Sunday, November 8, 2020


 By Juan Montoya

The Battle of 2020 has been won by the republic.

After a four-year lull in the national life that Donald Trump gave the rebels time to rebuild their defenses and to provide succor and comfort to the revisionists seeking to turn back the clock and reshape the narrative to chauvinist nationalism suffused with xenophobia, the battle is over.

And it was a close one. It took Pennsylvania - where the corner was turned in the war at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 - to clinch the election for Democrat Joe Biden, a native of the Keystone State.

Pennsylvania was indeed, the key that held the Union together just as a keystone holds the edifice together.

During these four long years the demagogue impostor has used the people's seat of power as a personal throne using that bully pulpit to incite the worst prejudices and base desires of ordinary people and to manipulate and demonize the press and to further marginalize minorities and other groups.

His success at turning brothers against one another, to minimize his ideology's shortcomings, his talent at diverting attention from his numerous sins and failures and to focus the hate of the ignorant at immigrants and others like the LGBTQ community should give us room to pause. Never again.

Even in the throes of a pandemic where - like in Antietam (23,000) and Gettysburg (46, to 51,000) - 100,000s of our fellow citizens, our sisters and our brothers, have perished Trump sings the dismissive siren song of denial that a disease ravishes the land.

His encouragement of right-wing paramilitary fringe groups triggered a similar response from the far-left radical adherents that left a path with a slippery slope on either side for middle-of-the road democracy to tread lightly toward an uncertain future. We have seen armed supremacists standing at the doors of the seat of government intimidating the people's representatives, and good cops gunned down by criminals for performing their duties to serve and protect.

The road to unity will not be easy. The indiscriminate killing of unarmed blacks and browns must stop. Denying institutional racism exists and must be rooted out is a national task that must be undertaken, just as we must put an end to protestors justifying looting and destruction in the name of the victims of racist police. 

In the end, democrats, independents, and moderate republicans rejected the apocalyptic vision of divisiveness and hate - and, by their own hand - filled the Biden-Harris oval and pinned their hopes on the promise of equality and opportunity for all, regardless of the way they look, the individuals they love, or the amount of capital they hold to set a new course based on mutual trust, respect, and the idea that we are all Americans.

That Georgia - the home of Stone Mountain and the Confederacy - should have turned its back on Trump's dog whistle is a sign that the spiritual secession that he had ignited to benefit politically did not take in the heart of the New South.  

This battle is over, but the war has not been won. It will never end, and there will be setbacks and pitfalls along the way. But good people on either side weighed the future promised by both candidates and decided that the road we were on was leading us to endless discord and destructive internecine war and chose another way.

The virus in the other war is still winning. Now that the ideological divisiveness has been abandoned as a national policy, it's time we take a step back, mourn our 230,000 dead, and steer toward a better future. It's time we all reassess the hard views that the last four years have nurtured in our collective national soul and start to believe in one another.

The voices of our veteran dead, who sacrificed their all for us, demand it. All of them, men and women of all creeds, color, and origin, rest together under the good earth, united in eternity.

When this nation unites, nothing can can withstand its strength, be it Nazis, outlaw regimes, or radical fringes of political or religious intolerance anywhere in the world. But first we had to get our own house in order. That is the first step, and we have taken it.

It will be a difficult task to convince the fringes of both sides in our country to trust the middle. But it's a task that must be undertaken. Unless we do it, our message of equality, democracy and freedom to the rest of the world will ring hollow.

The battle is over. It's time to do something even more difficult: to make the peace work.


Anonymous said...

Trump loses and El Paya Jerry McHale is now with Biden. What an asshole! Lying sack of shit. You're the Biggest Loser, pendejo!

Antonio G. said...

Couldn’t have said it better! Enjoyed this post...

Anonymous said...

Tad Hasse
The Supreme Court Of the United States: Recount or revote the entire 2020 presidential election - Sign the Petition! via

Anonymous said...

It is therefore vital that Trump be prosecuted, whether by the Justice Department or by the state of New York, and either sent to prison or driven to flee the country. This father of lies and sower of chaos must not be allowed to remain at large in this country; above all, he must be deprived of the media spotlight.

We must not let ourselves be swayed by those who preach forgiveness in the cause of reconciliation; this enemy must be pursued while he remains a danger to all that we hold dear.

Lock him up, or let him leave, but he must never be allowed to walk free among us.

Anonymous said...

The Dem campaign of hate continues. There will be no peace.

Anonymous said...

Texas dog accidentally shoots owner after its paw got stuck in trigger of gun, tucked in the man's waistband
Par de pendejos igual que el estupido de trump, sent them all to jail including that baboso hillbilly coco wanna be white and throw away the key.

Anonymous said...

