Sunday, November 15, 2020


 Special to El Run-Rrun

Cameron County Elections Department officials have confirmed that defeated Brownsville Independent School District trustee Minerva  Peña has filed a petition for a recount of the race she lost to Marisa Leal by one vote and submitted her deposit late Friday for $3,700, $100 each for each of the polling places and $100 for early voting.

But that doesn't let her off the hook, they said. If she loses the recount, she is on the hook for the difference between $48,000 estimate and the $3,800, a $44,300 gamble.

Of the 43,639 votes cast in the three-person race 27,105 voters (66.11 percent) did not want her to remain in office and voted for new blood (Leal) over Peña and BISD board barnacle Joe Rodriguez.

Peña was named during the Dr. Sylvia Atkinson bribery and conspiracy trial in federal court where the former BISD board member indicated Peña had asked and received $2,000 of a $10,000 bribe to push forward a purported film project.

Atkinson said she made the donation to Miles of Hope on Peña's behalf. At the time she was the public relations director for the Christian-based organization. Atkinson said also said she made a similar $2,000 donation on behalf of board member Phil Cowen, who lost his reelection bid.

"On Friday she filed her petition for a recount with the BISD and if the district approves it, we should have notice on Monday, said Elections Administrator Remi Garza. 

"If they do and notify us on Monday we should be able to start the recount on Wednesday. The $48,000 is still the estimate for the recount. It'll depend on the amount of work it takes for that to change."

 Peña, who has been on the BISD board for the past 12 years, the last two as chair, was in a three-person race with Leal and Rodriguez.

Leal had won by 10 votes at election day, but there were still some ballots uncounted. Peña whittled down her election day deficit by nine after a complete count of provisional, late mail-in and overseas military ballots was completed Tuesday afternoon.  



Anonymous said...

It would be intresting if the IRS looked at her income tax and see if she claimed the $2000 donation as a write off towards her income
Just saying

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a Mexican woman scorned, ese.

She's looking more and more like Da Blimp. ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Minerva, en que cabeza cabe que vas a gastar tanto dinero por un capricho?
De donde vas a sacar ese dinero? Did you make that amount the 12 years you WERE on the board. Who is going to help you out if your are still under investigation with your partnership with Sylvia? Are you trying to imitate
Trump, you sure are succeeding - a fake, a hoax, phony religious clout, cabezon de amadre! Stupid is another word and your husband sits back and says nothing like Melania. Did your father show you those lessons when you were growing up? I will say that you have guts to continue with this fiasco for a job that does not pay a single cent, unless you take into consideration the amount of money not in the books, like Trump. Are you planning to stand at La Diez-Ocho and beg for money for your defense?

Anonymous said...

Our Constitution has a mechanism in the 25th Amendment for removing the president if he becomes incapacitated. Is this not the perfect example of a time to invoke it? Trump still hasn’t conceded. What’s his endgame?

Trump has gone from narcissism to a state of delusion so bad that he is now installing loyalists in strategic positions as if he is planning some kind of coup or military action. If he was a member of your family you would not ignore this failure to accept reality.

Why wait to see what he is going to do next?

Vice President Mike Pence and the White House Cabinet members need to remove Trump from power. Pence can pardon Trump if he likes and let the transition to President-elect Joe Biden begin. How can the Republicans argue with that? Or are they afraid “the base” will object when it’s obvious that the president is not accepting reality?

This calls for an intervention. It’s not time just to “wait and see” if Trump descends further into delusion and endangers all our lives.

Anonymous said...

If BISD pays for it. We will know who we need to vote put! Pathetic! Using tax payers money for that.

Anonymous said...

Really! Get the point lady... Nobody wants you there anymore only your crook friends. I hope after the recount she ends up losing by a lot more than 1 vote to seal the deal and loses her $48K.

Anonymous said...

What guarantee do the taxpayers have that she will pay the balance owed if she loses the recount? Are the taxpayers going to be stuck paying for this?

Former RGV LEO said...

I know that I am reaching here? But, lets hope that the board members of the BISD "buy" that bridge that the sexual predator lover is selling and turn down her election recount UNTIL this fugly pig looking bitch PAYS the $48,000 grand UP FRONT! Huh, I've seen the way BISD works? She'll get her recount and whether she wins or not? Who is going to get the money from her? Will they file a civil lawsuit on her? Will criminal charges apply since she is putting her so-called word about paying the full amount? You can't trust this bitch at all!

Anonymous said...

Minnie mouse Pena so you are rolling the dice, odds against you are pretty high GF, you are no longer in Kansas or with the Porter Belles. Why is it so important that you get back on the BISD board? To make more money? Gee whiz, you are just like ex BISD board member joe rodriguez, puro money hungry.

Anonymous said...

Move on!!! You should have used that money for a worthier cause!

Anonymous said...

States and Cities Tighten Restrictions as U.S. Caseload Soars
Except here all types of business are open now schools do not open the schools

Law + Order said...

You have to ask yourself why would someone do this? What benefit does she receive to make this expenditure worth it?

Anonymous said...

That one vote difference is surely not worth $48,000....for an unpaid position. Seems to give us some assurances that there is money to be made while a BISD Trustee. Sylvia Atkinson was found guilty of fraud and in the process indicated that Adela Garza was involved with the efforts to bribe potential contractors. Seems that Pena has ready benefited from Atkinson's corruption by accepting money for her campaign. Clearly shows that corruption is not just a male problem, and that the women seeking public positions have learned how to cheat to fill their purses. This is a county wide problem here and there needs to be an awakening. Fortunately the November 3 election indicates growing strength in the RGV of the GOP. Maybe there will be an end to the one-party system and that competition just might challenge the corruptors and elect people with integrity.

Anonymous said...

How about an award for the most ugle picture!

Anonymous said...

Texas exceeds 20K virus deaths, 2nd highest in US
Open up all schools babosos
The citizens should FIRE everybody that is in charge at BISD

Anonymous said...

PENA FOR CHIEF OF POLICE for the City of Brownsville to replace incompetent Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda..
