Thursday, November 5, 2020



(Ed.'s Note: It was hailed as a private gathering to remember Half Moon Saloon owner and Brownsville Society for the Performing Arts co-founder and longtime president George Ramirez and it was. Many people who collaborated with Ramirez in bringing live music to the city's downtown and helped him to establish the Brownsville Performing Arts Academy were in attendance to remember him this past Monday. 

True to tradition, his favorite libation – Don Julio Tequila – was placed on the altar just a level below his favorite dish, enchiladas mexicanas con queso blanco. His trademark hats were also placed on different levels. His passing last year coincided with the 23rd anniversary of the Brownsville Latin Jazz Festival, which he founded. We miss you, George. Peace be with you.)

Jorge no esta con nosotros
pues se fue con la calaca
montado en un potro negro
Y tocando su matraca

Por los que se fueron...
Por los que extrañamos...
Por los que recordamos...
Por los que
Nunca olvidamos


Anonymous said...

One of the worst things any President could do is to lie and exacerbate deep national differences to advance his own selfish interest.

Anonymous said...

For four years, Donald Trump has pouted and whined and prevaricated from behind the White House podium. Each one of his capering performances was awful in its own way. The litany of lies is now too long to repeat, and his rude, bizarre behavior will be the stuff of presidential legend for decades to come.

In the past, Trump held back just a bit, often showing a kind of instinctual realization that he should flee the room, because each time he left the stage, he could float back to the residence knowing that he would still be the president of the United States for another day. No matter how ridiculous or shameful the display, he could convince himself that he had yet again pleased his voters and that they'd return him to office for four more years of safety not only from criminal prosecution, but also from being treated as a common man, an ordinary citizen — and especially, as a loser.

Anonymous said...

Its all fake news trumputo is winning oops I mean wining. Pinche pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Don Julio great choice good people...
