Tuesday, November 10, 2020



(Ed.'s Note: Cantinflas, the eternally popular Mexican comic, has been drafted to advise bar patrons at La Movidita Bar on Adams Street downtown to maintain a safe social distance and not move the bar stools to socialize. Owner Queren Medina was the graphic designer behind the quirky signs and says that for the most part, people - at 75 percent capacity - heed Cantinflas and his warning. The  sign on the chalkboard welcomes back her "canijos.")


Anonymous said...

election results give both parties cause to reflect
Typical red neck local newspaper no wonder its going out of business

Anonymous said...

Towns Trusted Doctor to Set Up Covid Tests. Sample Patient Fee: $1,944.
WHAT? You mean it happened everywhere not just down here? pinches mamones where's the FBI?

Anonymous said...

You bear a resemblance to him, Montoya. Really.

Anonymous said...

Trump lost for two main and mutually reinforcing reasons. The first is that he’s immoral - manifestly, comprehensively and unrepentantly.

The immorality didn’t just repel his political opponents. It enraged them, inspired them, drove them to the polls and gave Biden exactly the opening he needed to run on a winning message of unity and decency.

Anonymous said...

Pena loses BISD election by one vote

Anonymous said...

3 arrested for throwing eggs at Trump prayer group in downtown Harlingen

KKK town still thinks this is the 50's sue the crap out of the city

Anonymous said...

The last refuge of the macho man. Besides Charlies Longue .

Anonymous said...

Where's Dr. Eder???
Has be retired??

Anonymous said...

Trump followers want Democrats to get in trouble.

The Republicans want the Democrats to act like them but they are so smart that the MEDIA protects them and the Republican leaders.

The Democrats have to play it cool....no violence.

Anonymous said...

Corruption is alive and well in the City of Brownsville. Just look at your Police DEPARTMENT Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda how did that happen everyone knows but the City Manger still hired him..wtf..
