Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

AUSTIN-- Representative Alex Dominguez (D-Brownsville) filed three bills yesterday as early 
filing began for the 87th Texas Legislative Session. House bills 24, 33, and 43 are a part of the 
legislative agenda he has been pursuing since first earning the House seat in 2018.

After his re-election he intends to stay focused on the needs of his district and the state in general.

“We are excitedly building on our legislative success during the 86th and focusing on efforts and issues requested by our constituents.”

HB 24 would require funding be distributed to school districts in order for each district to provide 
at least one playground in the district that is inclusive and accessible for students with disabilities.

Rep. Dominguez previously championed an effort to create an inclusive and accessible playground 
for children with disabilities in his previous role as a Cameron County Commissioner.

“COVID-19 demonstrated to countless families how important playgrounds are for their children especially when quarantine situations denied their access. This should clarify the prevailing need for families of disabled students who only want a similar experience.”

HB 33 would allow veterans to earn college course credit for experience, education, or training
they gained while in the military. The legislation is aimed at reducing the barriers for veterans re-
entering civilian life.

“Our men and women in the armed services have gained valuable training, experience, and certifications that should be treated equal to similar course offerings in our colleges and universities. This legislation would speed up the process for them to join our workforce.”

HB 43 would allow doctors to prescribe medical cannabis based on their discretion, removing previous restrictions limiting to only certain illnesses. The legislation is based on the growing knowledge of cannabis' health benefits.

“I firmly believe that medical providers are in a much better position to determine the appropriate medical treatment of their patients. This bill puts that training and expertise firmly in the hands of our medical providers to enhance the quality of life of Texans.”

The 87th Legislative Session convenes Tuesday, January 12, 2021.


Anonymous said...

Mitte Cultural District, Brownsville, TX
WHAT? what is this???

Anonymous said...

Great work Alex. How are you enjoying the pegging ?

Anonymous said...

Dominguez cares about the Veterans.

Anonymous said...

Appease the ego in chief, but there are real world consequences for real people that come out of that, said an elections official. “The attempt to soothe the president’s ego is not a victimless crime.”

Anonymous said...

Corruption is alive and well in the City of Brownsville. Just look at your Police DEPARTMENT Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda how did that happen everyone knows but the City Manger still hired

Anonymous said...

Alex has done more for his constituency in one term in the Texas House than Rene Oliviera did in 38 years. Alex is in touch with the people while Rene was only in touch with the bar stools of various bars and touching a variety of women. Rene had no time for the citizens or their issues. Rene was for sale. Alex is an intelligent family man who listens to citizens at every level and eager engages in making change to benefit our communities. The citizens who voted for Alex got it right and chose someone to work for us, not for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Alex is full of good intentions ,I hope he remembers HB 2908.
