Sunday, November 29, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Six months after George Floyd died after a police officer held him down with a knee on his throat, people are still waiting for a resolution to the major social problem of black men and women getting killed at the hands of law enforcement. Across the country, of the more than half dozen cases which resulted in as many deaths– some of them caught on cell  phones – and were thrust into the public glare, no police officer has been convicted of any crime. 

Floyd was recorded pleading with police to let him rise from the street by saying "I can't breathe" at least 11 times. They ignored his pleas and he died. His crime? A suspicion that he had passed a counterfeit $20 bill. Execution would seem to be a pretty high penalty for passing $20 of paper, don't you think?

Brownsville, it's sad to say, is no exception. Of the handful of cases where local police shot and killed individuals – both police officers and victims Hispanics – some of the civilians unarmed, no prosecutor has been able to get a grand jury to issue an indictment. The standard defense, that they feared for their lives, is a free pass for local shooters in blue. But were the prosecutors really trying that hard?

To add insult to injury, in the wake of Floyd's death, local mural painter Marcus Castro created the mural above behind a restaurant along the alley behind Immaculate Conception Cathedral only to have someone deface it. Undaunted, Castro went back and restored it, only to have it defaced again. The negative feedback discouraged him from restoring it twice.

And when students painted portraits of popular artists for the Latin Jazz Festival, some vandals defaced them too, adding a few racist epithets to the paintings. The city has developed a high threshold for unfeeling cynicism in certain segments of the population when it comes to deterring officer-involved shootings and vandalizing expressions of public outrage such as Floyd's mural above. Will it take someone related to us getting killed before a real conversation starts over this pressing social issue?) 


Anonymous said...

Sadly Mesicans are just if not more racists towards african americans

Anonymous said...


What part of getting old do we fear? Is it death or not being able to do the physical things that we were able to do when our body was young? The answer is very obvious. If Ponce De Leon had discovered the fountain of youth we would not be having this discussion.

It has always been a pleasure to sit before my computer and read the many articles that you have published over the years. My two favorite articles are the one about “Mr. Ed” and the “L.A. Dodgers losing to the San Francisco Giants in the playoff”.

However, it recent months your articles have focus more on the things that we baby boomers fear the most, old age. You write that you are fortunate in not having grandchildren that you have to babysit because it would take away from your artistic talent that you value so much.

What would happen if you had a grandchild tomorrow? Would your artistic talent stand in the way of giving your grandchild your love and knowledge that you once gave to your own children? Life is about giving and receiving love. If you don’t have that, your life has no meaning.

Remember this, the day that your first grandchild is born, it will be the greatest day of your life because you will continue to live no matter how old you are or if you are still living in this world.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump repeatedly promised he would hire "the best people." He did not. That is not my opinion; it is President Trump's, which he expresses frequently. Trump has said that his first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was "dumb as a rock" and "lazy as hell."

His attorney general, Jeff Sessions, was "scared stiff and Missing in Action," "didn't have a clue," and "should be ashamed of himself." Trump described one of his assistants, Omarosa Manigault Newman, as "wacky," "deranged," "vicious, but not smart," a "crazed, crying lowlife," and finally a "dog." After lasting only eleven days as communications director, Anthony Scaramucci "was quickly terminated 'from' a position that he was totally incapable of handling" and was called "very much out of control."

An anonymous adviser to the president was called "a drunk/drugged-up loser." Chief strategist Steve Bannon was "sloppy," a "leaker," and "dumped like a dog by almost everyone." His longtime lawyer Michael Cohen was "TERRIBLE," "hostile," "a convicted liar & fraudster," and a "failed lawyer." The president was "Never a big fan!" of his White House counsel Don McGahn and "not even a little bit happy" with Jerome Powell, his selection to head the Federal Reserve, whom he called an "enemy."

His third national security advisor, John Bolton, was mocked as a "tough guy [who] got us into Iraq." When the president was irritated with his former chief of staff, John Kelly, the president's press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, declared that Kelly "was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president.”

Bye Don!

Anonymous said...

So can a citizen use that excuse I feared for my safety and get away with Murder ?

Anonymous said...

Let me fix this problem:
1. Don't commit crimes
2. Don't fight with cops

Anonymous said...

The police is not here to protect us. This explains why people are afraid of the police.

Anonymous said...

Drug dealer and attempted murder of a closed...the piece of shit cockroach is dead!

Anonymous said...

folks did you all really think anything would change? its been 56 years since the civil right acts were passed and nothing has changed. America is till the same when it comes to this.

Anonymous said...

George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.
And Mexicans hate blacks.
That’s why there are only 6 or so blacks in Browntown. Facts.

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2020 at 1:28 PM

Trump: 'I'm ashamed I endorsed' Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp
The pot calling the kettle black!

The most racist president in the history of USA and against African-Americans along with his hillbilly supporters

THAT'S WHO THEY SHOULD BE CAREFUL OFF - not Mexican-Americans pinche pendejo estupido at: November 29, 2020 at 1:28 PM

GGL said...

Only people doing bad things are afraid not good people.

Anonymous said...

My dear "Gingo Loco" thank you for publishing my comment in your blog. Enjoy life because life is all we have that only belongs to us and be grateful to God for what he has given us.

Anonymous said...

Well, the process of resolution in on track. The officers have been charged and the charges are making their way though a very slow criminal justice system. This does satisfy the "hang em high"bunch, however nothing but a tree and a rope will.

Anonymous said...

A good suspect would be el pinche half coco transgender retard mutt! He is the biggest racist in the valley! Ese guey le gusta a los viejitos como su novio Biden!

Anonymous said...

comply and you wont die

Anonymous said...

November 30, 2020 at 5:22 PM

You're a cop or a white supremist but nobody cares

Anonymous said...

November 29, 2020 at 3:21 PM


Anonymous said...

The City Manager of the City of Brownsville is allowing corruption and incompetence to grow within the Brownsville Police Department as he allows Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda to continue with his illegal activities within the Police department. They all should be indicted and sent to prison.

Anonymous said...

who are the owners of the maquinitas in Brownsville spots? Why are some
allowed to operate and others are arrested by selection. Se hacen los sonsos and pretend they don't know they exist in Brownsville - downtown mind you.
The are illegal in Texas, so why does Lyford and Sebastian not fall within the law? Someone get to Abbott and have them legalize the maquinitas in Brownsville and imagine the tax we could collect for fixing our roads, since all grant money is used for bicycle trials? Does Sauceda know about the maquinitas?

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows about las maquinitas but!!!!
Its like the bike trails abandoned but still pouring money, WHY???
The fake dr and the vacine no bids WHY?
The scratch my back board run by a janitor WHY?
