Thursday, November 5, 2020



Anonymous said...

She will now fake to have medical problem to avoid any prison time or be sent to a medical facility. Just like her brother did.

Anonymous said...

I would like to suggest to the Republican Party that instead of trying to rig the election by suppressing votes, it should consider offering up quality candidates and good government. It’s much easier than stealing.

Anonymous said...

The lady was responsible for hurting so many educators and mostly women that got in her path. The women who she adored and called "honeys" were those that capitulated to all her desires and fake promises and ran her favors against others...her friends, Drue, Tipton, desaro, Solis, Zarate, Sauceda, Adela and others now are distancing themselves from her. They too worked with a felon to hurt women and use politics to enforce her plans. It is sad the current bisd board never did anything to demonstrate their stance against her...that is a reason why I voted against cowen, minerva and garcia. The new board needs to move quickly on settling the three-ring circus we are in. TSC staff...happy, BISD staff...happy, Los Fresnos and Rio Hondo staff...elated. Shame on Atkinson for using her greed to overcome the system and using her friends to influence her moves. As for her family, her siblings enabled the bad behavior and thrived on her greedy achievements, Own up to the fact that atkinson did an awful lot of wrong.

Anonymous said...

Pos no que Not Guilty? Vieja mentirosa!

Anonymous said...

El Paya McHale is still pushing Trump -

"Trump has runners of base in the bottom of the ninth and with a home run he executes yet another come-from-behind miracle."

Vato racista!!!!

Anonymous said...

And what does Charlie has to say about the verdict??? He’s never a lost for words. Talk to us Charlie!

Anonymous said...

Y Trey Mendez que?
Y Dr. Eder que?
Y Cornejo Lopez que?
Y Adela que?
Y Joe Rodriguez que?
Y Minerva Pena que?
Y Baltazar Salazar que?
Round them up!!

Anonymous said...

BISD staff is breathing better now. Atkinson and her family clan at Main Office, Mary Tolman, need to accept that she did wrong and is GUILTY. The "honeys" are now silent. Like B. Pena (retired), M. Solis, D. Sauceda, M. Zarate. There is a lot more to come with current investigations. Minerva Pena needs get booted out of BISD. She is another one that has caused so much damage with the hiring of her BFFs like R. Longoria. Philip Cowen is an embarrassment. Atkinson needs to own up to her mistakes, do the time and move on. Charlie needs to shut up and accept that her sis is GUILTY and corrupt. This Atkinson, Powers and Tolman family ran BISD down the corrupt drain. TEA and all of Texas Districts all know what happened in BISD. Justice served for BISD.

Anonymous said...

Guilty ass Sin

Anonymous said...

I would legit run. She will be there for until she dies. I would go into hiding. That’s a severe penalty:(

Anonymous said...

How can she have the audacity to even think about appealing, when there is so much evidence against her. Her own testimony hung her from the highest tree. I can only see two outs: temporary insanity and ineffective representation. What did her lawyers do for her and how much did they charge her for nothing?
I say there has to be something mentally wrong with her to commit such an act and think she could get away with it. But, I am also sure that she has something up her sleeve besides stabbing the back of those who testified to the truth. Let's see how many friends she has left after all is said and done. I do hope that at least SS does not abandon her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

juan guilty as charged, 50 years like the fajita bandit guy, oh btw whats this deal from senator eddie lucio closing down the brownsville office and moving to harlingen ? Folks i told you so but well people dont listen or learn. adios

Anonymous said...

This is a woman that when she was an AA, she demanded that cluster meetings at schools be fancy. She told principals, "I don't eat off of paper plates and sit on student chairs." Principals were forced to rent china, chairs and linens. She wanted fancy food as well. Not just your average breakfast taco. Principals in our cluster did not stand up to her for fear of reprisals. The few who didn't cow tow to her demands were reassigned to other campuses.
Sylvia is like a mob boss. Never thought she would get caught.
Now, reality is hitting her in the face. She is in shock.
Hopefully, this will serve as notice to others that this crap needs to stop.

What I can't believe is that she is out on bond for 4 months before sentencing. Isn't she a flight risk?

Anonymous said...

At leat she's got a gringo name. She'll be sent to the color section. Aunt Jemima will be waiting silvita!!

Anonymous said...

Shocking that Trump is doing as well as last time, despite everything that he’s done in the last four years, culminating in the disaster of the pandemic response and the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. Too much of our country consists of racists who prefer White Supremacy to equality.

Anonymous said...

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

The Justice Department told federal prosecutors in an Email early on Wednesday that the law allowed them to send armed federal officers to ballot-counting locations around the country to investigate potential voter fraud, according to three people who described the message.

The Email created the specter of the federal government intimidating local election officials or otherwise intervening in vote tallying amid calls by Trump to end the tabulating in states where he was trailing in the presidential race.

Anonymous said...

She was greedy because of her gambling addiction.
What a sham.

Anonymous said...

Be afraid browntown ratas. She is going to spill the beans on all of you.

Anonymous said...

FEDS PUB IS NEXT!! Put a bright light on the heads at PUB guarantee they will sing like canaries.

Anonymous said...

A child will deny hitting another child and will actually play the victim! A child will start to cry to gain sympathy! A child will deny the truth to hide a lie! A child will have a tantrum if not given attention! A child will learn the meaning of NO before the meaning of OK! A CHILD learns to LOVE before HATE! So for an adult to act like a child and knowingly commit so much wrong and deny, deny, and still clam it is all a lie, is a person without a conscience, empathy, or of good moral!!!
