That could be a city project: Cleaning Brownsville, street by street. Neighborhood by neighborhood.
Monday: Take out all your trucks do pick up the tires Tuesday: Take out all your old doors, "tablas", rotten wood Wednesday: Return all HEB them on front of the street Thursday: Place old refrigerators .... city can pick them up. Friday: City picks up all the items placed by residents.
Please send pictures of Dr. Eder wearing his doctor coat with his stethescope wrapped around his neck. He looks very intellectual when he wears that...which is always. He's smarter than Trey Mendez. Trey just has a mere doctor of jurisprudence.
Was this picture taken at Trevi's Drive Thru?
Please send pictures of Tito.
Looks more like that wanna be a doctor's office.
Hopefully that cat eats that hillbilly jotito coco parrot one day!
That could be a city project: Cleaning Brownsville, street by street. Neighborhood by neighborhood.
Monday: Take out all your trucks do pick up the tires
Tuesday: Take out all your old doors, "tablas", rotten wood
Wednesday: Return all HEB them on front of the street
Thursday: Place old refrigerators .... city can pick them up.
Friday: City picks up all the items placed by residents.
Please send pictures of Dr. Eder wearing his doctor coat with his stethescope wrapped around his neck. He looks very intellectual when he wears that...which is always. He's smarter than Trey Mendez. Trey just has a mere doctor of jurisprudence.
The nest pandemic. feral cat fleas and bird flu.
December 25, 2020 at 8:03 PM
The bottom line here is that BOTH are a bunch of pendejos, well da good dr is getting paid while the other pendejo is not puro corte!!!
even the cats are looking for a handout if it was a duck he'd be fat like the elected officials...
pinche pueblo
December 25, 2020 at 4:36 PM
Schdule drawn up by the new city engineer WOW at 90k a year!!!
Go look for some more city engineers estupido mayor.
No the cat is looking for that maricon jotito that just came out of the closet.
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