Hold the press boys, looks like El lloron Trump will try to use the courts to block Biden from taking his seat, we shall see how turns out, mmm what will happen if it goes to the Supreme Court? Just munch on that one for a while. And we think it is pretty bad in MEXICO elections right? adios

Anonymous said...

November 8, 2020 at 10:54 AM

yea prosecute trump with twat Hotasse and sent both of them to prison...

Anonymous said...

stfu, i wonder what country the creeper's going to invade first. since he's not into oil it may the one with the most windmills. saved our comunities from bringing fracking.

Anonymous said...

hora si pá, open the bridge, que ya no sufran nuestros hermanos centro americanos que estan esperando entrar arreglar sus papeles de aquel lado, ahora si aqui va haber para todos, todo gratis para todos. lower taxes hasta la gasolina va bajar chingao. gracias a que se fue Trump, life gonna be goooooood.

Anonymous said...

Oye, mi amor -

Si estoy debajo del vaivén de tus piernas
Si estoy hundido en un vaivén de caderas
Esto es el cielo es mi cielo

Anonymous said...

If there is a recount of votes and Biden's votes INCREASE because off errors giving votes to Trump, I HOPE the Trumpers ACCEPT the results. Watch what you ask for because if you get it and does not suit what YOU WANT, sit down and SHUT UP for the next four years.

Anonymous said...

So i finally gave in and went tobthat over rated pizza place down town
Here is what i noticed
1. There are 3 public/ city metered parking spots reserved for the restaurant's curbside.

My queation is who authorized or why do they get prefernential treatment?

At minimmal the owner of the pizza place should pay the citu for the lost income of the parking meters

2. The pizza restuarant has a private event room
There was an event with more than 50npeople 50 people are we no longer in covid protocal

Anyways place is overrated

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya:

Very good writing. Toxic Trump has been rejected by South Texas !!!
Smart and caring people live here.

Anonymous said...

Mexico's election knows who is going to be president before the people vote. Bought and sold is the Mexican way. Brownsville has always used that system because the election counting changes . Democrats have mess up this town and everyone love this stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Leaders of the Republican Party establishment had better fall in line and support President Trump’s challenges of these election results. If they don’t, their party will face an almost certain doom.

At last count, fully 71 million Americans cast their votes in this election for President Donald J. Trump, far and away the most votes ever cast for any Republican. Let’s make no mistake about this: Those votes are real votes, not stolen or fabricated ones; And those votes were cast for Donald Trump, not the Republican Party.

The Trump Movement is exactly that: A movement motivated by and loyal to Donald Trump. Any Republican who assumes that these 71 million Americans are going to just blindly follow behind any old Republican is living in an alternative universe.

The truth of the matter is that at least half of those 71 million Americans have complete and utter disdain for the GOP and for most Republican politicians. These Americans would follow Donald Trump to the gates of hell to save this country, but would gladly discard most Republican politicians to the local junk heap if they had their way.

Prominent Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney had better wake up and realize that the one and only reason why most GOP voters chose to vote for them is just that the alternative – a communist Democrat – was so much worse. That’s the only reason they elected George W. Bush twice, and the only reason they held their collective noses and cast votes for the weasel Romney and the even more execrable John McCain.

Every GOP leader had better understand the fact that Donald Trump could destroy their political party forever with the snap of his finger if he chose to do that. If they fail to support the President’s challenges to this blatantly stolen election in the coming weeks – and do so prominently and publicly with every tool and rhetorical flourish at their disposal – the real President could kill the GOP dead by announcing he is going to create his own political party and run again for the presidency in 2024.

If Trump did that, at least 50 million of those 71 million real Americans would follow him into that third party, even with the knowledge that doing so would virtually ensure a second term for Kamala Harris. Make no mistake about this: The vast majority of these 71 million real Americans hold establishment Republicans – RINOs – in every bit as much contempt as they do any Democrat.

The vast political movement we see happening on the right/middle today is a Trump movement. Period. If the GOP leaders wish to retain these tens of millions of real, non-stolen votes in their base of support, they had better get with the program now and demonstrate that they care about the sanctity of the U.S. elections system as the President does.

This is a Trump movement, not a Republican movement. This is a Trump army of 71 million angry Americans, not a bunch of 1970s-era country club Republicans. For the GOP, failure to understand this and get with the program is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Trump would not even had a chance for it not being for the enlightened African American and Hispanic vote. Highest minority percentage in the last 60 years. Chew on this 35% of Muslims voted for Trump and not 1 U.S. House of Representatives seat lost. CNN, NBC, CBS nor FOX News decide on who you President. That is done by adhering to the U.S. Constitution otherwise we have turned into the Banana Republic that most progressives seem to admire. The War for the True Soul of The United States of America is not over, and will not be over until all legal challenges are settled. So sit the fuck back down Mijo and wait until the Fat Lady sings, and take your Narcissist Facisism and stick it up your ASS.

Anonymous said...

