Tuesday, November 24, 2020


By Mike Brown and Jack Kleinman
From Inverse

SpaceX CEO Musk has a plan to send the first humans to Mars in the mid-2020s, using the under-development Starship rocket. Once they get there, Musk wants to build out a self sustaining million-strong city on Mars by 2050.

But famed film director Herzog tells Inverse there is a massive flaw in the latter half of Musk's plan.

In a blistering criticism, Herzog describes the idea as "an obscenity," and says humans should "not be like the locusts."

In the interview, conducted earlier this month prior to the release of his documentary on asteroids, Herzog also compares Musk's plan to the rise and collapse of communism and fascism in the 20th century. The 21st century will "quickly" end the "technological utopia like colonizing Mars," he says.

Herzog is not opposed to going to Mars at all. In fact, the German filmmaker would "love to go [to Mars] with a camera with scientists." But the long-term vision of a Mars city is a "mistake."

Herzog's main concern is that humanity should "rather look to keep our planet habitable," instead of trying to colonize another one.

In short, Mars is not a livable place. There is no liquid water at the surface, or air to breathe. Solar wind means inhabitants would be "fried like in a microwave," Herzog says.

Musk has responded to this kind of criticism before. In 2018 he shared research suggesting water ice exists on Mars in the Korolev crater, and hinted the planet "needs a warmup." Over time, researchers have detected more than  1.2 million cubic of water ice at or near the surface of Mars.

Musk has repeatedly mooted a plan to heat up the planet and release stored carbon dioxide, citing a 1992 research paper as evidence it would work. He claims doing so would enable humans to walk around Mars with just a breathing apparatus.

"I think Elon Musk stylizes himself as some sort of a technological visionary," Herzog says. "Because he has to sell his electric cars, wonderful that he does that. He has to sell his reusable rockets. Wonderful that he's doing it."

"But I disagree with him when he postulates and preaches about colonizing Mars," Herzog says.

"And I have to tell not only Elon Musk, but everyone. And so I say it as straightforward as it can be... it is an obscenity. The thought alone is an obscenity."


Anonymous said...

Money makes you think otherwise tell that to the pendejos elected officials here. BABOSOS

Anonymous said...

Once it is done, I will pay for a one-way trip for Minerva and Trump.

Anonymous said...

Physically impossible...if the gamma rays in deep space don’t cook their brains, muscle atrophy will prevent the astronauts from standing and walking...a one way trip to nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy? Another so called expert? Let him come to Brownsville and fix this sick city of idiots. Just asking for a friend from the planet Mars.

Anonymous said...

American colonialism at its best?

Anonymous said...

@1:24 I think Sending the two love birds Half coco mutt and Biden to Mars is better for the world! Getting rid of those two racists will make the world a better place to live on!

Anonymous said...

2 bad they won't live long enuff to tell

Anonymous said...

Put our City Leaders on a first class ticket to Mars with no return. They continue to misappropriate our tax dollars at free will without accountability. They have no business sense they live off of free exposure and lies! All for glam and popularity we demand representation and transparency. Take your oath seriously and refrain from misgivings.

Anonymous said...

2 detained for speaking Spanish settle border patrol lawsuit
Those two and the supervisor idiotas should come to the valley and arrest everbody down here of course except the gringos and cocos junto con el otro idiota hillbilly coco wanna be white baboso.

Anonymous said...

Seems like that’s what all the Tamaulipecan tribes said when all your posters ancestors crowded in.

Anonymous said...

November 24, 2020 at 7:20 PM

Are you serious idiota? The most racist president in history ignored by another half witted racist pendejo calling somebody else racist!?
Hillbilly coco wanna be white but can't because of your idol wow what loyalty. Te tiene bien pero bien "EMPINADO"!

Anonymous said...

who is this guy, did he come out in the movie jack reacher?

Anonymous said...

November 24, 2020 at 7:20 PM

This is the same idiota that said the virus is fake and el pendejo president won the race.
YOU HAVE NO credibilis no credere half-witted dumb ass

Anonymous said...

November 25, 2020 at 7:14 AM

Not so, european countries released all their convicts and were shipped to the "New World". Now talk about crowding in? They got here eating each other for breakfast lunch and dinner but in a democratic system. HIM WHO DIES FIRST GETS EATEN FIRST!!!
convicts poster material NO GUEY LEE ROY!

Anonymous said...

funny (about time)

Anonymous said...

Vera sells cook brains at 11.50 a lb.
