

Anonymous said...

But does she come from a good family?

Anonymous said...

If you are a gringo or a coco you are NOT from a GOOD FAMILY!

Anonymous said...

"Shit hole" hmmm then why do all your brethren come from the north to reside! Biden pendejo

Anonymous said...

Bola de pendejos, si no saben no comenten. Por eso no progresamos, porque muchos hablan por hablar.

Gilbert Saenz said...

Hello, she is the daughter of Dr. Gilbert Saenz and his wife Patricia, not Manny.

glsaenz said...

She is the daughter of Dr. Gilbert Saenz and his wife Patricia and not Manny Saenz.