Prosecute trump exactly for what? That is why mainstream America will never go for crazies like you. You can only win with election fraud and crooked election systems.

Look at what happened in the valley Hispanic support for trump up by 15 percent.common sense

And we will unite just like democrats United with republicans in 2016. Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Erasmo lost half his base. People are figuring out just how bad this pendejo is. I wont stop exposing him and all his shady dealings. He is a piece of shit and the true people of this city spoke. Unfortunately for those who got on his show and backed up this convict went down too. Frankie couldn't see the bigger picture and detach himself from Erasmo and this is why he got last place in his race. Keep talking your crap Erasmo and Frankie, I'm not going anywhere. I will be here waiting, surfing the net seeing when you try to make a comeback and its on again.

C Atkinson

Anonymous said...

It's not even about Trump. The people who voted for Biden Harris haven't realized what they have done. Give it time man. Your liberties and rights will be stripped away bit by bit. Say goodbye to your 1st and 2nd amendments. Celebrate,dance, rio up Trump signs and pictures. Soon everyone else will be saying " don't blame me I voted for the other guy" and you will be crying about what is going on.

GGL said...

For those of you who can think, watch the movie High Noon with Gary Cooper. For those of you who can not think get back to me in about a year and let me know how things are going.

Anonymous said...

So many Republicans in this blog that think TRUMP is the solution.

Trump: bully, corruption, evil, and doesn't love the USA.

Right now, he is asking for MONEY from his followers. So, if you love TRUMP donate to him so that he can get more money.

For 4 years all of Trump's followers were approving of police brutality, violence toward decent people and you were so happy. What does that mean?
That the Republicans are full of HATE, hate towards the USA, hate towards the minorities, hate towards common sense. Trump and his followers want to destroy the USA from within. So now they will nominate: IVANKA for 2028
TRUMP for 2024, etc
Trump and his followers want their own country and their own people and their own rules. They want to get rid of all others. They are going to continue doing evil things until they are punished and destroyed from within their group.

Anonymous said...

four years of whinning and crying TRUMP LOST pendejo get with the program pinches estupidos Hahahahahahahahaha TRUMP LOST LOL trump lost...

Anonymous said...

He lost because he was banging some old witch over at mar de mierda gueyes...

Anonymous said...

Trump lost — so what happens to the GOP bolsa de jotos cry for four years

Anonymous said...

@8:42 AM
Yes unlike the Democrats that didn't cry for four years right? Yes and Biden is also going to unify the party the same way the Democrats unified the party for 3 1/2 years of the fake Russian Collusion hoax.

Anonymous said...

Restoring Resacas: Art museum, BPUB partner for second art exhibit, BIKE TRAILS, NO BUS SHELTERS, OOOOH BUT THE GRINGOS HAVE A MUSEUM funded by the poorest city in the country pinches pendejos...YOUR MAMON LOST THE ELECTION...

Anonymous said...

The exhibit museum is sponsored by the Public Utilities Board and intends to create awareness for the community
return all the taxpayers monies you stole FBI should or must investigate estos pinches ratas...

Anonymous said...

After Being Rescued By a Pack of Huskies, This Kitten Thinks it’s a Dog
Just like the hillbillys they think they're dogs the dog being that looser racist republican

Anonymous said...

We have a new president and new BISD board, but we have to fight one more time to get Jessica Tetas out. The amount of money she has cost the taxpayers is criminal. $300M for Tenaska. $70M for the airport. $2M for La Casa Nylon. $800k for Eder. When is it ever going to end? The residents of Brownsville deserve better than that dumb, two-faced bimbo. Get her out!

Anonymous said...

What happen to his boy friends put-in or Cum Jon Us or Salt-rman? I heard they had an orgy at the white house during the election.
Y los hillbillys que? Hahahahahahahahaha ha

Anonymous said...

Trump is a total Pendejo he is no conservative like you all pretend to be wake the hell up.The only thing I can think of why some of you voted for him is maybe you liked his Hair because he was no leader maybe cult leader.

Anonymous said...

There are A LOT of Trump supporters in the RGV. My question to them is WHAT has he given you? $1,200 dollars? (I did NOT qualify, so I DIDNT GET ANYTHING), by the way, that is from OUR TAXES, NOT from his pocket. The wall? The last time I checked, the wall has been there since George W. was still in office and the parts build in NMX and AZ fell with the first wind.Mexico DID NOT PAY for the wall, WE DID. He is now ASKING for donations to pay his lawyers for the suits he is filing. I thought he was a "billionaire'. I wonder how much he has suckered his cult to give him. Leaders from France, England and Germany have recognized Biden, but the autocrats like Putin, Chi, Kim, have kept quiet. Yet, you accuse Biden and Harris to be communists, socialists, friends of Nicolas Maduro. If you truly believe that Biden will open the bridge, give freebees to the illegals in Matamoros, then Rex Tillerson was RIGHT all along but not only about Trump but about those who support him. The man grabbed the flag, the constitution and now, that it didn't favor him, wants to ignore it. I would LOVE for votes to be RECOUNTED, and when Biden's numbers get higher, what excuse will you come out next? The recount is a two way street. If in some of the states the result changes, it CAN change to favor Biden but I guess that is something the ones that believe in injecting clorox or drinking Lysol have not thought. The cult thinks they are the only ones that vote. Our population has GROWN in the last 4 yrs, MOST NEW voters voted Biden. Remember when you said "Trump won, move on... WELL, Biden WON!! Move on.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the GOP will whine, complain and hate unlike the Democrats right? It's not like the Democrats haven't been whining, complaining and hating for four years right?

