Sunday, November 15, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

When the City of Brownsville, its Public Utility Board, and private energy producer Tenaska inked a Memorandum of Understanding to build a $500 million gas-powered 800-MW electric generating plant in 2013, it garnered front-page coverage in the Brownsville Herald featuring then-Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez.

By then, the city commission had dutifully approved a 35 percent increases in utility rates and smaller rate hikes for water and wastewater treatment charges which have remained in effect up to today. 

Depending on who you talk to, the increases to ratepayers raised more than $150 million, all but $29 million of which the utility has already spent.

The city commission hadn't learned that as far back as November 2016 Tenaska had asked then-Cameron County Judge Pete Sepulveda to terminate its tax abatement agreement and notified him it given up on building the plant.

Tansaka vice-president for Robert Ramaekers for strategic development and acquisitions wrote Sepulveda in November 2016 that the private energy company was abandoning the project because the electric market "made it extremely difficult to finance and build new base load electricity generation in the state."

By then, the members of the PUB board already knew that the plant wasn't going to be built, but neither the PUB administration under CEO John Bruciak nor the PUB board notified anyone in the city administration or the city commission to let them know.

The artificially high utility rates have remained the same.

It wasn't until a joint COB-PUB meeting at city hall October 27, 2020 that they told the city commission that plant project had been abandoned. That was almost four years after the county knew. And the admission was forthcoming from the PUB honchos when commissioner Ben Neece forced the joint  meeting and PUB's top three administrators admitted the construction of the $550 million plant had been unsuccessful. 

And while PUB blamed OPEC - those damn Arabs - they contradicted Tenaska's Ramaekers that a glut of electricity created by renewable energy sources (wind and solar power) was the reason the plant was not built.  

The Herald did not report on Tenaska's 2016 letter to the county judge nixing the project. 

Neither did the daily report on the heft pay raises that the PUB board approved for the top three PUB administrators responsible for the debacle that started in 2013 after the 1rates were raised.

For that matter, Sepulveda's successor Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino didn't let the cat out of the bag that the Memorandum of Understanding between the city, PUB and the COB no longer applied. Could it be that Trevino kept mum on the Tenaska failure because he was the PUB counsel in 2013 and earned millions from the public utility and had had a direct hand in putting together the MOU?

The public was denied access to the MOU since its adoption in 2012 and Tenaska fought its release by pleading with the Texas Attorney General that it should not be made public because it would hurt its competitive edge and release "proprietary" information to its competitors.

This blog filed at least three such information requests with PUB that were put in the hands of  PUB's contract attorneys in San Antonio who predictively turned over to the AG. Others also sought the information and were similarly stymied.

The city approved the audit of the Tenaska-COB agreement on October 27 and approved an audit committee composed of City Auditor Patrick Zacchini and a three-member audit committee appointed by Mayor Trey Mendez.

 They are authorized to look into what became of the ten of million of dollars generated by the rate increases. Specifically, they will look into payment made by PUB to "lawyers and consultants" which cannot be recovered.

But before you get too excited about the possibility that the rates may go down, Mendez - as mayor an ex oficio member of the PUB board - already is putting a damper on that dream. He said that since the pact was inked, the cost of producing electricity had gone up, making a lowering of the rates prohibitive since it could hurt the annual $14 million transfer from the PUB to the city and deeming it impossible.

The Herald did not report Tenaska's withdrawal from the project in 2016, or on the October 27, 2020  city meeting when the audit into the PB-Tenaska debacle was approved. It reported it today, November 15, 2020.

Why wasn't the public informed by its First Amendment protector about what was happening to their money  by its much ballyhooed project that it had plastered all over the front page on January 2013?

By reporting it today, years after the fact, it makes today's report on the Tenaska debacle "News You Can't Use."


Anonymous said...

I am disgusted by all of you thieving politicians in browntown and equally disgusted by the people who live there who accept this as normal. You all get what you reap and deserve. Corrupt sheriffs, DA, school board....the list goes on. I guess the reason is that most of you are sucking on the government tit and as long as you keep getting that government check you fully accept that. The common thread that unites you? You are all Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Trey and Eddie knew and both these fools are elected officials they swore an oath to serve and protect and they intentionally balked and hid the facts! I’d say they are losers but let’s face it we are the losers. Cameron Co is the one of the poorest counties we will never prevail! Get the FBI involved they investigate when it’s over 1 million. Wink wink!

Anonymous said...

The city thieves are going to audit themselves? Brownsville is the sewer of Texas. Trey and Tony Martinez are the same person. Tony is the taller one. I fell for Tony and Trey’s Obama style hope and change campaign message. I was a sucker. The only hope we have is that the FBI is going to make an example out of these filthy politicians and those at PUB that serve them. When Sylvia Atkinson is sentenced, they will all shit a brick.

Anonymous said...

These are all thieves that should be in jail. No one in Brownsville gets those ridiculous wage raises, and money just doesn't disappear. Someone pocketed, and profited from this disappeared money that no one seems to know where it went. No se hagan pendejos ratas.

Anonymous said...

I smell cheese! There must be rats around here!

Anonymous said...

You damn The Herald all the time, Montoya. Why hold it up to good journalism now? smh

Anonymous said...

