Friday, November 13, 2020




Anonymous said...

TITO is my HERO.

Anonymous said...

Why does this guy matter to anyone? Ever talked to him? Far from the brightest bulb.

Anonymous said...

People just need to learn to ignore Tito Mata, and he will eventually go away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Corruption is alive and well in the City of Brownsville. Just look at your Police DEPARTMENT Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda how did that happen everyone knows but the City Manger still hired
Vote of No Confidence on Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda. #worstChiefever.

Anonymous said...

Zelma won't have to worry about hanky-panky cause she does not go for well-built, strong man. Tito, I thought you were smarter. What will your support for her do for your baby girls, if they think you are for her, so what is wrong with what she did? Make sure you contribute all your trophies to her so she can sell them for the metal and add to her defense fund.

Anonymous said...

Tito is a very committed person, but when someone does what she has done, it is time to separate and go your own way. Good luck Tito!!

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Why even make this guy relevant? Try having an intelligent conversation with him. I wonder what subject he taught in school. Definitely not the highest IQ in any room.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me. Tito has been wearing Minerva Pena underwear for good luck. He feels her underwear may give him luck to run for BISD next year. Sometimes he wears her braw just in case his tits get bigger. The braw is only for protection for Tito not for good luck.

Anonymous said...

Who is Tito? BISD custodian?

Anonymous said...

What division is she in? Beat she could beat Tito to the mat!
Tito will start selling chicken plates to add funds to her gofundme funds.
What about Trey Mendez and Adela Garza and Drue Brown?

Former RGV LEO said...

Why would he even be with her? She doesn't do guys, she just rips them off! But, from the pic they do fit each other!

Sylvia, don't drop the soap unless you really want too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I concur. I've never understood why so many people suck this guy's dick. Who the f*** is he? Nobody.

Anonymous said...

Loser- both of them

Anonymous said...

True story: joined his gym years back he said to me with a straight face if you join my gym you can look like me one day wanted to lmao.

Anonymous said...

Tito Mata is so gross. He is always at Starbucks checking out the ladies. Tito loved Sylvia for years and he once believed he had a chance and even was willing to get a divorce. Now Tito Mata in love with another a new Board Member and after that lady.

Anonymous said...

Tito is a self-centered dummy...

Anonymous said...

Otro pinche mamon y lambiscon!

Anonymous said...

Tito 2022!

Anonymous said...

I sure wish Tito would grow his pony tail again. He looked sooo sexy with it.

Anonymous said...

Try having an intelligent conversation with Tito. It's impossible. How can this guy be teaching our students. It's scary. Not a very smart person.

Anonymous said...

I want to have Tito's baby!

Anonymous said...

Tito is Brownsville.
Tito is TITO.

Anonymous said...

A Tito le gusta el Pito!