Anonymous said...

No persons should be outside their homes from midnight through 5 a.m.
That excludes central blvd? This street is full of drunk drivers after 12midnight, do something cops!

Anonymous said...

there are five basic sounds republicans makes just before crying:

Neh – I lost
Eh – I lost
Eairh – I lost (gas)
Heh – I lost (pee anywhere and wet)
Owh – My idol lost!

Anonymous said...

98% Texas
Biden: 5, 218, 631 voting for BIDEN.

Texas almost went BLUE !!! Texas was blue at the beginning of the vote count. The 5, 218, 631 voters. STAY STRONG, and healthy.

Biden needs us.

Thank you Beto O'Rourke.

Anonymous said...

This bog post is a fine example of the hate spewed toward Trump and his supporters. After four years of this, you expect it not to have an effect? All of a sudden we are pals again? Not going to happen. Trump may have lost THIS election, but Americanism is not over, it is just starting. Get ready!

Anonymous said...

..right only triumps when Evil
Is overthrown and PUNISHED.




Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Is it true that TRUMP doesn't want to call Biden and concede because he wants to go to the Supreme Court and get the vote in his favor?

That his base is waiting for him to call them for help and to start killing minorities.

Is this possible in America?

Anonymous said...

@ November10, at 8:34 PM

Total disinformation.....

Anonymous said...

Americans do not love democracy nor the USA.

Wait for the moment when they realize they had it good.

Trump followers complain, argue, and then good bye AMERICA SUPER POWER. Welcome second world power.
The enemy of AMERICA is inside the homes of all the followers of TRUMP.
They love poverty, illness, violence.

Anonymous said...

@November 8, 2020 at 3:02PM.
NO WE WILL NOT SIT DOWN and SHUTUP. YOU have seen nothing yet. RGV is getting Redder and Redder.

Anonymous said...

@November 20, 2020 at 7:08PM

In the Great Red State of Texas not one Republican State Legislature Seat was flipped, not one U.S. Senator or US Congressman was flipped to a Democrat. President Trump carried Texas convincingly.

Your hero Francis O'Rourke is the best thing to happen Texas since BHO and Killery came around so thank you Francis for solidifying the Red base against your Neo-Facist, Nacciscistic, Banana Republic Socialist Ideology. Keep it boy, Texas is as Red as it has needs to be.

Anonymous said...

I will tell you what trump gave us. Optimism and belief that us a is good and the land of opportunity. Belief that we are will succeed and that we are not a racist country.

As opposed to the doom and gloom of democrats, that us a is racist and bad. How can a racist country vote a black president.

I am an immigrant that came here 30 years ago and United States gave me opportunities that my own country would not. I did not come here so I can experience what I left socialism, rioting looting , but government and lack of law and order.I

What has the Democratic party done in the valkey, besides getting the politicians rich?

sambkatz said...

Thank you, Mr. Montoya.

That was one of the best assessments of the current of the dynamic instability of the current socio-economic reality facing us today, straight-up, neat, with no-chaser or Bullshit. We can pull back from the ledge of the precipice but, good people on both sides must want to do so. That is the crux of the tale, who will step up "to bell this cat". Again, thank you, Sir.

Anonymous said...

Americanism: Be better, be humble, be grateful and love peace.

TRUMP: nepotism, corruption, violence, and a mindset of we care only for me and my friends and my family.

PLUS fight, destroy nature, and LOVE ME and SUPPORT ME always and YOU DO THE DIRTY WORK FOR ME.

Former RGV LEO said...

All, I know is that this election had more interference created and caused by the national media, facebook and other social media outlets! They picked and choose what to air or print. Then you had facebook censoring what they called "half fake news," by supposed fact checkers? I guess we can thank the crooks from Ukraine and China for helping get this idiot in joe and the wanna-be black childless cunt!
God help us and these United States!

Anonymous said...

November 13, 2020 at 5:58 PM

hating women
hating women of color
hating women with no children

God is not like that.
God helps us all even if we do not deserve it.

Some people do not use facebook, some people do not see the news, some people do not read the newspaper.