Cowen needs to get his facts straight!It was reported over a year ago that over $100million was collected in the past 7-8yrs in higher utility and waste water increases now thier saying $60 million I call B/S on his number.Now the city wants to do an audit by city employees yea right do think we're that stupid to believe you all NOW!COMMISSIONERS GOWEN AND MUNGIA FOR STARTERS SHOULD BE HELD PERSONALLY ACOUNTABLE THEY WERE THIER FROM THE BEGINNING.We demand federal authorities get involved in this matter we will petition the federal government,many rules and MISAPPROPRIATION of FUNDS and board shenanigans were done.Wheres the district attorney in this? Where are our state and federal reps in this Vela and Dominguez.Dirty deeds done in the dark will be given the light your greed shall be punished from stealing from the poor.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell me Minerva and/or Sylvia were involved in it? Ask the Blue Jean mayor where he hid it?

Anonymous said...

No la metieron

Ke nos den credit!

Anonymous said...

Reduced the salaries of all PUB administrators who got a raise.

Anonymous said...

forget about juan mendez da mayor he's a coco

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, sounds like the Feds need to investigate? Someone got money in their pockets? Especially PUB needs to be investigated if they knew that no plant was going to built? Huh, how about recovering the funds lost from tax abatements?

Former RGV LEO said...

And why does it seem that everything this Pete Sepulveda touches involving money seems to go to shit? It appears to me that Sepulveda and who cares what family he comes from needs to be investigated, period!

Anonymous said...

Juan so really at the end of the day, yes this scheme did happen to the rate payers, PUB administration kept it quiet for all this years, City commission knew but never had the Pelotas-balls to ask about it, so now what $150 million is a lotta of mulah, and now PUB only has $29 million out of these $150m? So where is the money and will anyone do anything about it? I bet Mr. Bruciak is getting ready to retire over this fiasco and probably has already turned in his paperwork or will be doing that very soon, he has been with the City of brownsville and PUB for over 34 years. Keep an eye on this juan, thanks for letting the public of Brownsville know since the herald wont do it.

Anonymous said...

Trey already working on a whole lot of nothing, here he goes once again being a weak mayor who only post what people might think is something engaging. I really don’t appreciate his “look at me, look at me” attention seeking mind-set. Don’t expect my family nor I to vote for this brittle in stance and stature of a mayor. Rumor has it a PUB head hancho was either sacked or scape-goateed recently. Apparently his departure has been swept under the rug. Brownsvillian’s when are we going to realize we’re just pawns to them!!!! We need to put our foot down, enough is enough, let’s band together and stop this machine and it’s puppets.

Anonymous said...

These people need to be investigated and any evidence of wrong doings charge them accordingly just like everybody else. ACCOUNTABILITY needs to start NOW...
You people want to get re-elected DO THE RIGHT THING!!!

BobbyWC said...

If Trey supports decreasing rates then he needs to put it to a vote so come May we know who needs to be voted out if they are on the ballot. Concerning the cost of generating electricity going up I call BS. Fossil fuels are at near all time lows. We are generating more electricity through wind energy than ever before. I researched the issue, and the only reason it could cost the BPUB more to generate electricity is because of mismanagement. The cost of electricity is tied to how you are sourcing it. It has gone down all over the country. It is true for companies using old technology the cost is going up.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

I’m expecting some indictments of PUB administration!

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of greed and corruption that should prove to the citizens of Cameron County and Brownsville why McAllen and the upper RGV have more economic success. Brownsville continues to flounder and have proven successful only in developing bicycle and hiking trails. The Tenaska "debacle" seems only to have served to give Julieta Garcia's baby son a job and to serve as justification for gigantic raises to the "mis-managers" at P.U.B. It all took place on Mayor Tony Martinez's watch. No leadership from his office allowed the corruption and mis-management to take place. About time for the audit, but too late for those paying higher utility rates based on the Tenaska failure. The people always lose when we have corrupt or inept public officials. But, remember, those corrupt and inept leaders are elected by citizens or hired by the elected officials. We the people must accept responsibility for not electing the best person for the jobs.

Anonymous said...

They were waiting for statue of limitation bola de mamones el changito da mayor's idea or el gran southmost commissioner?

Anonymous said...

Wonder what would happen if rate payers residential and commercial accounts sued the city and PUB to get our monies back on this farce.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

VBMC-Brownsville receives quality achievement awards for stroke care
WHAT???? Another stinkin' award! This city being the poorest city in the nation sure has a lot of awards!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another Bridge to nowhere aka 21 million gone forever. The democrats are so proud of themselves because the bind voters cannot read or understand politics.

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche ratas DementiaCRATS! El pendejo half coco mutt transgender retard is so happy because he thinks that his papito hero Biden won! Idiota! He cheated and Trump will still be the president! Biden got more votes than Obama, who believes that shit! Hahahahaha Idiotas!

Anonymous said...

trump card: Professor reflects on support from Latinos
You got it all wrong IDIOTA ONLY cocos voted for the fake president trump bola de pendejos...
este idiota thinks cocos are hawaiians estupid!!!

Anonymous said...

@Nov 16 9:47pm """ DementiaCRATS! """ LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Police Department cannot help you since the Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda is probably in on it trying to scam people to recoup the money he lost in his failed business attempts. NOW he is in bed with the BPOA president not only business but in a pack attempting to screw the Police Officer's of the City of Brownsville;So the Chief could look good in the eyes of another Thief the City Manager.
